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The Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom namespace provides Microsoft SQL Server-specific Parser and Script Generator support.


  Klasse Beschreibung
Öffentliche Klasse AddAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the ADD action for the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AddFileSpec Represents single file in ADD FILE FROM clause in ALTER ASSEMBLY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AddMemberAlterRoleAction Represents the add member alter role action.
Öffentliche Klasse AddSearchPropertyListAction Represents the ADD search property list action.
Öffentliche Klasse AddSignatureStatement Represents the ADD SIGNATURE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse AdHocDataSource Represents the ad hoc datasource.
Öffentliche Klasse AdHocTableReference Represents the OPENDATASOURCE (ad-hoc) table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse AlgorithmKeyOption Represents the ALGORITHM option.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterApplicationRoleStatement Represents the alter application role statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAssemblyStatement Represents the ALTER ASSEMBLY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAsymmetricKeyStatement Represents the ALTER ASYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAuthorizationStatement Represents the alter authorization statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAvailabilityGroupAction Represents the action to take for alter availability group.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAvailabilityGroupFailoverAction Represents the failover action to take for alter availability group.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAvailabilityGroupFailoverOption Represents the failover option.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterAvailabilityGroupStatement Represents the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterBrokerPriorityStatement Represents the Alter Broker Priority statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterCertificateStatement Represents the ALTER CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterColumnAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the alter column alter full text index action.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterCreateEndpointStatementBase Represents a common part of CREATE and ALTER ENDPOINT statements.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterCreateServiceStatementBase Represents the CREATE SERVICE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterCredentialStatement Represents the ALTER CREDENTIAL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterCryptographicProviderStatement Represents the ALTER CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseAddFileGroupStatement Represents the ADD FILEGROUP option of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseAddFileStatement Represents the ADD FILE case of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement Alters database audit specification.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseCollateStatement Specifies the COLLATE case of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement Alters database encryption key.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseModifyFileGroupStatement Represents the MODIFY FILEGROUP case of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseModifyFileStatement Modifies the file case from ALTER DATABASE.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseModifyNameStatement Represents the MODIFY NAME case of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseRebuildLogStatement Represents the rebuild log case from ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseRemoveFileGroupStatement Represents the REMOVE FILEGROUP case of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseRemoveFileStatement Represents an ALTER DATABASE statement used to remove a file.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseSetStatement Represents SET case in ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseStatement Represents ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterDatabaseTermination Contains termination information.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterEndpointStatement Represents ALTER ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterEventSessionStatement Represents the Alter Event Session statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFederationStatement Represents an ALTER FEDERATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFullTextCatalogStatement Represents ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFullTextIndexAction Represents altering action for ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFullTextIndexStatement Represents ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFullTextStopListStatement Represents the Alter Fulltext Stoplist statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterFunctionStatement Represents the Alter Function statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterIndexStatement Represents the alter index statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterLoginAddDropCredentialStatement Represents ALTER LOGIN which adds or drops credential name.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterLoginEnableDisableStatement Represents ALTER LOGIN which enables or disables login.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterLoginOptionsStatement Represents ALTER LOGIN which alters options.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterLoginStatement Represents ALTER LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterMasterKeyStatement Represents ALTER MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterMessageTypeStatement Represents ALTER MESSAGE TYPE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterPartitionFunctionStatement Represents ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterPartitionSchemeStatement Represents ALTER PARTITION SCHEME statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterProcedureStatement Represents the alter procedure statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterQueueStatement Represents alter queue statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterRemoteServiceBindingStatement Represents ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterResourceGovernorStatement Represents the Alter Resource Governor Statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterResourcePoolStatement Represents the Alter Resource Pool statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterRoleAction Represents an action in ALTER ROLE.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterRoleStatement Represents the alter role statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterRouteStatement Represents alter route statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterSchemaStatement Represents ALTER SCHEMA statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterSearchPropertyListStatement Represents the ALTER SEARCH PROPERTY LIST statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterSequenceStatement Represents the ALTER SEQUENCE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServerAuditSpecificationStatement Represents alter server audit specification statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServerAuditStatement Alters the server audit statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServerConfigurationStatement Represents the ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServerRoleStatement Represents the ALTER SERVER ROLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServiceMasterKeyStatement Represents the ALTER SERVICE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterServiceStatement Represents the ALTER SERVICE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterSymmetricKeyStatement Represents the ALTER SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableAddTableElementStatement Adds a table element specialization of an alter table statement. Has column and constraint definitions.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableAlterColumnStatement Represents an alter column specialization of an alter table statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableChangeTrackingModificationStatement Modifies the change tracking for a table.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableConstraintModificationStatement Defines modifications to a table constraint.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableDropTableElement Represents an individual element that can be used in alter table drop statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableDropTableElementStatement Drops the table element specialization of Alter Table statement. Has names of columns and constraints to be dropped.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableFileTableNamespaceStatement Represents the alter table file table namespace statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableRebuildStatement Rebuilds indices on a table.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableSetStatement Represents the changes table options for a table.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableStatement Represents the alter table statement base class.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableSwitchStatement Represents the switch specialization of the ALTER TABLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTableTriggerModificationStatement Defines the modifications to a Trigger on a table. Triggers can be enabled or disabled.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterTriggerStatement Represents the ALTER TRIGGER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterUserStatement Represents the alter user statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterViewStatement Represents the ALTER VIEW statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterWorkloadGroupStatement Represents the Alter Workload Group statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AlterXmlSchemaCollectionStatement Represents the alter xml schema collection statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ApplicationRoleOption Represents an application role option.
Öffentliche Klasse ApplicationRoleStatement Represents the application role statement base.
Öffentliche Klasse AssemblyEncryptionSource Represents a reference to an assembly containing key or certificate.
Öffentliche Klasse AssemblyName Represents the CLR assembly names.
Öffentliche Klasse AssemblyOption Represents an assembly option.
Öffentliche Klasse AssemblyStatement Represents the common parts in create and alter assembly statements.
Öffentliche Klasse AssignmentSetClause Represents a SET clause for assignment.
Öffentliche Klasse AsymmetricKeyCreateLoginSource Represents an asymmetric key case in a CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditActionGroupReference Represents an audit group reference.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditActionSpecification Represents a specification for audit action.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditGuidAuditOption Represents the AUDIT_GUID option in a CREATE SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditOption Represents a single option in a CREATE/ALTER SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditSpecificationDetail Represents the base class for the audit action specification and audit action group name.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditSpecificationPart Represents one ADD/DROP clause in audit specification statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditSpecificationStatement Represents the audit specification statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditTarget Represents the audit target in a CREATE/ALTER SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AuditTargetOption Represents the single option for audit target.
Öffentliche Klasse AuthenticationEndpointProtocolOption Represents the AUTHENTICATION HTTP endpoint protocol option.
Öffentliche Klasse AuthenticationPayloadOption Represents the AUTHENTICATION payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse AutoCleanupChangeTrackingOptionDetail Represents the AUTO_CLEANUP part of the CHANGE_TRACKING option in an ALTER DATABASE SET statement.
Öffentliche Klasse AvailabilityGroupOption Represents an availability group option.
Öffentliche Klasse AvailabilityGroupStatement Represents the base for availability group statements.
Öffentliche Klasse AvailabilityModeReplicaOption Represents the replica option for availability mode.
Öffentliche Klasse AvailabilityReplica Represents the declaration of an availability replica.
Öffentliche Klasse AvailabilityReplicaOption Represents an availability replica option.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupCertificateStatement Represents the BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupDatabaseStatement Represents the BACKUP DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupMasterKeyStatement Represents the BACKUP MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupOption Represents a single option in BACKUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupRestoreFileInfo Represents the information about files or file groups being backed up or restored (READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS - 2005 only).
Öffentliche Klasse BackupRestoreMasterKeyStatementBase Represents the common part of BACKUP and RESTORE (SERVICE) MASTER KEY statements.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupServiceMasterKeyStatement Represents the BACKUP SERVICE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupStatement Represents the BACKUP/DUMP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackupTransactionLogStatement Represents the BACKUP LOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BackwardsCompatibleDropIndexClause Represents the old-style clause in DROP INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BeginConversationTimerStatement Represents the BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BeginDialogStatement Represents the BEGIN DIALOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BeginEndBlockStatement Represents a group of statements that start with a BEGIN and end with an END keyword.
Öffentliche Klasse BeginTransactionStatement Represents the begin transaction and begin distributed transaction statements.
Öffentliche Klasse BinaryExpression Represents an expression that has two expressions as children.
Öffentliche Klasse BinaryLiteral Represents a Binary literal.
Öffentliche Klasse BinaryQueryExpression Represents the union that is used in a select statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanBinaryExpression Represents a boolean expression that has two boolean expressions as children.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanComparisonExpression Represents a boolean expression that does a comparison between two scalar expressions.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanExpression Represents the abstract base class of the boolean expressions.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanExpressionSnippet Represents the Boolean expression snippet.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanIsNullExpression Represents IS NULL or IS NOT NULL for a boolean expression.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanNotExpression Represents a NOT boolean expression.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanParenthesisExpression Represents a boolean expression enclosed in parentheses.
