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MFVideoRenderPrefs Enumeration

Contains flags that define how the enhanced video renderer (EVR) displays the video.


typedef enum MFVideoRenderPrefs {
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotRenderBorder       = 0x00000001,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotClipToDevice       = 0x00000002,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowOutputThrottling   = 0x00000004,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceOutputThrottling   = 0x00000008,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceBatching           = 0x00000010,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowBatching           = 0x00000020,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceScaling            = 0x00000040,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowScaling            = 0x00000080,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotRepaintOnStop      = 0x00000100,
  MFVideoRenderPrefs_Mask                    = 0x000000ff 
} MFVideoRenderPrefs;


  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotRenderBorder
    If this flag is set, the EVR does not draw the border color. By default, the EVR draws a border on areas of the destination rectangle that have no video. See IMFVideoDisplayControl::SetBorderColor.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotClipToDevice
    If this flag is set, the EVR does not clip the video when the video window straddles two monitors. By default, if the video window straddles two monitors, the EVR clips the video to the monitor that contains the largest area of video.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowOutputThrottling

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Allow the EVR to limit its output to match GPU bandwidth.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceOutputThrottling

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Force the EVR to limit its output to match GPU bandwidth.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceBatching

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Force the EVR to batch Direct3D Present calls. This optimization enables the system to enter to idle states more frequently, which can reduce power consumption.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowBatching

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Allow the EVR to batch Direct3D Present calls.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_ForceScaling

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Force the EVR to mix the video inside a rectangle that is smaller than the output rectangle. The EVR will then scale the result to the correct output size. The effective resolution will be lower if this setting is applied.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_AllowScaling

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Allow the EVR to mix the video inside a rectangle that is smaller than the output rectangle.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_DoNotRepaintOnStop

    Hinweis  Requires Windows 7 or later.

    Prevent the EVR from repainting the video window after a stop command. By default, the EVR repaints the video window black after a stop command.

  • MFVideoRenderPrefs_Mask
    Bitmask to validate flag values. This value is not a valid flag.


To set these flags, call IMFVideoDisplayControl::SetRenderingPrefs.

The flags named "MFVideoRenderPrefs_Allow..." cause the EVR to use lower-quality settings only when requested by the quality manager. (For more information, see IMFQualityAdvise.) The flags named "MFVideoRenderPrefs_Force..." cause the video mixer to use lower-quality settings regardless of the quality manager.


Mindestens unterstützter Client

Windows Vista

Mindestens unterstützter Server

Windows Server 2008



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Media Foundation Enumerations