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Overview of Models

A model is an instance of a domain model. A model is also referred to as an instance of a domain-specific language. You create a model when you define your domain model. By taking this approach, you can test whether the model works as you expect. After you deploy your domain model, your users can develop their own models from it. The following illustration shows classes and relationships from the Library domain model. For more information about this domain model, see Overview of Library.dsl.

Overview of a Domain Model and a Model

domain language model

The diagram illustrates the following terms:

  1. An instance of the Library domain class.

  2. Link (an instance of the LibraryHasMembers domain relationship).

    The source domain role for this link (and links 3, 4, and 5) is Seattle library.

    The target domain role for this link is Kim Akers.

  3. Link (an instance of the LibraryHasMembers domain relationship).

  4. Link (an instance of the LibraryHasMembers domain relationship).

  5. Link (an instance of the LibraryHasMembers domain relationship).

  6. The relationship (all links between the Library domain class instance and the Person domain class instance).

  7. An instance of the Person domain class that is attached to an instance of the Library domain class.

  8. An instance of the Person domain class that is attached to an instance of the Library domain class.

  9. An instance of the Person domain class that is attached to an instance of the Library domain class.

  10. An instance of the Person domain class that is attached to an instance of the Library domain class.

    Items 7-10 represent the people (instances of the Person domain class) who are attached to the Seattle library (instance of the Library domain class).

See Also


Overview of Domain Models

Overview of Derived Classes and Derived Relationships

Domain-Specific Language Tools Glossary