Öffentliche Klasse BooleanTernaryExpression Represents a boolean expression that has three expressions as children.
Öffentliche Klasse BoundingBoxParameter Represents the spatial index structured parameter by name.
Öffentliche Klasse BoundingBoxSpatialIndexOption Represents the BOUNDING_BOX option of spatial index.
Öffentliche Klasse BreakStatement Represents the BREAK statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BrokerPriorityParameter Represents the broker priority statement parameters.
Öffentliche Klasse BrokerPriorityStatement Represents the CREATE and ALTER BROKER PRIORITY statements.
Öffentliche Klasse BrowseForClause Represents the FOR BROWSE case.
Öffentliche Klasse BuiltInFunctionTableReference Represents the built in functions as a simple table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse BulkInsertBase Represents the BULK INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BulkInsertOption Represents a single option in BULK INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BulkInsertStatement Represents the BULK INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse BulkOpenRowset Represents the OPENROWSET (BULK ...) table source.
Öffentliche Klasse CallTarget Represents a target of a function call.
Öffentliche Klasse CaseExpression Represents the case expression.
Öffentliche Klasse CastCall Represents the cast call.
Öffentliche Klasse CellsPerObjectSpatialIndexOption Represents the CELLS_PER_OBJECT spatial index option.
Öffentliche Klasse CertificateCreateLoginSource Represents the Certificate case in a CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CertificateOption Represents single SUBJECT or START_DATE or EXPIRE_DATE option in CREATE CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CertificateStatementBase Represents the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeRetentionChangeTrackingOptionDetail Represents the CHANGE_RETENTION part of the CHANGE_TRACKING option in an ALTER DATABASE SET statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeTableChangesTableReference Represents the tracking function CHANGETABLE with CHANGES argument.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeTableVersionTableReference Represents the tracking function CHANGETABLE with VERSION argument.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeTrackingDatabaseOption Represents CHANGE_TRACKING option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeTrackingFullTextIndexOption Represents the CHANGE_TRACKING option in FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ChangeTrackingOptionDetail Represents one detail for ChangeTrackingAlterDatabaseOption.
Öffentliche Klasse CharacterSetPayloadOption Represents the CHARACTER_SET payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse CheckConstraintDefinition Represents a CHECK constraint.
Öffentliche Klasse CheckpointStatement Represents the checkpoint statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ChildObjectName Represents the name of a schema object child.
Öffentliche Klasse CloseCursorStatement Represents the CLOSE cursor statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CloseMasterKeyStatement Represent the CLOSE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CloseSymmetricKeyStatement Represents the CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CoalesceExpression Represents the coalesce expression.
Öffentliche Klasse ColumnDefinition Defines the column-specific properties that apply to Grid objects.
Öffentliche Klasse ColumnDefinitionBase Represents the most basic column definition.
Öffentliche Klasse ColumnReferenceExpression Represents a column. Because of the ambiguity of Sql syntax, we can not distiguish columns from properties without having the Table and type definitions; even then it could be ambiguous. So the column might have trailing properties in the Identifiers.
Öffentliche Klasse ColumnStorageOptions Represents the column storage options.
Öffentliche Klasse ColumnWithSortOrder Represents a column identifier with a sort order.
Öffentliche Klasse CommandSecurityElement80 Represents the security element that has commands.
Öffentliche Klasse CommitTransactionStatement Represents the commit transaction statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CommonTableExpression Represents the common table expression.
Öffentliche Klasse CompositeGroupingSpecification Composes a list of sub-specifications.
Öffentliche Klasse CompressionEndpointProtocolOption Represents the PORTS HTTP endpoint protocol option.
Öffentliche Klasse CompressionPartitionRange Represents a single range in the DATA_COMPRESSION option.
Öffentliche Klasse ComputeClause Represents the compute by clause that can be used in statements like select.
Öffentliche Klasse ComputeFunction Represents the compute function that can be used in compute clause.
Öffentliche Klasse ConstraintDefinition Represents the base class for constraints.
Öffentliche Klasse ContainmentDatabaseOption Represents the database option for containment.
Öffentliche Klasse ContinueStatement Represents the CONTINUE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ContractMessage Represents information about single message in CREATE CONTRACT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ConvertCall Represents the convert call.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateAggregateStatement Represents the CREATE AGGREGATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateApplicationRoleStatement Represents the create application role statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateAssemblyStatement Represents the CREATE ASSEMBLY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateAsymmetricKeyStatement Represents the CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateAvailabilityGroupStatement Represents the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateBrokerPriorityStatement Represents the Create Broker Priority statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateCertificateStatement Represents the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateColumnStoreIndexStatement Represents the create column store index statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateContractStatement Represents the CREATE CONTRACT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateCredentialStatement Represents the CREATE CREDENTIAL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateCryptographicProviderStatement Represents the Create Cryptographic Provider statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement Creates database audit specification.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement Represents the CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateDatabaseStatement Represents the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateDefaultStatement Represents the Create Default statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateEndpointStatement Represents the CREATE ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateEventNotificationStatement Represents the create event notification statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateEventSessionStatement Represents the Create Event Session statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateFederationStatement Represents the CREATE FEDERATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateFullTextCatalogStatement Represents the CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateFullTextIndexStatement Represents the CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateFullTextStopListStatement Represents the CREATE FULLTEXT STOPLIST statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateFunctionStatement Represents the Create Function statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateIndexStatement Represents the create index statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateLoginSource Represents the base class for different login sources in CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateLoginStatement Represents the CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateMasterKeyStatement Represents the CREATE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateMessageTypeStatement Represents the CREATE MESSAGE TYPE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreatePartitionFunctionStatement Represents the CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreatePartitionSchemeStatement Represents the CREATE PARTITION SCHEME statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateProcedureStatement Represents the create procedure statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateQueueStatement Represents the CREATE QUEUE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateRemoteServiceBindingStatement Represents the CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateResourcePoolStatement Represents the Create Resource Pool statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateRoleStatement Represents the create role statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateRouteStatement Represents the create route statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateRuleStatement Represents the Create Rule statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSchemaStatement Represents the create schema statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSearchPropertyListStatement Represents the CREATE SEARCH PROPERTY LIST statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSelectiveXmlIndexStatement Represents the CREATE SELECTIVE XML INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSequenceStatement Represents the CREATE SEQUENCE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateServerAuditSpecificationStatement Represents the CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateServerAuditStatement Creates a server audit.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateServerRoleStatement Represents the CREATE SERVER ROLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateServiceStatement Represents the CREATE SERVICE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSpatialIndexStatement Represents the CREATE SPATIAL INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateStatisticsStatement Represents the create statistics statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSymmetricKeyStatement Represents the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateSynonymStatement Represents the create synonym statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTableStatement Represents the CREATE TABLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTriggerStatement Represents the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTypeStatement Represents the create type statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTypeTableStatement Creates the table type.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTypeUddtStatement Represents the CREATE TYPE statement for user defined data types, the one that derive from Sql types.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateTypeUdtStatement Represents the CREATE TYPE statement for user defined types, the one that derive from CLR types.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateUserStatement Represents the create user statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateViewStatement Represents the CREATE VIEW statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateWorkloadGroupStatement Represents the Create Workload Group statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateXmlIndexStatement Represents the create xml index statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreateXmlSchemaCollectionStatement Represents the create xml schema collection statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CreationDispositionKeyOption Represents the CREATION_DISPOSITION option.
Öffentliche Klasse CredentialStatement Represents the common parts of ALTER and CREATE CREDENTIAL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse CryptoMechanism Represents the decryption mechanism.
Öffentliche Klasse CubeGroupingSpecification Represents the CUBE grouping specification.
Öffentliche Klasse CursorDefaultDatabaseOption Represents the CURSOR_DEFAULT option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse CursorDefinition Represents the cursor definition.
Öffentliche Klasse CursorId Represents the reference to cursor.
Öffentliche Klasse CursorOption Represents a cursor option.
Öffentliche Klasse CursorStatement Represents the base type for open/close/fetch cursor statements.
Öffentliche Klasse DatabaseAuditAction Represents a single action in audit action specification.
Öffentliche Klasse DatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement Represents the base class for statements dealing with an encryption key.
Öffentliche Klasse DatabaseOption Represents the single option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse DataCompressionOption Represents a single data compression option.
Öffentliche Klasse DataModificationSpecification Represents the base class for common options of data modification specifications.
Öffentliche Klasse DataModificationStatement Represents a data modification statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DataModificationTableReference Represents the sub-dml with output clause which serves as table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse DataTypeReference Represents the base data type class.
Öffentliche Klasse DataTypeSequenceOption Represents the sequence Option that defines the data type.
Öffentliche Klasse DbccNamedLiteral Represents the named literal in a DBCC statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DbccOption Represents a DBCC statement option.
