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Video demo: Configuring Kerberos delegation for Monitoring Server

Aktualisiert: 2009-10-29

This video demonstration walks through the steps necessary to configure Kerberos delegation for PerformancePoint Monitoring Server. This includes:

  • Configuring SharePoint Products and Technologies for Kerberos delegation

  • Setting the NT Authentication Provider property value

  • Updating the Web.config files for the associated Web sites

  • Configuring the application pool accounts to be trusted for delegation

  • Setting Service Principal Names

  • Enabling Integrated Windows authentication in Windows Explorer on client computers

To watch the video, click View: Configuring Kerberos Delegation with PerformancePoint Monitoring Server (

To download the video, click Download: Configuring Kerberos Delegation with PerformancePoint Monitoring Server (


We recommend configuring constrained delegation for best security. While the video demonstration does not cover the steps to configure constrained delegation, the required procedures are covered in Konfigurieren von Monitoring Server-Voraussetzungen für die Kerberos-Authentifizierung.