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D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC Structure

Describes a 1D texture.


typedef struct D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC {
  UINT        Width;
  UINT        MipLevels;
  UINT        ArraySize;
  D3D11_USAGE Usage;
  UINT        BindFlags;
  UINT        CPUAccessFlags;
  UINT        MiscFlags;


  • Width
    Typ: UINT

    Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE1D_U_DIMENSION (16384). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

  • MipLevels
    Typ: UINT

    The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in D3D11_TEX1D_SRV. Use 1 for a multisampled texture; or 0 to generate a full set of subtextures.

  • ArraySize
    Typ: UINT

    Number of textures in the array. The range is from 1 to D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE1D_ARRAY_AXIS_DIMENSION (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

  • Format

    Texture format (see DXGI_FORMAT).

  • Usage
    Typ: D3D11_USAGE

    Value that identifies how the texture is to be read from and written to. The most common value is D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; see D3D11_USAGE for all possible values.

  • BindFlags
    Typ: UINT

    Flags (see D3D11_BIND_FLAG) for binding to pipeline stages. The flags can be combined by a logical OR. For a 1D texture, the allowable values are: D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE, D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET and D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL.

  • CPUAccessFlags
    Typ: UINT

    Flags (see D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG) to specify the types of CPU access allowed. Use 0 if CPU access is not required. These flags can be combined with a logical OR.

  • MiscFlags
    Typ: UINT

    Flags (see D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG) that identify other, less common resource options. Use 0 if none of these flags apply. These flags can be combined with a logical OR.


This structure is used in a call to ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D. A helpful derived structure CD3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC is declared in D3D11.h, to help create a texture description.

The texture size range is determined by the feature level at which you create the device and not the Microsoft Direct3D interface version. For example, if you use Microsoft Direct3D 10 hardware at feature level 10 (D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0) and call D3D11CreateDevice to create an ID3D11Device, you must constrain the maximum texture size to D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE1D_U_DIMENSION (8192) when you create your 1D texture.




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Resource Structures