Öffentliche Klasse DbccStatement Represents DBCC statement (all variants).
Öffentliche Klasse DeallocateCursorStatement Represents the Deallocate cursor statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DeclareCursorStatement Represents the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DeclareTableVariableBody Represents the body of the declare @variable table variation.
Öffentliche Klasse DeclareTableVariableStatement Represents the declare @variable statement's table variation.
Öffentliche Klasse DeclareVariableElement Represents a single declaration in the body of DeclareVariableStatement.
Öffentliche Klasse DeclareVariableStatement Represents the declare @variable statement except table declarations.
Öffentliche Klasse DefaultConstraintDefinition Represents the default constraint.
Öffentliche Klasse DefaultLiteral Represents the literal for DEFAULT.
Öffentliche Klasse DeleteMergeAction Represents the delete merge action.
Öffentliche Klasse DeleteSpecification Represents the properties for Delete.
Öffentliche Klasse DeleteStatement Represents the delete statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DenyStatement Represents the DENY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DenyStatement80 Represents the deny statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DeviceInfo Represents the information about device used for backup or restore.
Öffentliche Klasse DialogOption Represents a dialog option.
Öffentliche Klasse DiskStatement Represents the DISK statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DiskStatementOption Represents the disk statement option.
Öffentliche Klasse DropAggregateStatement Represents the DROP AGGREGATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the DROP action for ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropApplicationRoleStatement Represents the DROP APPLICATION ROLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropAssemblyStatement Represents the DROP ASSEMBLY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropAsymmetricKeyStatement Represents the DROP ASYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropAvailabilityGroupStatement Represents the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropBrokerPriorityStatement Represents the Drop Broker Priority statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropCertificateStatement Represents the DROP CERTIFICATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropChildObjectsStatement Represents the DROP statement containing child objects (DROP INDEX or STATISTICS).
Öffentliche Klasse DropClusteredConstraintMoveOption Represents the drop clustered constraint move option.
Öffentliche Klasse DropClusteredConstraintOption Represents the abstract base class for drop clustered constraints.
Öffentliche Klasse DropClusteredConstraintStateOption Represents the drop clustered constraints state option.
Öffentliche Klasse DropClusteredConstraintValueOption Represents the drop clustered constraint option with value specified.
Öffentliche Klasse DropContractStatement Represents the DROP CONTRACT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropCredentialStatement Represents the DROP CREDENTIAL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropCryptographicProviderStatement Represents the Drop Cryptographic Provider statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement Represents the DROP DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement Represents the drops database encryption key statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropDatabaseStatement Represents the DROP DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropDefaultStatement Represents the DROP DEFAULT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropEndpointStatement Represents the DROP ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropEventNotificationStatement Represents the DROP EVENT NOTIFICATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropEventSessionStatement Represents the DROP EVENT SESSION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropFederationStatement Represents the DROP FEDERATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropFullTextCatalogStatement Represents the DROP FULLTEXT CATALOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropFullTextIndexStatement Represents the DROP FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropFullTextStopListStatement Represents the Drop Fulltext Stoplist statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropFunctionStatement Represents the DROP FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropIndexClause Represents the relational or xml index in DROP INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropIndexClauseBase Represents the single clause in DROP INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropIndexStatement Represents the DROP INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropLoginStatement Represents the DROP LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropMasterKeyStatement Represents the DROP MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropMemberAlterRoleAction Represents the drop member alter role action.
Öffentliche Klasse DropMessageTypeStatement Represents the DROP MESSAGE TYPE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropObjectsStatement Represents the DROP statement which references list of objects.
Öffentliche Klasse DropPartitionFunctionStatement Represents the DROP PARTITION FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropPartitionSchemeStatement Represents the DROP PARTITION SCHEME statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropProcedureStatement Represents the DROP PROCEDURE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropQueueStatement Represents the DROP QUEUE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropRemoteServiceBindingStatement Represents the DROP REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropResourcePoolStatement Represents the Drop Resource Pool statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropRoleStatement Represents the DROP ROLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropRouteStatement Represents the DROP ROUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropRuleStatement Represents the DROP RULE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSchemaStatement Represents the DROP SCHEMA statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSearchPropertyListAction Represents the DROP search property list action.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSearchPropertyListStatement Represents the DROP SEARCH PROPERTY LIST statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSequenceStatement Represents the DROP SEQUENCE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropServerAuditSpecificationStatement Represents the DROP SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropServerAuditStatement Represents the DROP SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropServerRoleStatement Represents the DROP SERVER ROLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropServiceStatement Represents the DROP SERVICE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSignatureStatement Represents the DROP SIGNATURE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse DropStatisticsStatement Represents the DROP STATISTICS statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSymmetricKeyStatement Represents the DROP SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropSynonymStatement Represents the DROP SYNONYM statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropTableStatement Represents the DROP TABLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropTriggerStatement Represents the DROP TRIGGER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropTypeStatement Represents the DROP TYPE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropUnownedObjectStatement Represents a DROP statement for un-owned objects.
Öffentliche Klasse DropUserStatement Represents the DROP USER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropViewStatement Represents the DROP VIEW statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropWorkloadGroupStatement Represents the DROP WORKLOAD GROUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse DropXmlSchemaCollectionStatement Represents the DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse EnabledDisabledPayloadOption Represents an option which can be either ENABLED or DISABLED.
Öffentliche Klasse EnableDisableTriggerStatement Defines the modifications to triggers. Triggers can be enabled or disabled.
Öffentliche Klasse EncryptionPayloadOption Represents the ENCRYPTION payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse EncryptionSource Represents the base class for different key/certificates sources.
Öffentliche Klasse EndConversationStatement Represents the END CONVERSATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse EndpointAffinity Represents the AFFINITY option in CREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT statements.
Öffentliche Klasse EndpointProtocolOption Represents a single protocol option in CREATE ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse EventDeclaration Represents the event declaration.
Öffentliche Klasse EventDeclarationCompareFunctionParameter Represents the event declaration predicate parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse EventDeclarationSetParameter Represents the event declaration set parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse EventGroupContainer Represents an event type.
Öffentliche Klasse EventNotificationObjectScope Represents the scope of the event notification.
Öffentliche Klasse EventRetentionSessionOption Represents the EVENT_RETENTION_MODE session option.
Öffentliche Klasse EventSessionObjectName Represents object names used in CREATE and ALTER EVENT SESSION statements.
Öffentliche Klasse EventSessionStatement Represents the CREATE and ALTER EVENT SESSION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse EventTypeContainer Represents the event type.
Öffentliche Klasse EventTypeGroupContainer Represents the event type or group.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecutableEntity Represents the base class of all objects that can be executed with an EXECUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecutableProcedureReference Represents a reference to a procedure by name.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecutableStringList Represents the strings for commands that are passed to the EXECUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteAsClause Represents the EXECUTE AS clause.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteAsFunctionOption Represents the execute as function option.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteAsProcedureOption Represents the EXECUTE AS option for Stored Procedures.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteAsStatement Represents the EXECUTE AS statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteAsTriggerOption Represents the EXECUTE AS trigger option.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteContext Represents the security context for execute statements.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteInsertSource Represents the insert source for EXECUTE.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteOption Represents an option to the execute statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteParameter Represents a parameter passed to a procedure in EXECUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteSpecification Represents the EXECUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExecuteStatement Represents the EXECUTE Transact-SQL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ExistsPredicate Represents the EXISTS predicate.
Öffentliche Klasse ExpressionCallTarget Represents an expression target of a function call.
Öffentliche Klasse ExpressionGroupingSpecification Represents an expression on which a grouping operation is performed.
Öffentliche Klasse ExpressionWithSortOrder Represents an expression with a sort order.
Öffentliche Klasse ExtractFromExpression Represents the expression that start with Extract from.
Öffentliche Klasse FailoverModeReplicaOption Represents the replica option for failover mode.
Öffentliche Klasse FederationScheme Represents a federation distribution scheme.
Öffentliche Klasse FetchCursorStatement Represents the FETCH cursor statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FetchType Represents the information about different fetch orientations.
Öffentliche Klasse FileDeclaration Represents a single file declaration in CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FileDeclarationOption Represents a single file declaration option in CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FileEncryptionSource Represents reference to a (executable) file containing key or certificate.
Öffentliche Klasse FileGroupDefinition Represents the filegroup in CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FileGroupOrPartitionScheme Represents a filegroup or a partition scheme.
Öffentliche Klasse FileGrowthFileDeclarationOption Represents the file declaration option for FILEGROWTH.
Öffentliche Klasse FileNameFileDeclarationOption Represents the file declaration option for FILENAME.
Öffentliche Klasse FileStreamDatabaseOption Represents the FILESTREAM option in create and alter database.
Öffentliche Klasse FileStreamOnDropIndexOption Represents the FILESTREAM_ON option in DROP INDEX.
Öffentliche Klasse FileStreamOnTableOption Represents the FILESTREAM_ON table option.
Öffentliche Klasse FileStreamRestoreOption Represents the FileStream option in a restore statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FileTableCollateFileNameTableOption Represents the FILETABLE_COLLATE_FILENAME table option.
Öffentliche Klasse FileTableConstraintNameTableOption Represents the file table constraint name table option.
Öffentliche Klasse FileTableDirectoryTableOption Represents the FILETABLE_DIRECTORY table option.
Öffentliche Klasse ForceSeekTableHint Represents the force seek hint.
Öffentliche Klasse ForClause Represents the base class for different FOR clauses in SELECT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ForeignKeyConstraintDefinition Represents the foreign key constraint.
Öffentliche Klasse FromClause Represents the FROM clause in a Query Specification.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextCatalogAndFileGroup Represents the catalog / filegroup option in CREATE FULLTEXT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextCatalogOption Represents a base class for fulltext catalog options.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextCatalogStatement Represents the CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextIndexColumn Represents the column for a full text index.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextIndexOption Represents a single option in CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextPredicate Represents the fulltext predicate.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextStopListAction Represents the action in Alter Fulltext Stoplist Statement.
Öffentliche Klasse FullTextTableReference Represents the FREETEXTTABLE and CONTAINSTABLE table references.
Öffentliche Klasse FunctionCall Represents a function call.
Öffentliche Klasse FunctionCallSetClause Represents the SET clause for function calls.
Öffentliche Klasse FunctionOption Represents a function option.
Öffentliche Klasse FunctionReturnType Represents the function return type.
Öffentliche Klasse FunctionStatementBody Represents the CREATE/ALTER FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GeneralSetCommand Represents a single command in a SET statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GetConversationGroupStatement Represents the GET CONVERSATION GROUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GlobalVariableExpression Represents a global variable expression.
Öffentliche Klasse GoToStatement Represents the GOTO statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GrandTotalGroupingSpecification Represents the grand total grouping specification.
Öffentliche Klasse GrantStatement Represents the GRANT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GrantStatement80 Represents the GRANT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse GridParameter Represents the spatial index structured parameter for GRIDS option.
Öffentliche Klasse GridsSpatialIndexOption Represents the GRIDS spatial index option.
Öffentliche Klasse GroupByClause Represents the group by clause that can be used in statements like select and update.
Öffentliche Klasse GroupingSetsGroupingSpecification Represents the GROUPING SETS grouping specification.
Öffentliche Klasse GroupingSpecification Represents a single grouping specification in GROUP BY clause.
Öffentliche Klasse HadrAvailabilityGroupDatabaseOption Represents the database option for hadr availability group.
Öffentliche Klasse HadrDatabaseOption Represents the database option for HADR.
Öffentliche Klasse HavingClause Represents the having clause that can be used in statements like select.
Öffentliche Klasse Identifier Represents a fragment used to represent an identifier.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentifierDatabaseOption Represents a database option with an identifier value.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentifierLiteral Represents an identifier that is treated as a literal.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentifierOrValueExpression Represents either an Identifer or ValueExpression.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentifierPrincipalOption Represent the options with identifier value in CREATE or ALTER LOGIN or USER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentifierSnippet Represents the identifier of the value snippet.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentityFunctionCall Represents the identity function that can be used in a SelectColumn.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentityOptions Represents the IDENTITY options for column definition in CREATE TABLE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse IdentityValueKeyOption Represents the IDENTITY_VALUE option.
Öffentliche Klasse IfStatement Represents the if statement.
Öffentliche Klasse IIfCall Represents the iif expression.
Öffentliche Klasse IndexExpressionOption Represents the index option that could be an expression.
Öffentliche Klasse IndexOption Represents the index option.
Öffentliche Klasse IndexStatement Represents the base for CREATE INDEX statements.
Öffentliche Klasse IndexStateOption Represents the index option that could be on or off.
Öffentliche Klasse IndexTableHint Represents an INDEX table hint.
Öffentliche Klasse InlineDerivedTable Represents a derived table.
Öffentliche Klasse InlineResultSetDefinition Represents the inline definition of a result set.
Öffentliche Klasse InPredicate Represents the in predicate.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertBulkColumnDefinition Represents a column definition in an INSERT BULK statement.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertBulkStatement Represents the INSERT BULK statement.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertMergeAction Represents the insert merge action.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertSource Represents the base class for source nodes of insert statements.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertSpecification Represents the properties for Insert.
Öffentliche Klasse InsertStatement Represents the INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse IntegerLiteral Represents an Integer literal.
Öffentliche Klasse InternalOpenRowset Represents the OPENROWSET table source.
Öffentliche Klasse IPv4 Represents an IP address (x.x.x.x).
Öffentliche Klasse JoinParenthesisTableReference Represents the parenthesis that can encapsulate a join.
Öffentliche Klasse JoinTableReference Represents the base class for JOIN table references.
Öffentliche Klasse KeyOption Represents the key option in a CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse KeySourceKeyOption Represents the KEY_SOURCE option.
Öffentliche Klasse KillQueryNotificationSubscriptionStatement Represents the kill query notification subscription statement.
Öffentliche Klasse KillStatement Represents the kill statement.
Öffentliche Klasse KillStatsJobStatement Represents the kill stats job statement.
Öffentliche Klasse LabelStatement Represents the Label statement.
Öffentliche Klasse LeftFunctionCall Represents LEFT function call.
Öffentliche Klasse LikePredicate Represents the LIKE predicate.
Öffentliche Klasse LineNoStatement Represents the LINENO statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ListenerIPEndpointProtocolOption Represents LISTENER_IP TCP endpoint protocol option.
Öffentliche Klasse Literal Represents a literal.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralAuditTargetOption Represents the literal audit target option.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralAvailabilityGroupOption Represents the availability group option with a literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralBulkInsertOption Represents the literal value for a single option in BULK INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralDatabaseOption Represents the database option with a literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralEndpointProtocolOption Represents an option which has single string or integer value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralOptimizerHint Represents an optimizer hint, which can be represented as flag with optional literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralPayloadOption Represents a payload option with a single literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralPrincipalOption Represents a literal option in CREATE/ALTER LOGIN/USER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralRange Represents the value of the range.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralReplicaOption Represents a replica option with a literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralSessionOption Represents the integer literal value for event session option.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralStatisticsOption Represents the statistics option.
Öffentliche Klasse LiteralTableHint Represents a table hint with literal value.
Öffentliche Klasse LockEscalationTableOption Represents the lock escalation table option.
Öffentliche Klasse LoginTypePayloadOption Represents the LOGIN_TYPE payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse MasterKeyStatement Represents the master key statement.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxDispatchLatencySessionOption Represents the MAX_DISPATCH_LATENCY event session option.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxLiteral Represents the MAX literal.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxRolloverFilesAuditTargetOption Represents the MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES audit option.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxSizeAuditTargetOption Represents the MAXSIZE option in case of FILE audit target.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxSizeDatabaseOption Represents the maximum size of database option.
Öffentliche Klasse MaxSizeFileDeclarationOption Represents the file declaration value for MAXSIZE.
Öffentliche Klasse MemoryPartitionSessionOption Represents the MEMORY_PARTITION_MODE session option.
Öffentliche Klasse MergeAction Represents an action in a merge statement.
Öffentliche Klasse MergeActionClause Represents the condition and action to take for merge.
Öffentliche Klasse MergeSpecification Represents the merge specification.
Öffentliche Klasse MergeStatement Represents the MERGE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse MessageTypeStatementBase Represents the common parts of CREATE and ALTER MESSAGE TYPE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse MethodSpecifier Represents a method specifier.
Öffentliche Klasse MirrorToClause Represents the MIRROR TO clause BACKUP statement.
Öffentliche Klasse MoneyLiteral Represents a Money literal.
Öffentliche Klasse MoveConversationStatement Represents the MOVE CONVERSATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse MoveRestoreOption Represents the MOVE restore option.
Öffentliche Klasse MoveToDropIndexOption Represents the Move To option in DROP INDEX.
Öffentliche Klasse MultiPartIdentifier Represents a multi-part identifier.
Öffentliche Klasse MultiPartIdentifierCallTarget Represents the target of a call which is a column or CLR property on a column.
Öffentliche Klasse NamedTableReference Represents the table reference to a CTE or schema object.
Öffentliche Klasse NameFileDeclarationOption Represents the file declaration option for NAME or NEWNAME.
Öffentliche Klasse NextValueForExpression Represents the NEXT VALUE FOR expression.
Öffentliche Klasse NullableConstraintDefinition Represents the nullable constraint.
Öffentliche Klasse NullIfExpression Represents the NULLIF expression.
Öffentliche Klasse NullLiteral Represents the nullein NULL-Verweis (Nothing in Visual Basic) literal.
Öffentliche Klasse NumericLiteral Represents a numeric literal.
Öffentliche Klasse OdbcConvertSpecification Represents the Open Database Connectivity (Odbc) convert specification.
Öffentliche Klasse OdbcFunctionCall Represents the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) function call.
Öffentliche Klasse OdbcLiteral Represents an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) formatted literal.
Öffentliche Klasse OdbcQualifiedJoinTableReference Represents the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) qualified join in a FROM clause.
Öffentliche Klasse OffsetClause Represents an offset/fetch filter that can be used in select statements for paging the result set.
Öffentliche Klasse OnFailureAuditOption Represents the ON_FAILURE option in a CREATE/ALTER SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffAssemblyOption Represents an on/off assembly option.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffAuditTargetOption Represents the MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES option in case of FILE audit target.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffDatabaseOption Represents an option which can be set to ON or OFF, in CREATE/ALTER DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffDialogOption Represents an ON/OFF dialog options.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffFullTextCatalogOption Represents an ON/OFF full text catalog options.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffPrincipalOption Represents an option that can be set ON or OFF in CREATE/ALTER LOGIN/USER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffRemoteServiceBindingOption Represents the remote service binding option for ON/OFF options.
Öffentliche Klasse OnOffSessionOption Represents the TRACK_CAUSALITY and STARTUP_STATE event session option.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenCursorStatement Represents the OPEN cursor statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenMasterKeyStatement Represents the OPEN MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenQueryTableReference Represents the OPENQUERY table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenRowsetTableReference Represents the OPENROWSET table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenSymmetricKeyStatement Represents the OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OpenXmlTableReference Represents the OPENXML table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse OptimizeForOptimizerHint Represents the OPTIMIZE FOR optimizer hint.
Öffentliche Klasse OptimizerHint Represents a single optimizer hint.
Öffentliche Klasse OrderBulkInsertOption Represents the ORDER option in BULK INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse OrderByClause Represents the order by clause that can be used in statements like select.
Öffentliche Klasse OutputClause Represents the OUTPUT clause.
Öffentliche Klasse OutputIntoClause Represents the OutputInto clause.
Öffentliche Klasse OverClause Represents the OVER clause.
Öffentliche Klasse PageVerifyDatabaseOption Represents the PAGE_VERIFY option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterizationDatabaseOption Represents the PARAMETERIZATION option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterizedDataTypeReference Represents the data type abstract class that can have parameters.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterlessCall Represents the calls without the parenthesis and parameters.
Öffentliche Klasse ParenthesisExpression Represents an expression enclosed in parentheses.
Öffentliche Klasse ParseCall Represents the parse function call.
Öffentliche Klasse ParseError Represents the error that occurred during parsing.
Öffentliche Klasse PartitionFunctionCall Represents the partition function call.
Öffentliche Klasse PartitionParameterType Represents the parameter type in CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse PartitionSpecifier Represents a partition specifier as expression or ALL.
Öffentliche Klasse PartnerDatabaseOption Represents the PARTNER option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse PasswordAlterPrincipalOption Represents the PASSWORD option in ALTER LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse PasswordCreateLoginSource Represents the password case in CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse PayloadOption Represents a single payload option in CREATE / ALTER ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse Permission Represents the permission that can be used in security statement body.
Öffentliche Klasse PermissionSetAssemblyOption Represents the PERMISSION_SET assembly option.
Öffentliche Klasse PivotedTableReference Represents the pivoted table reference in a FROM clause.
Öffentliche Klasse PortsEndpointProtocolOption Represents the PORTS HTTP endpoint protocol option.
Öffentliche Klasse PredicateSetStatement Represents the various SET {...} { ON | OFF } options in the Transact-SQL grammar.
Öffentliche Klasse PrimaryExpression Represents the abstract base class for primary expressions.
Öffentliche Klasse PrimaryRoleReplicaOption Represents the main role of the replica on the script.
Öffentliche Klasse PrincipalOption Represents the single option in CREATE or ALTER LOGIN or USER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse PrintStatement Represents the print statement.
Öffentliche Klasse Privilege80 Represents a privilege that can be used in a security statement.
Öffentliche Klasse PrivilegeSecurityElement80 Represents the security element that has priviliges.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureOption Represents a Procedure Option.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureParameter Represents a parameter that can be passed into a procedure.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureReference Represents a reference to a procedure by name and number.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureReferenceName Represents a procedure by name, either as the ProcedureReference or contained within a variable.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureStatementBody Represents the CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcedureStatementBodyBase Represents the common propeties in CREATE/ALTER PROC/FUNCTION statements.
Öffentliche Klasse ProcessAffinityRange Represents a single process affinity range in ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ProviderEncryptionSource Represents the reference to an EKM provider.
Öffentliche Klasse ProviderKeyNameKeyOption Represents the PROVIDER_KEY_NAME option.
Öffentliche Klasse QualifiedJoin Represents the qualified join in a FROM clause.
Öffentliche Klasse QueryDerivedTable Represents a derived table.
Öffentliche Klasse QueryExpression Represents the abstract base class for the query expression hierarchy in the select statement.
Öffentliche Klasse QueryParenthesisExpression Represents the parenthesis expression that wraps a QueryExpression.
Öffentliche Klasse QuerySpecification Represents the major part of the SELECT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueDelayAuditOption Represents the QUEUE_DELAY option in the CREATE/ALTER SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueExecuteAsOption Represents the EXECUTE AS option in CREATE/ALTER QUEUE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueOption Represents the base for the QUEUE option.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueProcedureOption Represents the queue option for procedure.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueStatement Represents the base for queue statements.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueStateOption Represents the base for a QUEUE option that has a state.
Öffentliche Klasse QueueValueOption Represents the queue option with a value.
Öffentliche Klasse RaiseErrorLegacyStatement Represents the legacy style of a RAISERROR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RaiseErrorStatement Represents the RAISERROR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ReadOnlyForClause Represents the FOR READ ONLY case used only in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ReadTextStatement Represents the READTEXT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RealLiteral Represents a real literal.
Öffentliche Klasse ReceiveStatement Represents the RECEIVE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ReconfigureStatement Represents the reconfigure statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RecoveryDatabaseOption Represents the RECOVERY option in ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse RemoteServiceBindingOption Represents a remote service binding option.
Öffentliche Klasse RemoteServiceBindingStatementBase Represents the common base for CREATE and ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statements.
Öffentliche Klasse RenameAlterRoleAction Represents the rename alter role action.
Öffentliche Klasse ResourcePoolAffinitySpecification Represents the specification of the resource pool affinity.
Öffentliche Klasse ResourcePoolParameter Represents the resource pool statement parameters.
Öffentliche Klasse ResourcePoolStatement Represents the Create and Alter Resource Pool statements.
Öffentliche Klasse RestoreMasterKeyStatement Represents the RESTORE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RestoreOption Represents a single option in a RESTORE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RestoreServiceMasterKeyStatement Represents a RESTORE SERVICE MASTER KEY statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RestoreStatement Represents the RESTORE/LOAD statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ResultColumnDefinition Represents the column definition of a result set.
Öffentliche Klasse ResultSetDefinition Represents the definition of an individual result set.
Öffentliche Klasse ResultSetsExecuteOption Represents the results set description for EXECUTE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse ReturnStatement Represents the RETURN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RevertStatement Represents the REVERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RevokeStatement Represents the REVOKE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RevokeStatement80 Represents the REVOKE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RightFunctionCall Represents the RIGHT call.
Öffentliche Klasse RolePayloadOption Represents ROLE payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse RoleStatement Represents the ROLE statement base.
Öffentliche Klasse RollbackTransactionStatement Represents the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RollupGroupingSpecification Represents ROLLUP grouping specification.
Öffentliche Klasse RouteOption Represents a single option for CREATE/ALTER ROUTE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse RouteStatement Represents the base for a ROUTE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse RowValue Represents a data for a single row.
Öffentliche Klasse SaveTransactionStatement Represents the SAVE TRANSACTION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarExpression Represents a scalar expression.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarExpressionDialogOption Represents the scalar expression dialog options.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarExpressionRestoreOption Represents a single option with optional value.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarExpressionSequenceOption Represents the sequence option with a scalar expression.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarExpressionSnippet Represents the scalar expression snippet that this class describes.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarFunctionReturnType Represents the return type definition for scalar-valued functions.
Öffentliche Klasse ScalarSubquery Represents the scalar subquery.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaDeclarationItem Represents the information about one column in schema declaration.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaObjectFunctionTableReference Represents a table reference to a table-valued function.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaObjectName Represents a schema object name.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaObjectNameOrValueExpression Represents either a SchemaObjectName or ValueExpression.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaObjectNameSnippet Represents the placeholder for an arbitrary schema object name.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaObjectResultSetDefinition Represents the result set as a reference to an existing schema object or type.
Öffentliche Klasse SchemaPayloadOption Represents the SCHEMA payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse SearchedCaseExpression Represents a searched case expression.
Öffentliche Klasse SearchedWhenClause Represents the WHEN clause of the searched CASE expression.
Öffentliche Klasse SearchPropertyListAction Represents the base class for search property list actions.
