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SMS_FullCollectionMembership Server WMI Class

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The SMS_FullCollectionMembership Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that lists all member resources of a specific collection.

Class SMS_FullCollectionMembership : SMS_BaseClass 
      String AMTFullVersion;
      UInt32 AMTStatus;
      UInt32 ClientType; 
      String CollectionID; 
      String Domain; 
      Boolean IsActive; 
      Boolean IsAlwaysInternet; 
      Boolean IsApproved; 
      Boolean IsAssigned; 
      Boolean IsBlocked; 
      Boolean IsClient; 
      Boolean IsDecommissioned; 
      Boolean IsDirect; 
      Boolean IsInternetEnabled; 
      Boolean IsObsolete; 
      String Name; 
      UInt32 ResourceID; 
      UInt32 ResourceType; 
      String SiteCode; 
      String SMSID;
      Boolean SuppressAutoProvision;


The SMS_FullCollectionMembership class does not define any methods.


  • AMTFullVersion
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Provides the Intel Active Management Technology (Intel AMT) firmware version of this computer. The format is: MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO.

  • AMTStatus
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Status of the Intel AMT component of this computer. Possible values are:

    Value Description




    Computer is not supported.


    Computer is detected.


    Computer is not provisioned.


    Computer is provisioned.

  • ClientType
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Type of client. Possible values are:





  • CollectionID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: [key]

    ID of the collection to which the member belongs.

  • Domain
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Domain to which the resource belongs.

  • IsActive
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client is active.

  • IsAlwaysInternet
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if this is an Internet-facing client.

  • IsApproved
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client is approved.

  • IsAssigned
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client is assigned to any site.

  • IsBlocked
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client is blocked.

  • IsClient
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if this is a client.

  • IsDecommissioned
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the record is deleted.

  • IsDirect
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client is a member through a direct rule, represented by SMS_CollectionRuleDirect Server WMI Class; otherwise false or null.

  • IsInternetEnabled
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true the client can be Internet-enabled.

  • IsObsolete
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    true if this is an obsolete record.

  • Name
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Name of the resource.

  • ResourceID
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: [key]

    Unique ID supplied by Configuration Manager for the resource. This ID is not unique across sites.

  • ResourceType
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Type of resource. Possible values are:

    • System

    • User groups

    • User

  • SiteCode
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: [SizeLimit("3")]

    Site code of the site that created the collection.

    Data type: String

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    Configuration Manager unique ID.

  • SuppressAutoProvision
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read Only

    Qualifiers: None

    When set to true and when this resource belongs to a collection configured for automatic provisioning, prevents the resource from being automatically provisioned by an Out of Band service point.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Read (read-only)

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


Software Distribution Server WMI Classes