HR Skills-Speichermetadaten (EDM-Beispielanwendung)
Für die HR Skills-Anwendung wird eine Datenbank verwendet, die unter SQL Server gehostet wird, um Daten für Entitäten und Zuordnungen zu speichern, die auf Entitätsdatenmodell (EDM) aufbauen. Im Thema Human Resources Skills-WinApp (EDM-Beispielanwendung) wird die konzeptionelle Definition von Entitäten und Zuordnungen beschrieben, die von der HR Skills-Anwendung verwendet werden.
In diesem Thema werden die in Datenspeicherschema-Definitionssprache (Store Schema Definition Language, SSDL) definierten Speichermetadaten erläutert. In den Metadaten werden Tabellen und Spalten beschrieben, die zur Unterstützung der HR Skills-Anwendung in der Datenbank implementiert wurden. (In den Zeilen der Tabellen werden Instanzen von Entitäten gespeichert, die von der Anwendung verwendet werden.) Die Namen der Tabellen in der Datenbank entsprechen den Namen der zugehörigen Entitäten im konzeptionellen Schema:
Die Eigenschaften der Entitätstypen im konzeptionellen Schema werden von den Spalten in der Datenbank dargestellt. Die Namen der Spalten korrespondieren mit den Namen der Eigenschaften von Entitäten. Zu den Spalten der Tabelle Skills gehören beispielsweise Folgende:
Die Spalte EmployeeId ist eine Fremdschlüsselspalte, die die Zuordnung zwischen Employees und Skills unterstützt. Bei den Datentypen dieser Eigenschaften im Speichermetadatenschema in SSDL handelt es sich um Typen, die vom SQL Server -Datenbankverwaltungssystem verwendet werden. So lautet beispielsweise der der SkillId im SSDL-Schema zugewiesene Typ uniqueidentifier . Die entsprechende Eigenschaft im CSDL-Schema wird durch eine Guid dargestellt.
Ein in der Datenbank den Spalten SkillName und BriefDescription zugewiesener nvarchar -Typ wird im CSDL-Schema als String dargestellt. Weitere Informationen über das Mapping von EDM-Typen zu Speichertypen finden Sie unter Einfache Typen (EDM) .
Drei Zuordnungen werden sowohl im CSDL- als auch im SSDL-Schema definiert: Skill_Employee, SkillInfo_Skill, Reference_Employee. Diese Zuordnungen verbinden Skills mit Employees, SkillInfo mit Skills, References mit Employees.
Zuordnungen werden in konzeptionellen Schemas und Speicherschemas verwendet, um logische Verbindungen zwischen Entitäten darzustellen. In der Datenbank werden diese Beziehungen mit Primärschlüsseln und Fremdschlüsseln implementiert. SSDL verwendet keine Primär- und Fremdschlüssel. Im SSDL-Schema werden die Deklarationen für in der CSDL-Datei gefundene Zuordnungen wiederholt.
Für die Mappingspezifikation wird die Mapping-Spezifikationssprache (MSL) verwendet, um die Entitäten und Eigenschaften im konzeptionellen Schema Tabellen und Spalten der Datenbank zuzuordnen.