Öffentliche Klasse SearchPropertyListFullTextIndexOption Represents the search property list option in FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SecondaryRoleReplicaOption Represents the replica option for secondary role.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityElement80 Represents the security statement body that is common for Grant Deny and Revoke Statements.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityPrincipal Represents the principal that can be used in security statement body.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityStatement Represents the security statement body base class.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityStatementBody80 Represents the security statement body base class.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityTargetObject Represents the target object that can be used in security statement body.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityTargetObjectName Represents the security target object name.
Öffentliche Klasse SecurityUserClause80 Represents the security statement body that is common for Grant Deny and Revoke Statements.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectElement Represents an element in the SELECT clause.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectFunctionReturnType Represents the return type definition for inline table-valued functions.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectInsertSource Represents the insert source for SELECT.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectiveXmlIndexPromotedPath Represents a selective XML index promoted path.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectScalarExpression Represents the column element that is used right after the select keyword.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectSetVariable Represents the setting variable inside a select statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectStarExpression Represents a select * expression.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectStatement Represents a SELECT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SelectStatementSnippet Represents the select statement snippet.
Öffentliche Klasse SemanticTableReference Represents the semantic table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse SendStatement Represents the SEND statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SequenceOption Represents a sequence option.
Öffentliche Klasse SequenceStatement Represents the base class for all sequence statement objects.
Öffentliche Klasse ServerAuditStatement Represents the common base for CREATE and ALTER SERVER audit statements.
Öffentliche Klasse ServiceContract Represents the service contract reference (with optional action).
Öffentliche Klasse SessionOption Represents the event session option.
Öffentliche Klasse SessionTimeoutPayloadOption Represents the SESSION_TIMEOUT payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse SetClause Represents the base class for SET clause.
Öffentliche Klasse SetCommand Represents a single command in a SET statement (e.g. set !language us_english!).
Öffentliche Klasse SetCommandStatement Represents the SET command statement (e.g. SET language us_english).
Öffentliche Klasse SetErrorLevelStatement Represents the SET ERRLVL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetFipsFlaggerCommand Represents the SET FIPS_FLAGGER command.
Öffentliche Klasse SetIdentityInsertStatement Represents the SET IDENTITY_INSERT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetOffsetsStatement Represents the SET OFFSETS statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetOnOffStatement Represents the Set statement ending in an { ON | OFF }.
Öffentliche Klasse SetRowCountStatement Represents the SET ROWCOUNT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetSearchPropertyListAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the SEARCH PROPERTY LIST action for ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetStatisticsStatement Represents the Set Statistics {...} { ON | OFF } options in the TSQL grammar.
Öffentliche Klasse SetStopListAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the STOPLIST action for ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetTextSizeStatement Represents the SET TEXTSIZE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetTransactionIsolationLevelStatement Represents the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetUserStatement Represents the SETUSER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SetVariableStatement Represents the set @local_variable statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ShutdownStatement Represents the SHUTDOWN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SignatureStatementBase Represents the common base for ADD and DROP SIGNATURE statements.
Öffentliche Klasse SimpleAlterFullTextIndexAction Represents the flag action for ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SimpleCaseExpression Represents a simple case expression.
Öffentliche Klasse SimpleWhenClause Represents the WHEN clause of the simple CASE expression.
Öffentliche Klasse SizeFileDeclarationOption Displays the file declaration option for SIZE.
Öffentliche Klasse SoapMethod Represents SOAP method in payload part of CREATE ENDPOINT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse SourceDeclaration Represents the event source declaration name.
Öffentliche Klasse SpatialIndexOption Represents the spatial index option.
Öffentliche Klasse SpatialIndexRegularOption Specifies the spatial index regular options.
Öffentliche Klasse Sql100ScriptGenerator Represents the Sql100 script generator.
Öffentliche Klasse Sql110ScriptGenerator Represents the Sql110 script generator.
Öffentliche Klasse Sql80ScriptGenerator Represents the Sql80 script generator.
Öffentliche Klasse Sql90ScriptGenerator Represents the script generator for T-SQL 90.
Öffentliche Klasse SqlCommandIdentifier Represents the SqlCommandIdentifier.
Öffentliche Klasse SqlDataTypeReference Represents the Sql data type reference.
Öffentliche Klasse SqlScriptGenerator Represents a Sql-specific script generator.
Öffentliche Klasse SqlScriptGeneratorOptions Controls the options for Sql Script Generation.
Öffentliche Klasse StateAuditOption Represents the STATE option in ALTER SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse StatementList Represents a list of statements.
Öffentliche Klasse StatementListSnippet Represents the placeholder for an arbitrary statement list.
Öffentliche Klasse StatementWithCtesAndXmlNamespaces Represents a statement that can begin with a common table expression or xml namespaces.
Öffentliche Klasse StatisticsOption Represents the statistics option.
Öffentliche Klasse StopListFullTextIndexOption Represents a STOPLIST option in FULLTEXT INDEX statement.
Öffentliche Klasse StopRestoreOption Represents STOPATMARK and STOPBEFOREMARK RESTORE options.
Öffentliche Klasse StringLiteral Represents a string literal.
Öffentliche Klasse SubqueryComparisonPredicate Represents the comparison predicates that have subqueries.
Öffentliche Klasse SymmetricKeyStatement Represents common properties for ALTER and CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statements.
Öffentliche Klasse TableDataCompressionOption Represents the table option for DATA_COMPRESSION.
Öffentliche Klasse TableDefinition Represents the common body for defining a table that this class stores.
Öffentliche Klasse TableHint Represents a single table hint.
Öffentliche Klasse TableHintsOptimizerHint Represents the optimizer hint containing table hint.
Öffentliche Klasse TableOption Represents a single table option.
Öffentliche Klasse TableReference Represents a table reference.
Öffentliche Klasse TableReferenceWithAlias Represents a table reference that can have an alias.
Öffentliche Klasse TableReferenceWithAliasAndColumns Represents a table reference that can specify column aliases.
Öffentliche Klasse TableSampleClause Represents the TABLESAMPLE clause.
Öffentliche Klasse TableValuedFunctionReturnType Represents the return type definition for multi-statement table-valued functions.
Öffentliche Klasse TargetDeclaration Represents the target declaration.
Öffentliche Klasse TargetRecoveryTimeDatabaseOption Specifies the target recovery time of the DATABASE option.
Öffentliche Klasse TextModificationStatement Represents the writetext statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ThrowStatement Represents the THROW statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TopRowFilter Represents the top row filter that can be used in select statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TransactionStatement Represents the abstract base class for transaction statements.
Öffentliche Klasse TriggerAction Represents the trigger action.
Öffentliche Klasse TriggerObject Represents information about the trigger being created or altered.
Öffentliche Klasse TriggerOption Represents the trigger option.
Öffentliche Klasse TriggerStatementBody Represents the CREATE/ALTER TRIGGER statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TruncateTableStatement Represents the truncate table statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TryCastCall Represents a class for type conversion call.
Öffentliche Klasse TryCatchStatement Defines the try catch statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TryConvertCall Represents the try_convert function call.
Öffentliche Klasse TryParseCall Represents the try_parse function call.
Öffentliche Klasse TSEqualCall Represents the TSEQUAL function call, which is a Boolean function.
Öffentliche Klasse TSql100Parser Represents the TSql100 parser.
Öffentliche Klasse TSql110Parser Represents the TSql110 parser.
Öffentliche Klasse TSql80Parser Represents the Transact-SQL 80 parser.
Öffentliche Klasse TSql90Parser Represents the Transact-SQL 90 parser.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlAuditEventGroupHelper Exposes the audit event groups.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlAuditEventTypeHelper Exposes the audit event types.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlBatch Represents a batch in T-SQL script.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlConcreteFragmentVisitor Defines the Visit methods that handle the different Transact-SQL script Document Object Model (DOM) object types.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlFragment Represents a token fragment.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlFragmentSnippet Represents a transact-SQL code fragment.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlFragmentVisitor Represents the base visitor for the Transact-SQL script Document Object Model (DOM).
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlParser Represents the Transact-SQL parser.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlParserToken Represents a parser token.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlScript Represents a Transact-SQL sript.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlStatement Represents a single T-SQL statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlStatementSnippet Represents the Transact-SQL code statement.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlTriggerEventGroupHelper Exposes the trigger event groups.
Öffentliche Klasse TSqlTriggerEventTypeHelper Exposes the trigger event types.
Öffentliche Klasse UnaryExpression Represents an expression that has a single expression as a child.
Öffentliche Klasse UniqueConstraintDefinition Represents the unique or primary key constraint. This class translates 80 syntax into 90 syntax, this should be reflected in the AST, if a differentiator is to be written.
Öffentliche Klasse UnpivotedTableReference Represents the unpivoted table reference in a FROM clause.
Öffentliche Klasse UnqualifiedJoin Represents the unqualified JOIN in a FROM clause.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateCall Represents the update function call which is a boolean function for use in triggers.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateDeleteSpecificationBase Represents Base class for Update and Delete Specs.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateForClause Represents FOR UPDATE [columns] case used only in DECLARE CURSOR.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateMergeAction Represents the update merge action.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateSpecification Represents the properties for Update.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateStatement Represents the UPDATE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateStatisticsStatement Represents the UPDATE STATISTICS statement.
