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Ausführen des Migrationsskripts 1 zum Überprüfen der Project Server 2003-Daten


Gilt für: Project Server 2010

Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2013-12-18

Das Migrationsskript 1 ist eines von mehreren Migrationsskripts, die in der virtuellen Migrationsumgebung (Virtual Migration Environment, VME) von Project Server enthalten sind. Diese Skripts helfen Ihnen beim Migrieren von Microsoft Office Project Server 2003-Daten. Wenn Sie dieses Skript für die Project Server 2003-Datenbank ausführen, können Sie mögliche Fehler erkennen, die die erfolgreiche Ausführung des Migrationsprozesses verhindern würden. Mit diesem SQL Server-Skript wird nur aus der Project Server 2003-Datenbank gelesen (und nicht in die Project Server 2003-Datenbank geschrieben).


Dieses Skript ist eines von mehreren Prä-Migrations-Skripts, die in der VME von Project Server enthalten sind. Das Ausführen der Skripts ist optional, aber sehr empfehlenswert, weil damit Probleme erkannt werden können, die eine erfolgreiche Migration der Daten verhindern können. Weitere Informationen zu den verfügbaren Prä-Migrations-Skripts finden Sie unter Project Server VME: Ausführen von Prä-Migrations-Skripts (optional).

Die folgenden Probleme werden von dem Skript identifiziert:

  • Version der Project Server 2003-Datenbank (muss vor der Migration SP3 sein)

  • Ausgecheckte Projekte

  • Extern bearbeitete Projekte

  • Ausstehende Statusaktualisierungen für Projekte

  • Doppelt vorkommende Enterprise-Ressourcen

  • Doppelt vorkommende Enterprise-Ressourcen in Projekten

  • Enterprise-Global-Vorlage wurde extern bearbeitet

  • Enterprise-Global-Vorlage ist ausgecheckt

  • Enterprise-Global-Vorlage ist gesperrt

  • Standardsprache ist unterschiedlich in Projekttabellen und Webtabellen

  • Ressource weist ein Komma im Namen auf

  • Erforderliche benutzerdefinierte Felder für Enterprise-Ressourcen enthalten keine Werte

  • Erforderliche benutzerdefinierte Felder für Enterprise-Ressourcen enthalten Werte, die nicht in der Definition der Nachschlagetabelle enthalten sind

  • Enterprise-Ressourcen wurden extern bearbeitet

  • Benutzerdefinierte Enterprise-Ressourcendauerfelder weisen Wertelisten auf

  • Benutzerdefinierte Enterprise-Ressourcendauerfelder enthalten ungültige Werte

So führen Sie Skript 1 aus

  1. Klicken Sie auf dem VME-Desktop auf Start Migration Process. Ein Windows Explorer-Fenster mit dem Inhalt von Laufwerk E: wird angezeigt.

  2. Doppelklicken Sie in Windows Explorer auf den folgenden Ordner:

    • Wenn Sie eine einzige Project Server 2003-Datenbank verwenden, öffnen Sie den Ordner Migrate_Proj_2003_Single_DB.

    • Wenn Sie geteilte Project Server 2003-Datenbanken verwenden, öffnen Sie Migrate_Proj_2003_Split_DB.

  3. Öffnen Sie den Ordner Verification Scripts, und klicken Sie auf VME Script 1.sql. Dadurch wird SQL Server Management Studio und Skript 1 angezeigt.

  4. Klicken Sie auf Ausführen, um das Skript auszuführen.

  5. Überprüfen Sie die Ergebnisse des Skripts. Führen Sie ggf. die geeigneten Korrekturmaßnahmen durch.


Weitere Informationen zu Datenüberprüfungsschritten und Korrekturmaßnahmen in Project Server 2003 finden Sie unter Beheben von mit dem Prä-Migrations-Skript A1 identifizierten Datenproblemen (Project Server 2010).

Korrekturen an der Project Server 2003-Datenbank müssen Sie über Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 in der Project Server 2003-Umgebung durchführen. Nachdem Sie alle Korrekturmaßnahmen durchgeführt haben, erstellen Sie eine Sicherungskopie der Project Server 2003-Datenbank. Anschließend verwenden Sie die Verfahren in Laden von Daten in die virtuelle Migrationsumgebung (VME) von Project Server, um die aktualisierte Datenbank auf dem virtuellen Computer in der VME wiederherzustellen. Danach können Sie Skript 1 für die aktualisierte Datenbank erneut ausführen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Probleme behoben wurden.

Skript 1

Skript 1 enthält den folgenden Code:

/* Pre-Migration Steps from Project 2003 SP3 to Project 2007 SP2
USE Project2003SourceDB

/* Check Project 2003 Version: Must be SP3 = 11.3
select replace(str(WADMIN_VERSION_MAJOR)+'.'+str(WADMIN_VERSION_MINOR),' ','') 
as 'Project Server Version SP3 Must Be 11.3 or Higher. If not, upgrade your 2003 database to SP3' 
from dbo.MSP_WEB_ADMIN
/* Display the projects checked out?
select PROJ_NAME AS 'List of Projects Checked-out: Must be Fixed'
from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_CHECKEDOUT = 1 and PROJ_TYPE in (0, 1)
/* Display the projects Externally Edited?
select PROJ_NAME AS 'List of Projects Externally Edited: Must be Fixed' 
from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where (PROJ_EXT_EDITED = 1 or RESERVED_BINARY_DATA is null) and PROJ_TYPE in (0, 1)
/* Determining whether projects have status updates pending
select distinct PROJ_NAME AS 'List of Projects with Status Updates Pending: Must be Fixed' 
dbo.MSP_WEB_PROJECTS wp where wa.WPROJ_ID = wp.WPROJ_ID 
and trans.WASSN_ID = wa.WASSN_ID and trans.WTRANS_STATE in (0, 1, 2)
/* Determining whether there are duplicate Enterprise Resources
select res_uid, res_name AS 'Duplicate Enterprise Resources: Must be Fixed' from msp_resources 
where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 
inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) 
where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 
and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id = 1 order by res_name asc

