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GetColumnSQLVARIANT Method

Diese Funktion wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Microsoft SQL Server nicht mehr bereitgestellt. Verwenden Sie diese Funktion beim Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen nicht, und planen Sie das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird.

The GetColumnSQLVARIANT method retrieves a sql_variant column as an array of bytes.


object.GetColumnSQLVARIANT( Row, Column)as Byte


  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.

  • Row
    Long integer that identifies a row by ordinal position.

  • Column
    Long integer that identifies a column by ordinal position.

Prototype (C/C++)

long lRow, 
long lColumn, 
LPVOID *pvData);


A sql_variant representation of the value of a QueryResults2 object result set member


GetColumnSQLVARIANT returns the contents of a sql_variant column in a typeless form. An application written in C++ can then cast the contents of the array into the required data type.

Prior to calling GetColumnSQLVARIANT, call GetColumnSQLVARIANTDataTypeto retrieve the underlying data type of the specified sql_variant column, and then call the GetColumnSQLVARIANTLength method to determine the number of bytes in the column.


//Retrieve the underlying data type and number of bytes in the column.
//Then return the contents of the column.
Long                    lLen;
Void *                  pRetVal;
pQueryRes2out->GetColumnSQLVARIANTDataType(0, 0, _T("T1"),  &str);
pQueryRes2out->GetColumnSQLVARIANTLength(0, 0, _T("T1"),  &lLen);
pQueryRes2out->GetColumnSQLVARIANT(0, 0,  &pRetVal);
_tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"), (TCHAR *)pRetVal);

If an application calls GetColumnSQLVARIANT on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later" are returned.

Applies To: