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Vorgehensweise: Asynchrones Synchronisieren von Daten (programmgesteuert)

In diesem Thema erfahren Sie, wie ein Abonnement mithilfe der SqlCeReplication-Klasse asynchron synchronisiert werden kann. Die asynchrone Datensynchronisierung ermöglicht es, dass die Anwendung während der Synchronisierung andere Aktionen ausführt. Weitere Informationen zum Verwenden des SqlServerCe-Namespaces finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zum SqlServerCe-Namespace.

So starten Sie die asynchrone Datensynchronisierung

  1. Initialisieren Sie ein SqlCeReplication-Objekt. Sie müssen das Objekt außerhalb aller Methoden deklarieren, damit der Zugriff auf das Objekt möglich ist.

    private SqlCeReplication repl;
  2. Erstellen Sie innerhalb der Methode, die die Synchronisierung startet, eine Instanz des SqlCeReplication-Objekts, und legen Sie dann die Eigenschaften fest, die für die Synchronisierung mit einem Verleger benötigt werden.

    this.repl = new SqlCeReplication();
    repl.InternetUrl = "";
    repl.InternetLogin = "MyInternetLogin";
    repl.InternetPassword = "<password>";
    repl.Publisher = "MyPublisher";
    repl.PublisherDatabase = "MyPublisherDatabase";
    repl.PublisherLogin = "MyPublisherLogin";
    repl.PublisherPassword = "<password>";
    repl.Publication = "MyPublication";
    repl.Subscriber = "MySubscriber";
    repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=MyDatabase.sdf";
  3. Rufen Sie die BeginSynchronize-Methode auf. Hierdurch wird das IAsyncResult-Objekt zurückgegeben. Wenn Sie BeginSynchronize aufrufen, müssen Sie einen AsyncCallback-Ereignishandler und das SqlCeReplication-Objekt übergeben. Das AsyncCallback-Ereignis wird ausgelöst, wenn die Synchronisierung abgeschlossen ist. Sie können zudem Ereignishandler für die Ereignisse OnStartTableUpload, OnStartTableDownload und OnSynchronization übergeben.

    IAsyncResult ar = repl.BeginSynchronize(new AsyncCallback(this.SyncCompletedCallback), new OnStartTableUpload(this.OnStartTableUploadCallback), new OnStartTableDownload(this.OnStartTableDownloadCallback), new OnSynchronization(this.OnSynchronizationCallback), repl);

So werden Synchronisierungsereignisse verarbeitet

  1. AsyncCallback ist das einzige erforderliche Ereignis. Sein einziger Parameter ist IAsyncResult.

    public void SyncCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    { ... }
  2. Die Ereignishandler für OnStartTableUpload und OnStartTableDownload verwenden beide IAsyncResult und den Tabellennamen (in Form einer Zeichenfolge) als Parameter.

    public void OnStartTableUploadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
    { ... }
    public void OnStartTableDownloadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
    { ... }
  3. Der OnSynchronization-Ereignishandler verwendet IAsyncResult und eine ganze Zahl als Parameter, die den Prozentsatz der abgeschlossenen Synchronisierung darstellt.

    public void OnSynchronizationCallback(IAsyncResult ar, int percentComplete)
    { ... }

So beenden Sie die asynchrone Datensynchronisierung

  1. Verwenden Sie innerhalb des AsyncCallback-Ereignishandlers die übergebenen Objekte SqlCeReplication und IAsyncResult, um die EndSynchronize-Methode aufzurufen.

    SqlCeReplication repl = (SqlCeReplication)ar.AsyncState;


In dem folgenden Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie die asynchrone Datensynchronisierung implementiert wird. In dem Beispiel wird SyncStatus verwendet, um die Benutzeroberfläche während der Synchronisierung zu aktualisieren und den Benutzer auf diese Weise über den Synchronisierungsstatus zu informieren. Die Benutzeroberfläche wird aktualisiert, sobald ein Synchronisierungsereignis ausgelöst wird und sobald eine Tabelle geuploadet oder gedownloadet wird. Wenn die Synchronisierung abgeschlossen ist, ruft die Anwendung den Zeitpunkt der letzten erfolgreichen Synchronisierung aus der __sysMergeSubscriptions-Tabelle ab und zeigt die Ergebnisse an.

 public class MyForm : Form
        private string tableName;
        private int percentage;
        private SyncStatus eventStatus;
        private SqlCeReplication repl;
        private EventHandler myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent;

        internal enum SyncStatus

        public MyForm()
            // InitializeComponent();
            this.myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent = new EventHandler(MyUserInterfaceUpdateEvent);

        public void MyUserInterfaceUpdateEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            switch (this.eventStatus)
                case SyncStatus.BeginUpload:
                    //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began uploading table : " + tableName;

                case SyncStatus.PercentComplete:
                    //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Sync with SQL Server is " + percentage.ToString() + "% complete.";

                case SyncStatus.BeginDownload:
                    //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began downloading table : " + tableName;

                case SyncStatus.SyncComplete:
                    //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Synchronization has completed successfully";
                    //this.labelLastSyncValue.Text = GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime().ToString();

        public void SyncCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                SqlCeReplication repl = (SqlCeReplication)ar.AsyncState;


                this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.SyncComplete;
            catch (SqlCeException e)
                // NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
                // method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
                // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
                // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        public void OnStartTableUploadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginUpload;

            // NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            // method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        public void OnSynchronizationCallback(IAsyncResult ar, int percentComplete)
            this.percentage = percentComplete;
            this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.PercentComplete;

            // NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            // method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        public void OnStartTableDownloadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginDownload;

            // NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            // method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        private void ButtonSynchronize_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                this.repl = new SqlCeReplication();
                repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=Test.sdf";

                if (false == File.Exists("Test.sdf"))
                    repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication;
                    repl.Publisher = "MyPublisher";
                    repl.PublisherLogin = "PublisherLogin";
                    repl.PublisherPassword = "<Password>";
                    repl.PublisherDatabase = "AdventureWorksDW";
                    repl.Publication = "AdventureWorksDW";
                    repl.InternetUrl = "";
                    repl.InternetLogin = "MyInternetLogin";
                    repl.InternetPassword = "<Password";
                    repl.Subscriber = "MySubscriber";

                IAsyncResult ar = repl.BeginSynchronize(
                    new AsyncCallback(this.SyncCompletedCallback),
                    new OnStartTableUpload(this.OnStartTableUploadCallback),
                    new OnStartTableDownload(this.OnStartTableDownloadCallback),
                    new OnSynchronization(this.OnSynchronizationCallback), 
            catch (SqlCeException ex)

        public DateTime GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime()
            DateTime localDateTime;
            SqlCeConnection conn = null;
            SqlCeCommand cmd = null;

                conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = Test.sdf");

                cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT LastSuccessfulSync FROM __sysMergeSubscriptions " +
                    "WHERE Publication=@publication";

                cmd.Parameters.Add("@publication", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000);
                cmd.Parameters["@publication"].Value = "AdventureWorksDW";

//Note: LastSuccessfulSync is stored in local time, not UTC time
                localDateTime = (DateTime)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                return localDateTime;
Public Class MyForm
        Inherits Form

        Private myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent As EventHandler
        Private tableName As String
        Private percentage As Integer
        Private eventStatus As SyncStatus
        Private repl As SqlCeReplication

        Friend Enum SyncStatus
        End Enum 'SyncStatus

        Public Sub New()
            ' InitializeComponent();
            Me.myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent = New EventHandler(AddressOf UserInterfaceUpdateEvent)

        End Sub 'New

        Public Sub UserInterfaceUpdateEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
            Select Case Me.eventStatus
                Case SyncStatus.BeginUpload
                    'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began uploading table : " & tableName;

                Case SyncStatus.PercentComplete
                    'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Sync with SQL Server is " & percentage.ToString() & "% complete.";

                Case SyncStatus.BeginDownload
                    'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began downloading table : " & tableName;

                Case SyncStatus.SyncComplete
                    'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Synchronization has completed successfully";
                    'this.labelLastSyncValue.Text = GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime().ToString();
            End Select
        End Sub 'UserInterfaceUpdateEvent

        Public Sub SyncCompletedCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
                Dim repl As SqlCeReplication = CType(ar.AsyncState, SqlCeReplication)


                Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.SyncComplete
            Catch e As SqlCeException
                ' NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
                ' method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
                ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
                ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information
            End Try

        End Sub 'SyncCompletedCallback

        Public Sub OnStartTableUploadCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal tableName As String)
            Me.tableName = tableName
            Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginUpload

            ' NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            ' method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        End Sub 'OnStartTableUploadCallback

        Public Sub OnSynchronizationCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal percentComplete As Integer)
            Me.percentage = percentComplete
            Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.PercentComplete

            ' NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            ' method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        End Sub 'OnSynchronizationCallback

        Public Sub OnStartTableDownloadCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal tableName As String)
            Me.tableName = tableName
            Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginDownload

            ' NOTE: If you want to set Control properties from within this 
            ' method, you must use Control.Invoke method to marshal
            ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

        End Sub 'OnStartTableDownloadCallback

        Private Sub ButtonSynchronize_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
                Me.repl = New SqlCeReplication()
                repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=Test.sdf"

                If False = File.Exists("Test.sdf") Then
                    repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication
                    repl.Publisher = "MyPublisher"
                    repl.PublisherLogin = "PublisherLogin"
                    repl.PublisherPassword = "<Password>"
                    repl.PublisherDatabase = "AdventureWorksDW"
                    repl.Publication = "AdventureWorksDW"
                    repl.InternetUrl = ""
                    repl.InternetLogin = "InternetLogin"
                    repl.InternetPassword = "<Password>"
                    repl.Subscriber = "MySubscriber"
                End If

                Dim ar As IAsyncResult = repl.BeginSynchronize( _
                    New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.SyncCompletedCallback), _
                    New OnStartTableUpload(AddressOf Me.OnStartTableUploadCallback), _
                    New OnStartTableDownload(AddressOf Me.OnStartTableDownloadCallback), _
                    New OnSynchronization(AddressOf Me.OnSynchronizationCallback), repl)

            Catch ex As SqlCeException
            End Try

        End Sub 'ButtonSynchronize_Click

        Public Function GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime() As DateTime
            Dim localDateTime As DateTime

            Dim conn As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
            Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = Nothing

                conn = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = Test.sdf")

                cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT LastSuccessfulSync FROM __sysMergeSubscriptions " & _
                    "WHERE Publication=@publication"

                cmd.Parameters.Add("@publication", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000)
                cmd.Parameters("@publication").Value = "AdventureWorksDW"
'Note: LastSuccessfulSync is stored in local time, not UTC time
                localDateTime = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), DateTime)

                Return localDateTime
            End Try

        End Function 'GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime
    End Class 'MyForm

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Asynchrone Datensynchronisierung
Verwenden der Mergereplikation

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