Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices Namespace
The Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices namespace contains classes that you use when developing custom event providers, custom content formatters, custom delivery protocols, and subscription management interfaces.
Class | Description |
ApplicationEnumeration | Represents the collection of Notification Services applications in a given Notification Services instance. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
DeliveryChannel | Represents a delivery channel in a specified Notification Services instance. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
DeliveryChannelEnumeration | Represents the collection of delivery channels available within a given Notification Services instance. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
Event | Represents a single event. |
EventClass | Represents any event class in an application. This class is used to access the event class metadata, and should not be confused with the Event class, which is used to encapsulate event information for a single event. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
EventClassEnumeration | Represents the collection of event classes in a given Notification Services application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
EventCollector | Collects events into batches, and then writes them to the application database. |
EventLoader | Provides a way to submit XML documents as events. |
InstanceEnumeration | Represents the collection of Notification Services instances hosted on the local computer. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
NotificationClass | Represents a subscription class, as specified for a given application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
NotificationClassEnumeration | Represents the collection of notification classes in a given Notification Services application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
NotificationHeaders | Provides notification header information to a delivery protocol. |
NotificationState | Encapsulates information about a single notification. |
NotificationStatus | Provides notification delivery status information to the distributor. |
NSApplication | Represents a Notification Services application. |
NSDBState | Returns database state information to Notification Services. |
NSException | The exception that is thrown when a Notification Services application error occurs. |
NSInstance | Represents a Notification Services instance. |
NSInstanceDescription | Provides descriptive data about Notification Services instances. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
Protocol | Represents a delivery protocol in a specified Notification Services application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
ProtocolEnumeration | Represents the collection of delivery protocols in a given Notification Services application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
RecipientInfo | Provides information about the target recipient of a notification. |
Subscriber | Represents an individual subscriber in a given Notification Services instance. |
SubscriberDevice | Represents a device that can receive notifications. |
SubscriberDeviceEnumeration | Represents the collection of devices for a given subscriber. |
SubscriberEnumeration | Represents the collection of subscribers in a given Notification Services instance. |
SubscriberLocale | Represents a valid subscriber locale. |
SubscriberLocaleEnumeration | Represents the collection of subscriber locales available within a given Notification Services instance. |
Subscription | Represents a single subscription. |
SubscriptionClass | Represents a subscription class, as specified for a given application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
SubscriptionClassEnumeration | Represents the collection of subscription classes in a given Notification Services application. This class is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
SubscriptionEnumeration | Represents the collection of subscriptions for a given subscriber. |
TimeZone | Represents a valid time zone. Exists to support a set of time zone properties and expose them for use in your subscription management application. |
TimeZoneEnumeration | Represents the collection of time zones available within a given Notification Services instance. This class allows you to populate a time zone drop-down box in your subscription management application. |
Interface | Description |
IApplicationEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the ApplicationEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IContentFormatter | Provides the methods by which the distributor interacts with a custom content formatter. A content formatter is used to format notification data for display. |
IDeliveryChannel | Explicit interface definition for the DeliveryChannel class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IDeliveryChannelEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the DeliveryChannelEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IDeliveryProtocol | Provides a framework for developing a custom delivery protocol, which can be used by one or more delivery channels. A delivery protocol is used to create a notification message and route it to an external delivery system for delivery. |
IEvent | Explicit interface definition for the Event class. |
IEventClass | Explicit interface definition for the EventClass class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IEventClassEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the EventClassEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IEventCollector | Explicit interface definition for the EventCollector class. |
IEventProvider | Provides a framework for developing a hosted continuous event provider. An event provider collects events and submits them to a Notification Services application, where they are matched with subscription information to produce notifications. |
IHttpProtocolProvider | Provides a framework for developing a custom HTTP-based delivery protocol. |
IInstanceEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the InstanceEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
INotificationClass | Explicit interface definition for the NotificationClass class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
INotificationClassEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the NotificationClassEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
INSApplication | Explicit interface definition for the NSApplication class. |
INSInstance | Explicit interface definition for the NSInstance class. |
INSInstanceDescription | Explicit interface definition for the NSInstanceDescription class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
IScheduledEventProvider | Provides the methods by which the event provider host interacts with a hosted scheduled event provider. An event provider collects events and submits them to a Notification Services application, where they are matched with subscription information to produce notifications. |
ISubscriber | Explicit interface definition for the Subscriber class. |
ISubscriberDevice | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriberDevice class. |
ISubscriberDeviceEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriberDeviceEnumeration class. |
ISubscriberEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriberEnumeration class. |
ISubscriberLocale | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriberLocale class. |
ISubscriberLocaleEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriberLocaleEnumeration class. |
ISubscription | Explicit interface definition for the Subscription class. |
ISubscriptionClass | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriptionClass class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
ISubscriptionClassEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriptionClassEnumeration class. This interface is deprecated in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. |
ISubscriptionEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the SubscriptionEnumeration class. |
ITimeZone | Explicit interface definition for the TimeZone class. |
ITimeZoneEnumeration | Explicit interface definition for the TimeZoneEnumeration class. |
Delegate | Description |
NotificationStatusCallback | Used by delivery protocols to return delivery status information back to the distributor. |
NSInstance.ErrorEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle the Error event of an NSInstance. |
StopHandler | Allows an event provider to request termination. |
Enumeration | Description |
NSEventEnum | Contains all events that can be raised by Notification Services. |