Das SSDL-Schema enthält die Metadaten von Tabellen, die von der HR Skills-Anwendung verwendet werden, sowie die Deklarationen von Zuordnungen zwischen Entitäten. Die folgende Syntax beschreibt das von dieser Anwendung verwendete Speichermodell.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Schema Namespace="HRSkillsModel.Store"
Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient"
<EntityContainer Name="dbo">
<EntitySet Name="Employees" EntityType="HRSkillsModel.Store.Employees" store:Type="Tables" />
<EntitySet Name="References" EntityType="HRSkillsModel.Store.References" store:Type="Tables" />
<EntitySet Name="SkillInfo" EntityType="HRSkillsModel.Store.SkillInfo" store:Type="Tables" />
<EntitySet Name="Skills" EntityType="HRSkillsModel.Store.Skills" store:Type="Tables" />
<AssociationSet Name="Reference_Employee" Association="HRSkillsModel.Store.Reference_Employee">
<End Role="Employees" EntitySet="Employees" />
<End Role="References" EntitySet="References" />
<AssociationSet Name="Skill_Employee" Association="HRSkillsModel.Store.Skill_Employee">
<End Role="Employees" EntitySet="Employees" />
<End Role="Skills" EntitySet="Skills" />
<AssociationSet Name="SkillInfo_Skill" Association="HRSkillsModel.Store.SkillInfo_Skill">
<End Role="Skills" EntitySet="Skills" />
<End Role="SkillInfo" EntitySet="SkillInfo" />
<EntityType Name="Employees">
<PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" />
<Property Name="EmployeeId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="LastName" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="FirstName" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="Alias" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="Email" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="50" />
<EntityType Name="References">
<PropertyRef Name="ReferenceId" />
<Property Name="ReferenceId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="LastName" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="FirstName" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="Position" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="Alias" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="Email" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="EmployeeId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<EntityType Name="SkillInfo">
<PropertyRef Name="SkillInfoId" />
<Property Name="SkillInfoId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="URL" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="250" />
<Property Name="SkillId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<EntityType Name="Skills">
<PropertyRef Name="SkillId" />
<Property Name="SkillId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="EmployeeId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="SkillName" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="50" />
<Property Name="BriefDescription" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" />
<Association Name="Reference_Employee">
<End Role="Employees" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.Employees" Multiplicity="1" />
<End Role="References" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.References" Multiplicity="*" />
<Principal Role="Employees">
<PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" />
<Dependent Role="References">
<PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" />
<Association Name="Skill_Employee">
<End Role="Employees" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.Employees" Multiplicity="1" />
<End Role="Skills" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.Skills" Multiplicity="*" />
<Principal Role="Employees">
<PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" />
<Dependent Role="Skills">
<PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" />
<Association Name="SkillInfo_Skill">
<End Role="Skills" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.Skills" Multiplicity="1" />
<End Role="SkillInfo" Type="HRSkillsModel.Store.SkillInfo" Multiplicity="*" />
<Principal Role="Skills">
<PropertyRef Name="SkillId" />
<Dependent Role="SkillInfo">
<PropertyRef Name="SkillId" />
Das folgende Skript kann zum Erstellen der Datenbank für dieses Beispiel verwendet werden. So erstellen Sie die HRSkills -Datenbank und das Schema mit SQL Server Management Studio:
Zeigen Sie im Menü Datei auf Neu , und klicken Sie dann auf Datenbankmodul-Abfrage .
Geben Sie im Dialogfeld Verbindung mit Datenbankmodul herstellen entweder localhost oder den Namen der SQL Server -Instanz ein, und klicken Sie anschließend auf Verbinden .
Fügen Sie das folgende Transact-SQL-Skript im Abfragefenster ein, und klicken Sie dann auf Ausführen .
USE [master]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'HRSkills')
-- Create the database.
USE HRSkills;
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Employees]')
AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees](
[EmployeeId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Alias] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Email] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[EmployeeId] ASC
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SkillInfo]')
AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SkillInfo](
[SkillInfoId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[URL] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL,
[SkillId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[SkillInfoId] ASC
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[References]')
AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[References](
[ReferenceId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Position] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Alias] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Email] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[EmployeeId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[ReferenceId] ASC
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Skills]')
AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Skills](
[SkillId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[EmployeeId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[SkillName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[BriefDescription] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[SkillId] ASC
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SkillInfo_Skill]')
AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SkillInfo]'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SkillInfo]
REFERENCES [dbo].[Skills] ([SkillId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SkillInfo] CHECK CONSTRAINT [SkillInfo_Skill]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Reference_Employee]')
AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[References]'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[References]
WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [Reference_Employee] FOREIGN KEY([EmployeeId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[References] CHECK CONSTRAINT [Reference_Employee]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Skill_Employee]')
AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Skills]'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Skills] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [Skill_Employee] FOREIGN KEY([EmployeeId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Skills] CHECK CONSTRAINT [Skill_Employee]
USE HRSkills
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('a85006a6-8c60-4b22-a3b8-21cb11851305' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Rodman', 'John', 'jrodman', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('660cfa74-a041-4988-8540-267f0f1cc379' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Bossard', 'David', 'dbossard', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Aaberg', 'Jesper', 'jaaberg', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('24459614-fa32-4d2c-a133-363ba736643c' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Halberg', 'Pernille', 'phalberg', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('94e4f274-0ea2-4c35-90a9-424006276b71' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Haas', 'Jonathan', 'jhaas', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('3e8e578c-6810-48bd-aadb-620edecf988c' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Kahn', 'Wendy', 'wkahn', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('e8de2a50-9907-4147-89e7-7d643d677469' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Magnotta', 'Maureen', 'mmagnotta', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('0c24972a-9746-4d3f-aaab-8c9fb7706525' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Paramasivam', 'Prakash', 'prakparam', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('87e8e737-c56f-4e95-a8af-c0d6ae60532a' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Dickson', 'Holly', 'hdickson', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('4c3631f8-2b98-45d7-8333-c13919d8bfa6' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Hadaya', 'Sagiv', 'shadaya', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('00fcefa4-bf81-4674-81c1-c2de86f0c5f6' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Kim', 'Kari', 'kari3', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('1a20fc12-6ca1-46d2-b9dc-c5c42be8a2b1' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Black', 'Neil', 'nblack', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('f8ed7a26-d4b9-419f-9dd6-c8be4757adf2' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Johnson', 'Brian', 'bjohnson', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('1b09229a-62d1-4019-a4ea-d25c4a2cb511' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Chow', 'Ray', 'rchow', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (EmployeeId, LastName, FirstName, Alias, Email)
VALUES (CAST('3c597d78-6c31-4267-bfea-f49b4e915915' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Kurrmann', 'Benno', 'bkurrmann', '')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('9ed9ec83-fd5e-47eb-95a7-025bd8bfe3c0' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('a85006a6-8c60-4b22-a3b8-21cb11851305' AS uniqueidentifier), 'DirectX', 'This release requires Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express to be installed before proceeding. You can install Visual C# Express from the Visual C# Express Download Page. However, other members of the Visual Studio 2005 line of products, for example Visual Studio 2005 Professional, can co-exist with XNA Game Studio Express (pre-release) on the same computer.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('1646ff0c-bff0-466f-95c0-1fc529dbaf3e' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('87e8e737-c56f-4e95-a8af-c0d6ae60532a' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Host Integration Server', 'Microsoft Host Integration Server provides comprehensive host access and integration, extending Microsoft Windows to other systems by integrating mission-critical host applications, data sources, messaging, and security systems. This enables the reuse of IBM mainframe and midrange data and applications across distributed environments.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('6a00cf87-50b9-4afc-89bf-26ec8e6bf2e2' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('87e8e737-c56f-4e95-a8af-c0d6ae60532a' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Commerce Server', 'Microsoft® Commerce Server is a scalable e-commerce platform that provides ready-to-use features for developing, deploying, managing, and upgrading effective e-commerce applications for the Web. This extensible platform enables you to build solutions that scale with business needs and integrate with existing systems and data. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('67e791ed-acc5-411b-8d42-2988f7ef0020' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('3c597d78-6c31-4267-bfea-f49b4e915915' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Exchange Server', 'Microsoft® Exchange Server is the messaging platform that provides e-mail, scheduling, and the tools for custom collaboration and messaging-service applications. Easily create and manage your business communications both in the office and on the road by using Exchange Server. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('4dbc9a33-d2db-4f38-8de4-2d40dcc77ad5' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier), 'ADO.NET 2.0', 'ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server and XML, as well as to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC. Learn more about the new and enhanced features available in ADO.NET 2.0.
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('7e6fadf0-846d-413a-aeb8-4d9d1ff41b18' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('3e8e578c-6810-48bd-aadb-620edecf988c' AS uniqueidentifier), 'InfoPath', 'The VSTO 2005 SE pre-release product fully integrates the Office InfoPath 2007 form template into the Visual Studio 2005 development environment, so that you can now design the layout of InfoPath forms and write managed code business logic without leaving Visual Studio.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('266547a9-fece-45de-866f-4e59146df63a' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('660cfa74-a041-4988-8540-267f0f1cc379' AS uniqueidentifier), 'BizTalk Server', 'Microsoft® BizTalk Server 2006 includes several business rules samples in its software development kit (SDK). This section provides detailed information about the functionality demonstrated by each business rules sample, instructions for building and running the sample, and the results you can expect.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('792e3a85-fdee-4468-9418-4ef823fdeca7' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('94e4f274-0ea2-4c35-90a9-424006276b71' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Visual Studio', 'Visual Studio 2005 provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:
Be more productive and obtain faster results
Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('ce181dcf-071c-4699-b1d5-51106f5c493e' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('4c3631f8-2b98-45d7-8333-c13919d8bfa6' AS uniqueidentifier), 'TimeSpan', 'TimeSpan Structure
Represents a time interval.
Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('6353f6de-f7ad-403d-addc-55f6dfe05f16' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('f8ed7a26-d4b9-419f-9dd6-c8be4757adf2' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Business Intelligence BI', 'SQL Server 2005 furthers Microsoft leadership in the area of business intelligence (BI) through innovations in scalability, data integration, development tools, and rich analytics. SQL Server 2005 enables scalable BI by putting critical, timely information in the hands of employees across your organization. From the CEO to the information worker, employees will be able to quickly and easily harness data to make better decisions faster. The comprehensive integration, analysis, and reporting capabilities of SQL Server 2005 enable companies to extend the value of their existing applications, regardless of the underlying platform. BI features include enhancements in the following areas:
• An end-to-end integrated business intelligence platform
• Integration Services
• Analysis Services
• Reporting Services
• Integration with the Microsoft Office System
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('70f77e86-4d57-4764-a5f4-6348413a294c' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('e8de2a50-9907-4147-89e7-7d643d677469' AS uniqueidentifier), 'System.Diagnostics', 'The System.Diagnostics namespace provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('c48b9e3f-de94-4612-8285-7b0cca731bd3' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('e8de2a50-9907-4147-89e7-7d643d677469' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Enterprise Data Management', 'SQL Server 2005 makes it simpler and easier to deploy, manage, and optimize enterprise data and analytical applications. As an enterprise data management platform, it provides a single management console that enables data administrators anywhere in your organization to monitor, manage, and tune all of the databases and associated services across your enterprise. It provides an extensible management infrastructure that can be easily programmed using SQL Management Objects, enabling users to customize and extend their management environment and independent software vendors (ISVs) to build additional tools and functionality to further extend the capabilities that come out of the box.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('fbbfae34-84fb-418c-8da6-7bfbc13daf17' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('1b09229a-62d1-4019-a4ea-d25c4a2cb511' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Speech Application Software ', 'Developers can use the Microsoft Speech Application SDK (SASDK) Version 1.1 to quickly and easily add speech interfaces to Microsoft ASP.NET Web applications. The development tools included in the SASDK support the Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) specification.
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('015f2713-e4c0-4ffd-845c-a6ab87e63f06' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier), 'ADO.NET', 'ADO.NET provides a rich set of components for creating distributed, data-sharing applications. It is an integral part of the .NET Framework, providing access to relational data, XML, and application data. ADO.NET supports a variety of development needs, including the creation of database clients and middle-tier business objects used by applications, tools, languages, or Internet browsers.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('e160d711-7972-4c3e-a709-ab103b6fa1bb' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('3e8e578c-6810-48bd-aadb-620edecf988c' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server', 'Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is an extensible, multilayer enterprise firewall and Web cache that helps provide secure, fast, and manageable Internet connectivity. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('3b9c245d-a2df-4e2f-8c48-ac75deda7433' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier), 'SQL Architecture and Design', 'Designing a database requires an understanding of the business functions you want to model. It also requires an understanding of the database concepts and features that you want to use to represent those business functions. Make sure that you accurately design the database to model the business, because it can be time-consuming to significantly change the design of a database after you implement it. A well-designed database also performs better. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('6196b0b1-ee13-4a21-b1fd-b5aa26636fa2' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('00fcefa4-bf81-4674-81c1-c2de86f0c5f6' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Korean Language Version of Visual Studio .NET', 'When you install the re-release of the Korean-language version of Visual Studio 2005 or of Visual Studio .NET from a network folder, the files for the currently installed Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio .NET program are not updated. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('9da8c899-16f1-479f-893e-bb983f7e1bae' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('660cfa74-a041-4988-8540-267f0f1cc379' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Windows Script', 'Windows Script is a comprehensive scripting infrastructure for the Microsoft® Windows® platform. Windows Script provides two script engines, Visual Basic® Scripting Edition and Microsoft JScript®, which can be embedded into Windows Applications. It also provides an extensive array of supporting technologies that makes it easier for script users to script Windows applications.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('6c37f6b2-6865-423e-ac0d-d397dbe07898' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('1a20fc12-6ca1-46d2-b9dc-c5c42be8a2b1' AS uniqueidentifier), 'ADO.NET 2.0', 'ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server and XML, as well as to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC. Learn more about the new and enhanced features available in ADO.NET 2.0. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('52ee6567-b2fa-4426-b227-e4d721fe7e8c' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('24459614-fa32-4d2c-a133-363ba736643c' AS uniqueidentifier), 'MDAC', 'This portion of the MSDN Data Access and Storage Developer Center hosts information on Microsofts native-code data access technologies: ADO, OLEDB, ODBC, and others. Look to this site to get the latest MDAC release and all supported releases, as well as documentation, code samples, support resources, and community.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('e055da34-dc2c-4060-97fd-f4f966e2b185' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('0c24972a-9746-4d3f-aaab-8c9fb7706525' AS uniqueidentifier), 'IIS', 'ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe)
When multiple versions of the .NET Framework are executing side-by-side on a single computer, the ASP.NET ISAPI version mapped to an ASP.NET application determines which version of the common language runtime (CLR) is used for the application. The ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) allows an administrator or installation program to easily update the script maps for an ASP.NET application to point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version that is associated with the tool. The tool can also be used to display the status of all installed versions of ASP. NET, register the ASP.NET version that is coupled with the tool, create client-script directories, and perform other configuration operations.')
