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IDWriteTextLayout::HitTestPoint Method

The application calls this function passing in a specific pixel location relative to the top-left location of the layout box and obtains the information about the correspondent hit-test metrics of the text string where the hit-test has occurred. When the specified pixel location is outside the text string, the function sets the output value *isInside to FALSE.


virtual HRESULT HitTestPoint(
  FLOAT  pointX,
  FLOAT  pointY,
  [out]  BOOL * isTrailingHit,
  [out]  BOOL * isInside,
  [out]  DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS * hitTestMetrics
) = 0;


  • pointX
    The pixel location X to hit-test, relative to the top-left location of the layout box.

  • pointY
    The pixel location Y to hit-test, relative to the top-left location of the layout box.

  • isTrailingHit [out]
    An output flag that indicates whether the hit-test location is at the leading or the trailing side of the character. When the output *isInside value is set to FALSE, this value is set according to the output hitTestMetrics->textPosition value to represent the edge closest to the hit-test location.

  • isInside [out]
    An output flag that indicates whether the hit-test location is inside the text string. When FALSE, the position nearest the text's edge is returned.

  • hitTestMetrics [out]
    The output geometry fully enclosing the hit-test location. When the output *isInside value is set to FALSE, this structure represents the geometry enclosing the edge closest to the hit-test location.


Ist Methode erfolgreich, wird "S_OK" zurückgegeben. Andernfalls wird ein HRESULT-Fehlercode zurückgegeben.


Mindestens unterstützter Client

Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista

Mindestens unterstützter Server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008







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