/* Determining whether there are duplicate Enterprise Resources
Check for duplicate enterprise resources used in your projects
select  distinct res_name AS 'Duplicate Enterprise Resources Used in Projects: Must be Fixed', res_euid 
from msp_resources 
where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 
inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME 
and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 
and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id <> 1 and res_euid is not null  
order by res_name, res_euid asc

/* Enterprise Global template should not be externally edited
select PROJ_NAME 'Enterprise Global Template Externally Edited: Must be Fixed' from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS 
and PROJ_TYPE = 2

/* Determining whether the Enterprise Global template is checked out
select count(*) AS 'Enterprise Global Template Checked Out: Must be Fixed' from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS 

/* Determining whether the Enterprise Global template is locked
select cast(isnull(PROJ_LOCKED, '0') as int) AS 'Enterprise Global Template Is Locked: Must be Fixed'
 from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2

/* Determining whether the default language on the Web tables database and Project tables database should match
select WADMIN_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE As 'The Deafault Language on Web and Project Tables should Match: Must be Fixed' 
from dbo.MSP_WEB_ADMIN

/* Determining whether a resource has a comma in its name
select RES_NAME 'List of Resources With a Comma in the Name: Not Allowed: Must be Fixed' 
from MSP_RESOURCES where RES_NAME is not null and charindex(',', RES_NAME) > 0

/* Determining whether required enterprise resource custom fields do not have values
declare @eglobal_proj_id int
set @eglobal_proj_id = (select PROJ_ID from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2)

   r1.RES_NAME as 'Resource Name', 
   ast1.AS_VALUE as 'Custom Field Name with NO VALUE: Must be Fixed'
   inner join dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID 
   and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID 
   and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   left join (
         fa.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID as OC_FIELD_ID, 
         @eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID 
         dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc
         inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID 
         and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)
         oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212
   ) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID 
   and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   r1.PROJ_ID = 1 
   and cf1.proj_id = 1 
   and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
   and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206
   and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id
   and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id
   and oc1.CODE_UID is null 
   and oc2.CODE_UID is null
order by 

/* Determining whether a resource custom field has a value which is not in the lookup table definition
declare @eglobal_proj_id int
set @eglobal_proj_id = (select PROJ_ID from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2)

   r1.RES_NAME AS 'Resource Name', 
   ast1.AS_VALUE AS 'Custom Field Name with Invalid Value: Must be Fixed'
   inner join dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)
   left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID 
   and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   left join (
         fa.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID as OC_FIELD_ID, 
         @eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID 
         dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc
         inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID 
         and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)
         oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212
   ) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID 
   and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   r1.PROJ_ID = 1 
   and cf1.proj_id = 1 
   and cf1.code_uid is not null
   and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
   and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206
   and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id
   and oc1.CODE_UID is null 
   and oc2.CODE_UID is null
   inner join dbo.MSP_MV_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)
   inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)
   left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID 
   and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   left join (
         fa.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID as OC_FIELD_ID, 
         @eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID 
         dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc
         inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID 
         and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)
         oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
         and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212
   ) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID 
   and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)
   r1.PROJ_ID = 1 
   and cf1.proj_id = 1 
   and cf1.code_uid is not null
   and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id 
   and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206
   and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id
   and oc1.CODE_UID is null 
   and oc2.CODE_UID is null
order by 

/* Determining whether Enterprise resources are externally edited
select count(*) AS 'Number of Enterprise Resources Externally Edited: Must be Fixed' 
from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES  
where PROJ_ID = 1 and  cast(EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA as varchar(1)) = '1'

/* Determining whether There are Enterprise Resource Duration Custom Fields with Value Lists
declare @proj_id int
set @proj_id = (select proj_id from msp_projects where proj_type = 2)
select ats.as_value as 'Enterprise Resource Duration Custom Field with Value Lists: Must be Fixed' 
from msp_attribute_strings ats
inner join msp_field_attributes fa on (fa.proj_id = ats.proj_id and fa.as_id = ats.as_id)
where fa.attrib_id = 206 and fa.proj_id = @proj_id 
and fa.attrib_field_id >= 205521382 and fa.attrib_field_id <= 205521391
and exists (select * from msp_field_attributes fa2 
where fa2.proj_id = fa.proj_id and fa2.attrib_field_id = fa.attrib_field_id 
and fa2.attrib_id = 210)

/* Determining whether Enterprise Resource Duration custom fields contain valid values
select r.res_name AS 'Resource Name'
, mas.as_value AS 'Enterprise Resource Duration Custom Field with Invalid Value: Must be Fixed'
 from msp_resources r
inner join msp_duration_fields df on (df.dur_ref_uid = r.res_euid and df.proj_id = r.proj_id)
inner join msp_projects p on (p.proj_type = 2)
inner join msp_field_attributes fa on (fa.proj_id = p.proj_id and fa.attrib_field_id = df.dur_field_id)
inner join msp_attribute_strings mas on (mas.proj_id = p.proj_id and fa.as_id = mas.as_id)
where (dur_value < 0 or dur_value > 34689600) and df.proj_id = 1 and p.proj_type = 2 
and fa.attrib_id = 206