Öffentliche Klasse UpdateTextStatement Represents the updatetext statement.
Öffentliche Klasse UseFederationStatement Represents the USE FEDERATION statement.
Öffentliche Klasse UserDataTypeReference Represents the user-defined data types.
Öffentliche Klasse UserDefinedTypeCallTarget Represents the target of a call which is a column or CLR property on a column.
Öffentliche Klasse UserDefinedTypePropertyAccess Represents a property on a Udt.
Öffentliche Klasse UserLoginOption Represents the user login option.
Öffentliche Klasse UserRemoteServiceBindingOption The remote service binding option for USER.
Öffentliche Klasse UserStatement Represents the user statement base.
Öffentliche Klasse UseStatement Represents the USE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse ValueExpression Represents the base class for literals, variables, and global variables.
Öffentliche Klasse ValuesInsertSource Represents the insert source for VALUES.
Öffentliche Klasse VariableMethodCallTableReference Represents a table reference that is a method call on a variable reference.
Öffentliche Klasse VariableReference Represents a reference to a variable.
Öffentliche Klasse VariableTableReference Represents a table reference which is a variable.
Öffentliche Klasse VariableValuePair Represents single variable-value pair in OPTIMIZE FOR optimizer hint.
Öffentliche Klasse ViewOption Represents the View option.
Öffentliche Klasse ViewStatementBody Base class for CREATE/ALTER VIEW statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WaitForStatement Represents the WAITFOR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WaitForSupportedStatement Represents the base class for statements inside WAITFOR statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WhenClause Represents the WHEN clause that is used in the case expression.
Öffentliche Klasse WhereClause Represents the WHERE clause that can be used in statements such as SELECT or UPDATE.
Öffentliche Klasse WhileStatement Represents the WHILE statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WindowDelimiter Represents specification of a window boundary.
Öffentliche Klasse WindowFrameClause Represents the window bounds specification, for windowing aggregates.
Öffentliche Klasse WindowsCreateLoginSource Represents the WINDOWS case in a CREATE LOGIN statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WithCtesAndXmlNamespaces Represents a common construct that can have common table expressions and XML namespaces in it.
Öffentliche Klasse WithinGroupClause Represents the within group clause.
Öffentliche Klasse WitnessDatabaseOption Represents the WITNESS option in the ALTER DATABASE statement, SET case.
Öffentliche Klasse WorkloadGroupImportanceParameter Represents the workload group importance parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse WorkloadGroupParameter Represents the workload group statement parameters.
Öffentliche Klasse WorkloadGroupResourceParameter Represents the workload group statement parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse WorkloadGroupStatement Represents CREATE and ALTER Workload Group Statements.
Öffentliche Klasse WriteTextStatement Represents the WRITETEXT statement.
Öffentliche Klasse WsdlPayloadOption Represents the WSDL payload option.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlDataTypeReference Represents XML data types.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlForClause Represents FOR XML (options) case.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlForClauseOption Represents FOR XML (options) case.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlNamespaces Represents XML namespaces.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlNamespacesAliasElement Represents the alias variation for the xml namespace element.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlNamespacesDefaultElement Represents the default variation for the XML namespace element.
Öffentliche Klasse XmlNamespacesElement Represents an element that is used in defining XML namespace.


  Enumeration Beschreibung
Öffentliche Enumeration AffinityKind Represents the types of endpoint affinity.
Öffentliche Enumeration AllowConnectionsOptionKind Enumerates the allow connections option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterAction Specifies the ALTER action.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterAvailabilityGroupActionType Represents the type's alter availability group actions.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterAvailabilityGroupStatementType Represents the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP statement type.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterCertificateStatementKind Specifies the types of alter certificate statement kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterEventSessionStatementType The types of alter event session statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterFederationKind Specifies the kinds of ALTER FEDERARTION statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterFullTextCatalogAction Specifies the types of alter fulltext catalog action.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterIndexType The possible alter index types.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterMasterKeyOption Specifies the types of alter master key options.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterResourceGovernorCommandType Represents the types of alter resource governor command.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterServiceMasterKeyOption Specifies an alter service master key option.
Öffentliche Enumeration AlterTableAlterColumnOption Specifies the options for alter column version of alter table statement. AddRowGuidCol and DropRowGuidCol can only happen if there is no DataType.
Öffentliche Enumeration ApplicationRoleOptionKind Specifies the possible application role options.
Öffentliche Enumeration AssemblyOptionKind Specifies the assembly option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration AssignmentKind Specifies the kind of assignment.
Öffentliche Enumeration AttachMode Specifies the attach mode.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuditActionGroup Specifies the types of audit action group.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuditFailureActionType Enumerates the audit failure action type.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuditOptionKind Specifies the audit option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuditTargetKind Specifies types of alter indexes.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuditTargetOptionKind Specifies option types for TO FILE case of the CREATE SERVER AUDIT statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuthenticationProtocol Specifies the Windows authentication protocols.
Öffentliche Enumeration AuthenticationTypes Specifies authentication types.
Öffentliche Enumeration AvailabilityGroupOptionKind Enumerates the types of availability group options.
Öffentliche Enumeration AvailabilityModeOptionKind Enumerates the availability mode options.
Öffentliche Enumeration AvailabilityReplicaOptionKind Specifies the possible Availability Replica Options.
Öffentliche Enumeration BackupOptionKind Specifies the kind of backup options.
Öffentliche Enumeration BackupRestoreItemKind Specifies the item types for backup or restore database statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration BinaryExpressionType Specifies the types of scalar expressions that have two expressions as children.
Öffentliche Enumeration BinaryQueryExpressionType Specifies the types of binary query expression.
Öffentliche Enumeration BooleanBinaryExpressionType Represents the types of boolean expressions that have two expressions as children.
Öffentliche Enumeration BooleanComparisonType Specifies the types of comparison expressions.
Öffentliche Enumeration BooleanTernaryExpressionType Specifies the types of expressions that have three expressions as children.
Öffentliche Enumeration BoundingBoxParameterType Specifies the types of bounding box parameter.
Öffentliche Enumeration BrokerPriorityParameterSpecialType Specifies the types of broker priority parameter.
Öffentliche Enumeration BrokerPriorityParameterType Specifies the types of broker priority parameter.
Öffentliche Enumeration BulkInsertOptionKind Specifies the bulk insert option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration CertificateOptionKinds Specifies the certificate options kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration ChangeTrackingOption Specifies the possible change tracking options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ColumnType Specifies the Column Types, used for class Column.
Öffentliche Enumeration CommandOptions Specifies the commands that can be used in security statements.
Öffentliche Enumeration ComputeFunctionType Specifies the possible types for compute function of compute clause.
Öffentliche Enumeration ConstraintEnforcement Specifies how constraints can be enforced.
Öffentliche Enumeration ContainmentOptionKind Specifies the possible containment settings.
Öffentliche Enumeration CryptoMechanismType Specifies the decryption mechanism type.
Öffentliche Enumeration CursorOptionKind Represents the cursor option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration DatabaseAuditActionKind Specifies the database audit action.
Öffentliche Enumeration DatabaseEncryptionKeyAlgorithm Specifies the database encryption key algorithms.
Öffentliche Enumeration DatabaseMirroringEndpointRole Specifies the types of database mirroring endpoint role.
Öffentliche Enumeration DatabaseOptionKind Specifies the kinds of database options.
Öffentliche Enumeration DataCompressionLevel Specifies the data compression level.
Öffentliche Enumeration DbccCommand Specifies the Dbcc commands.
Öffentliche Enumeration DbccOptionKind Specifies the kinds of DBCC options.
Öffentliche Enumeration DeleteUpdateAction Shows the action that will be taken on delete or update.
Öffentliche Enumeration DeviceType Specifies the device types.
Öffentliche Enumeration DialogOptionKind Represents the options for the dialog.
Öffentliche Enumeration DiskStatementOptionKind Represents the different disk statement options.
Öffentliche Enumeration DiskStatementType Represents the disk statement type.
Öffentliche Enumeration DropClusteredConstraintOptionKind Specifies the drop clustered constraint option types.
Öffentliche Enumeration DropSchemaBehavior Specifies the DROP SCHEMA behavior (in case of SQL 2000).
Öffentliche Enumeration EnableDisableOptionType Specifies the types of enable and disable options.
Öffentliche Enumeration EncryptionAlgorithm Specifies the possible algorithms for encryption.
Öffentliche Enumeration EncryptionAlgorithmPreference Specifies the possible values for encryption algorithm preference.
Öffentliche Enumeration EndpointEncryptionSupport Specifies the types of endpoint encryption support.
Öffentliche Enumeration EndpointProtocol Specifies the types of endpoint protocol.
Öffentliche Enumeration EndpointProtocolOptions Specifies the possible endpoint protocol options.
Öffentliche Enumeration EndpointState Specifies the types of endpoint state.
Öffentliche Enumeration EndpointType Specifies the types of endpoint.
Öffentliche Enumeration EventNotificationEventGroup Specifies the types of event group.
Öffentliche Enumeration EventNotificationEventType Specifies the event notification event type.