INSERT INTO dbo.Skills (SkillId, EmployeeId, SkillName, BriefDescription)
VALUES (CAST('b9ec6b2f-0d66-48cf-a6bc-f8151af3a5c5' AS uniqueidentifier), CAST('1b09229a-62d1-4019-a4ea-d25c4a2cb511' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Speech Server', 'MSS 2004 R2 is Microsofts tool for deploying and managing distributed speech applications that combine Web technologies, speech-processing services, and telephony capabilities in a single, integrated, flexible, cost-effective platform. ')
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('127812a0-37d5-4943-819a-07f999fe9e22' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('e160d711-7972-4c3e-a709-ab103b6fa1bb' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('9453f40f-eb0b-4bed-85c1-0a01b1272c55' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('b9ec6b2f-0d66-48cf-a6bc-f8151af3a5c5' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('25dc27fa-be2d-4d3e-9047-0d39ff3543aa' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('7e6fadf0-846d-413a-aeb8-4d9d1ff41b18' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('946848c5-f148-46cb-9890-134f0e83720e' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('792e3a85-fdee-4468-9418-4ef823fdeca7' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('d8479fb5-53ff-4be7-be56-18c35d13be0d' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('9da8c899-16f1-479f-893e-bb983f7e1bae' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('1922d569-e8fa-4611-a5f8-27a90f9ad98e' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('70f77e86-4d57-4764-a5f4-6348413a294c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('f7448fcf-1ed6-4617-8d24-28f2cdbcf07e' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('9ed9ec83-fd5e-47eb-95a7-025bd8bfe3c0' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('0b65db38-f87f-4b5f-91c8-387fa5e34a9c' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('70f77e86-4d57-4764-a5f4-6348413a294c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('4a190439-d6e8-4457-86c6-38a9826d7fb2' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('9ed9ec83-fd5e-47eb-95a7-025bd8bfe3c0' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('142742af-1dfd-4c72-b891-3ab330cea9b1' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('792e3a85-fdee-4468-9418-4ef823fdeca7' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('f63f4737-52e2-4449-a5ac-42ee7e852b7d' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('fbbfae34-84fb-418c-8da6-7bfbc13daf17' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('a9c1e20f-4342-4c8e-a1d1-591fa42e4ac0' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('266547a9-fece-45de-866f-4e59146df63a' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('b213430c-2ce0-43d7-ade3-6311cb9376ae' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('6c37f6b2-6865-423e-ac0d-d397dbe07898' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('aa41c1d8-52f0-47c4-abd8-638a4759e1a8' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('67e791ed-acc5-411b-8d42-2988f7ef0020' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('c2251c59-a775-42de-8c37-645dd5c6565a' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('52ee6567-b2fa-4426-b227-e4d721fe7e8c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('f864dbc2-9522-4f79-928c-7b73f19272b3' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('52ee6567-b2fa-4426-b227-e4d721fe7e8c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('608367dd-2bf5-4ea1-ab98-7ff179a41602' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('015f2713-e4c0-4ffd-845c-a6ab87e63f06' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('4263d085-c8d1-4ca2-9eca-85271564b930' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('fbbfae34-84fb-418c-8da6-7bfbc13daf17' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('685b13df-80ee-40d2-bb10-862ef7a43545' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('1646ff0c-bff0-466f-95c0-1fc529dbaf3e' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('c2a56a16-96b4-430f-bac7-867945a0ca77' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('4dbc9a33-d2db-4f38-8de4-2d40dcc77ad5' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('dc5f10f6-f1f8-4dfa-ac32-963f10f585bb' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('6196b0b1-ee13-4a21-b1fd-b5aa26636fa2' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('da3d9ff3-7915-4357-9241-9c5f16d41565' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('3b9c245d-a2df-4e2f-8c48-ac75deda7433' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('f6033447-73f1-44ee-8776-a26b4d8f8ded' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('6353f6de-f7ad-403d-addc-55f6dfe05f16' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('9313db12-1bda-4d71-a55e-dcb31898c57b' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('015f2713-e4c0-4ffd-845c-a6ab87e63f06' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('5bb04d87-21fc-49c1-8995-ddb80a7424ed' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('6a00cf87-50b9-4afc-89bf-26ec8e6bf2e2' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('2ae3807e-cdf5-43de-acac-de9d99492ea5' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('e055da34-dc2c-4060-97fd-f4f966e2b185' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('74de84c0-68cb-4095-b68d-e97090a0f849' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('ce181dcf-071c-4699-b1d5-51106f5c493e' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('32616160-18f1-4a9f-9846-f63578896d21' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('70f77e86-4d57-4764-a5f4-6348413a294c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('e058cd8e-ccb4-496c-a486-f7417f81f716' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('52ee6567-b2fa-4426-b227-e4d721fe7e8c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.SkillInfo(SkillInfoId, URL, SkillId)
VALUES (CAST('178059c5-fa63-4255-97ef-f7902c661391' AS uniqueidentifier), '', CAST('c48b9e3f-de94-4612-8285-7b0cca731bd3' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('f1dcb279-df14-4398-bac5-08f21ea4c1ec' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Black', 'Neil', 'PM', 'nblack', '', CAST('4c3631f8-2b98-45d7-8333-c13919d8bfa6' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('18f14c03-7f3a-4789-adcb-10df917f4f48' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Chow', 'Ray', 'SQL Server', '', '', CAST('1a20fc12-6ca1-46d2-b9dc-c5c42be8a2b1' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('68c39623-3b74-424e-9634-202de7ea79df' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Aaberg', 'Jesper', 'Architect', '', '', CAST('94e4f274-0ea2-4c35-90a9-424006276b71' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('ee082f9f-d528-4003-880f-260b2d8e56ab' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Haas', 'Jonathan', 'PM', '', '', CAST('87e8e737-c56f-4e95-a8af-c0d6ae60532a' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('e0fe21f3-07f3-412f-ad73-2f69c4acd751' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Magnotta', 'Maureen', 'IIS Admin', 'mmagnotta', '', CAST('0c24972a-9746-4d3f-aaab-8c9fb7706525' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('bc64a8be-9021-425e-a12a-409b12adcbec' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Kurrmann', 'Benno', 'PM', 'bkurrmann', '', CAST('e8de2a50-9907-4147-89e7-7d643d677469' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('45b91172-6fe1-4edf-8ec6-5c67f04b29c3' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Paiha', 'Domi', 'Developer', 'dpaiha', '', CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('77e562c5-59f8-43fe-952d-6ee7b408dea4' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Haas', 'Jonathan', 'Developer', 'jhaas', '', CAST('3e8e578c-6810-48bd-aadb-620edecf988c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('e191322d-c19b-4db5-9ef8-845b55c8c0c9' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Bossard', 'David', 'PM', 'dbossard', '', CAST('1b09229a-62d1-4019-a4ea-d25c4a2cb511' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('47c1e487-5a58-48fb-8be4-97cfbe349cb8' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Aaberg', 'Jesper', 'Developer', 'dbossard', '', CAST('660cfa74-a041-4988-8540-267f0f1cc379' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('033c555b-9d4d-49e7-8138-97d9d19f0ed5' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Paiha', 'Domi ', 'Developer', 'dpaiha', '', CAST('84ff3e6a-f4d2-4753-ab23-2baf1a6b3f45' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('5892adea-62f9-465e-abd6-d4e30b72a071' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Dickson', 'Holly', 'Dev Lead', 'hdickson', '', CAST('24459614-fa32-4d2c-a133-363ba736643c' AS uniqueidentifier))
INSERT INTO dbo.[References](ReferenceId, LastName, FirstName, Position, Alias, Email, EmployeeId)
VALUES (CAST('88ef8291-3145-40c5-9387-ebbccd508ce1' AS uniqueidentifier), 'Johnson', 'Brian', 'PM', 'bjohnson', '', CAST('3c597d78-6c31-4267-bfea-f49b4e915915' AS uniqueidentifier))
Siehe auch
Human Resources Skills-WinApp (EDM-Beispielanwendung)
HR Skills-Mappingspezifikation (EDM-Beispielanwendung)
HR Skills-Anwendungscode (EDM-Beispielanwendung)