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Represents an instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is involved in replication. It can take the role of Distributor, Publisher, Subscriber, or any combination of them.

Der ReplicationServer-Typ macht die folgenden Member verfügbar.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode ReplicationServer() () () () Initializes a new instance of the ReplicationServer class.
Öffentliche Methode ReplicationServer(ServerConnection) Initializes a new instance of the ReplicationServer class with the specified connection context that is used to establish a connection with the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode AttachSubscriptionDatabase Attaches a copied subscription database at the Subscriber.
Öffentliche Methode ChangeDistributorPassword(SecureString) Changes the Distributor password, where the new password is supplied as a SecureString object.
Öffentliche Methode ChangeDistributorPassword(String) Changes the Distributor password.
Öffentliche Methode ChangeReplicationServerPasswords(ReplicationSecurityMode, String, SecureString) Changes all stored instances of the password for a login maintained on the replication server using a SecureString object.
Öffentliche Methode ChangeReplicationServerPasswords(ReplicationSecurityMode, String, String) Changes all stored instances of the password for a login maintained on the replication server.
Geschützte Methode CheckValidCreation Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Geschützte Methode CheckValidDefinition Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode CommitPropertyChanges Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode CopySubscriptionDatabase Copies an existing pull subscription database.
Öffentliche Methode Decouple Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode EnumAgentProfiles Returns the replication agent performance profiles supported on the server.
Öffentliche Methode EnumBusinessLogicHandlers Returns the business logic handlers registered at the server.
Öffentliche Methode EnumCurrentPrincipals Returns information for all published databases that are participating in database mirroring.
Öffentliche Methode EnumCustomResolvers Returns all custom conflict resolvers registered on the connected instance of SQL Server.
Öffentliche Methode EnumDistributionDatabases Returns the distribution databases installed when the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server is a Distributor.
Öffentliche Methode EnumDistributionPublishers Returns the Publishers using the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server as their Distributor. 
Öffentliche Methode EnumHeterogeneousColumns Returns the columns in a table on a non-SQL Server Publisher.
Öffentliche Methode EnumHeterogeneousTables Returns the available tables on a non-SQL Server Publisher.
Öffentliche Methode EnumLightPublications Infrastruktur.
Öffentliche Methode EnumRegisteredSubscribers Returns the Subscribers that are registered at a Publisher.
Öffentliche Methode EnumReplicationDatabases Returns the databases enabled for replication.
Öffentliche Methode EnumSubscriberSubscriptions Returns the subscriptions on a Subscriber server.
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode GetChangeCommand Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetCreateCommand Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode GetCurrentPrincipal Returns the current database mirroring principal for the specified publication database.
Geschützte Methode GetDropCommand Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetOriginalPublisher Returns the name of the originating Publisher for a published database participating in a database mirroring session.
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode InstallDistributor(SecureString, DistributionDatabase) Installs a Distributor on the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server, where the password is specified using a SecureString object.
Öffentliche Methode InstallDistributor(String, DistributionDatabase) Installs a Distributor on the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Öffentliche Methode InstallDistributor(String, SecureString) Registers a remote Distributor, where the password is specified using a SecureString object.
Öffentliche Methode InstallDistributor(String, String) Registers a remote Distributor.
Geschützte Methode InternalRefresh Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Load Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode LoadProperties Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode Refresh Reloads the properties of the object. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Script Returns a Transact-SQL script to install or uninstall replication on the server.
Öffentliche Methode ScriptInstallDistributor Returns a Transact-SQL script that installs the Distributor.
Öffentliche Methode ScriptUninstallDistributor Returns a Transact-SQL script that can be used to uninstall the Distributor.
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode UninstallDistributor Uninstalls replication publishing and distribution on the currently connected instance of SQL Server. 

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft AgentCheckupInterval Gets or sets the interval for the Distribution Agent to perform a checkup.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributionDatabase Gets the name of the distribution database for the currently connected instance of SQL Server. 
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributionDatabases Gets the distribution databases defined on the replication server.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributionPublishers Gets the Publishers that use the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server as a Distributor.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributionServer Gets or sets the name of the Distributor for the currently connected instance of SQL Server.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributorAvailable Gets whether the Distributor for the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server is currently connected and available or not.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributorInstalled Gets whether the currently connected instance of SQL Server has a local or remote Distributor. 
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasRemotePublisher Gets whether or not the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server is a Distributor with a remote Publisher. 
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsDistributor Gets whether the currently connected instance of SQL Server is a Distributor or not.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsPublisher Gets whether or not the currently connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server is a Publisher.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Name Gets the name of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft RegisteredSubscribers Gets the Subscribers registered with the Publisher.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ReplicationDatabases Gets the databases enabled for replication in the connected instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (Geerbt von ReplicationObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft WorkingDirectory Gets the working directory used by a Publisher.

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