Öffentliche Enumeration EventNotificationTarget Specifies the event notification targets.
Öffentliche Enumeration EventSessionEventRetentionModeType Specifies the types of event retention modes.
Öffentliche Enumeration EventSessionMemoryPartitionModeType Specifies the types of memory partition mode.
Öffentliche Enumeration ExecuteAsOption Specifies the execute as options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ExecuteOptionKind Specifies the type execute options.
Öffentliche Enumeration FailoverActionOptionKind Represents the types of failover action options.
Öffentliche Enumeration FailoverModeOptionKind Represents the failover mode options.
Öffentliche Enumeration FetchOrientation Specifies possible values for fetch orientation.
Öffentliche Enumeration FileDeclarationOptionKind Specifies the possible File Declaration Option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration FipsComplianceLevel Specifies the Fips 127-2 compliance level.
Öffentliche Enumeration FullTextCatalogOptionKind Specifies a fulltext catalog option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration FullTextFunctionType Specifies the fulltext function types.
Öffentliche Enumeration FullTextIndexOptionKind Specifies the possible Full Text Index Options.
Öffentliche Enumeration FunctionOptionKind Specifies the values for function options.
Öffentliche Enumeration GeneralSetCommandType Specifies the type of set commands with parameter.
Öffentliche Enumeration GridParameterType Specifies the types of grid parameters.
Öffentliche Enumeration GroupByOption Specifies the GROUP BY option.
Öffentliche Enumeration HadrDatabaseOptionKind Represents the types of Hadr database options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ImportanceParameterType Specifies the possible values for importance parameter in CREATE/ALTER WORKLOAD GROUP and CREATE SPATIAL INDEX statements.
Öffentliche Enumeration IndexOptionKind Specifies the possible index options.
Öffentliche Enumeration InsertOption Specifies the type of insert options.
Öffentliche Enumeration IsolationLevel Specifies the isolation levels for SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL command.
Öffentliche Enumeration JoinHint Specifies the types of join hints.
Öffentliche Enumeration KeyOptionKind Specifies the key option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration KeywordCasing Represents the possible ways of casing SQL keywords.
Öffentliche Enumeration LiteralType Specifies the literal type.
Öffentliche Enumeration LockEscalationMethod Specifies the types of lock escalation method.
Öffentliche Enumeration MemoryUnit Specifies the memory units for file declaration options in CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration MergeCondition Specifies the possible values for merge condition.
Öffentliche Enumeration MessageSender Specifies the types of message senders.
Öffentliche Enumeration MessageValidationMethod Specifies the types of message validation methods.
Öffentliche Enumeration ModifyFileGroupOption Specifies the file group modification option.
Öffentliche Enumeration NonTransactedFileStreamAccess Represents the possible non transacted filestream access values.
Öffentliche Enumeration NullNotNull Specifies the optional NULL/NOT NULL constraint in a column definition.
Öffentliche Enumeration OdbcLiteralType Specifies the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) literal types.
Öffentliche Enumeration OptimizerHintKind Specifies the optimizer hints.
Öffentliche Enumeration OptionState Specifies an option state.
Öffentliche Enumeration PageVerifyDatabaseOptionKind Specifies the types of page verify alter database options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ParameterlessCallType Specifies the parameterless call types.
Öffentliche Enumeration ParameterModifier Specifies the types of parameter modifier.
Öffentliche Enumeration ParameterStyle Specifies the parameter styles for external function bodies.
Öffentliche Enumeration PartitionFunctionRange Specifies the partition function ranges.
Öffentliche Enumeration PartnerDatabaseOptionKind Specifies the types of partner alter database options.
Öffentliche Enumeration PayloadOptionKinds Specifies the kinds of payload options.
Öffentliche Enumeration PermissionSetOption Specifies the permission set option.
Öffentliche Enumeration PortTypes Specifies the possible values for port types.
Öffentliche Enumeration PrincipalOptionKind Specifies the kinds of login option.
Öffentliche Enumeration PrincipalType Specifies the principal types that can be used in security statements.
Öffentliche Enumeration PrivilegeType80 Specifies the privilege types that can be used in security statements.
Öffentliche Enumeration ProcedureOptionKind Specifies the types of procedure options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ProcessAffinityType Specifies the type of process affinity in ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration QualifiedJoinType Specifies the types of qualified joins.
Öffentliche Enumeration QueueOptionKind Specifies the queue option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration QuoteType Specifies the possible quote type.
Öffentliche Enumeration RaiseErrorOptions Specifies the RaiseError options.
Öffentliche Enumeration RecoveryDatabaseOptionKind Specifies the kinds of recovery in the alter database options.
Öffentliche Enumeration RemoteServiceBindingOptionKind Specifies the remote service binding options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ResourcePoolAffinityType Enumerates the possible affinity settings of the resource pool.
Öffentliche Enumeration ResourcePoolParameterType Specifies the types of parameters used in a CREATE/ALTER RESOURCE POOL statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration RestoreOptionKind Specifies the kinds of restore option.
Öffentliche Enumeration RestoreStatementKind Specifies the kinds of restore statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration ResultSetsOptionKind Specifies the result sets options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ResultSetType Defines the type of result set that the Execute SQL task can use.
Öffentliche Enumeration RouteOptionKind Specifies the possible route options.
Öffentliche Enumeration SecondaryXmlIndexType Specifies the secondary xml index types.
Öffentliche Enumeration SecurityObjectKind Specifies the types of security objects.
Öffentliche Enumeration SemanticFunctionType Represents the semantic function types.
Öffentliche Enumeration SeparatorType Specifies the possible separator types.
Öffentliche Enumeration SequenceOptionKind Specifies the types of Sequence options.
Öffentliche Enumeration ServiceBrokerOption Specifies the possible service broker options for CREATE DATABASE statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration SessionOptionKind Represents the session option kind.
Öffentliche Enumeration SetOffsets Displays the various types of keywords used in SET OFFSETS statement.
Öffentliche Enumeration SetOptions Specifies the various types of predicate SET options found in SQL.
Öffentliche Enumeration SetStatisticsOptions Represents the various types of predicate SET STATISTICS options found in SQL.
Öffentliche Enumeration SignableElementKind Specifies the types of signable element.
Öffentliche Enumeration SimpleAlterFullTextIndexActionKind Represents the types of alter fulltext index actions.
Öffentliche Enumeration SoapMethodAction Specifies the types of soap method actions.
Öffentliche Enumeration SoapMethodFormat Represents the possible SOAP method formats.
Öffentliche Enumeration SoapMethodSchemas Represents the types of soap method schema.
Öffentliche Enumeration SortOrder Displays how items in a list are sorted.
Öffentliche Enumeration SparseColumnOption Represents the possible values for sparse column options.
Öffentliche Enumeration SpatialIndexingSchemeType Represents the types of spatial indexing scheme.
Öffentliche Enumeration SqlDataTypeOption Specifies the possible data types in Sql. The capitalization of names are influenced by System.Data.SqlDbType.
Öffentliche Enumeration SqlVersion Displays the lists of the versions for Sql.
Öffentliche Enumeration StatisticsOptionKind Represents the possible Statistics options.
Öffentliche Enumeration SubqueryComparisonPredicateType Represents the types of comparison predicates that involve a subquery.
Öffentliche Enumeration TableElementType Specifies the table element type.
Öffentliche Enumeration TableHintKind Represents the types of table hint.
Öffentliche Enumeration TableOptionKind Represents the possible Table Options.
Öffentliche Enumeration TableSampleClauseOption Specifies the table sample clause options.
Öffentliche Enumeration TimeUnit Specifies the possible values of unit of time.
Öffentliche Enumeration TriggerActionType Specifies which data modification statements, when attempted against this table or view, activate the trigger.
Öffentliche Enumeration TriggerEnforcement Specifies the options on enforcement of trigger execution.
Öffentliche Enumeration TriggerOptionKind Displays the possible Trigger options.
Öffentliche Enumeration TriggerScope Represents the types of trigger scope.
Öffentliche Enumeration TriggerType Specifies the type of the trigger.
Öffentliche Enumeration TSqlTokenType Specifies the token type.
Öffentliche Enumeration UnaryExpressionType Specifies the types of scalar expressions that have a single expression as a child.
Öffentliche Enumeration UniqueRowFilter Specifies a unique row filter.
Öffentliche Enumeration UnqualifiedJoinType Specifies an unqualified join type.
Öffentliche Enumeration UserLoginOptionType Represents the possible user login options.
Öffentliche Enumeration UserType80 The privilege types that can be used in security statements.
Öffentliche Enumeration ViewOptionKind The possible View options.
Öffentliche Enumeration WaitForOption Specifies the type of wait.
Öffentliche Enumeration WindowDelimiterType Specifies the type of a window boundary.
Öffentliche Enumeration WindowFrameType Represents the type of the window frame. Specifies whether ROWS or RANGE units are used.
Öffentliche Enumeration WorkloadGroupParameterType Represents the types of workload resource parameters.
Öffentliche Enumeration XmlDataTypeOption Specifies the XML data type.
Öffentliche Enumeration XmlForClauseOptions Specifies XML FOR clause options.