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Information Messages About Team Foundation

The information in this article applies to:

  • Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010

  • Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 

  • SQL Server 2008

  • SharePoint Products

  • Visual Studio Lab Management

  • Servers that are configured and can be reached in the deployment of Team Foundation Server

  • All health check scans

When you scan computers by using the Best Practices Analyzer tool for Team Foundation Server, the tool collects information from a variety of sources. These sources include Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes, registry entries, the metabase for Internet Information Services (IIS), and SQL Server databases. You can best view this information by opening the tree report and drilling down through the various levels of detail.

Each scan reports the information that the tool collects, in addition to any specific information messages. These messages report configuration assignments, such as the version of an installed software component, and deployment configurations, such as the location in which a software component is installed.

In this topic

  • Information Collected by the Tool

  • Information Reported for Prescan Data

  • Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check

  • Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Statistics

Information Collected by the Tool

The tool collects the following categories of information:

  • Scan Environment   Reports scan settings, the scan date, and the version of the scan tool. The tool also reports data that is unavailable for collection. For more information about messages that appear under the Data Unavailable for Collection node, see Access is not available.

  • Prescan Data   Reports information about the servers that are detected as part of the deployment of Team Foundation and information that is accessible for each server. For a summary of the information that the tool collects and the specific messages that it reports, see Information Reported for Prescan Check.

  • Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check   Reports information about the computer, operating system, directory permissions, network, .NET Framework, application pools, Web sites and services, accounts, and the Team Foundation environment. The type of information varies based on the computer that is scanned. For a summary of the information that the tool collects and the specific messages that it reports, see Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check.


    The information that the tool collects and reports also depends on the computer from which you run the scan. When you scan from a client computer, some information is not available. To troubleshoot issues that relate to the application-tier server, you should run the scan from that server. You should also make sure that you have administrative permissions on the servers in the deployment. These permissions will help you avoid warnings and errors about access.

  • Team Foundation Server Statistics   Reports usage data about the volume of data that was stored or accessed in the past 14 days. Includes specific information about database tables that have a tendency to grow and that may need to be reduced in size. For a summary of the information that the tool collects, see Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Statistics.

Information Reported for Prescan Data

The following table summarizes the information that the tool reports under the PreScan Data node.



General Information

Lists information about the computers and software on which the scan is being run, the user who is running the scan, and the data connection strings that identify the servers and databases in the deployment.


Lists information that the tool gathers by running specific rules on the team project collections that the tool can access.

If the tool cannot access the catalog for Team Foundation Server, no information is listed, and no rules are run. For more information, see Access is not available.

Information is recorded for each server that was identified under General Information and that the tool can access.

Team Project CollectionsLists the project collections that were found and the configuration data that is required to perform the scan on each collection.
MachinesRecords the computer name, the domain name, the operating system architecture and version, the IP address, and whether the tool can access WMI. This data corresponds to information rules in the Tfs.MachineHealthCheck.Config file.
Application TiersRecords data about each application-tier server and whether the tool can access the metabase for IIS. This data corresponds to the information rules in the Tfs.ATHealthCheck.Config file.
Data TiersRecords data about each data-tier server. This data corresponds to the information rules in the Tfs.DTHealthCheck.Config file.
Reporting ServersRecords data about each Web site for SQL Server Reporting Services. This data corresponds to information rules in the Tfs.RSHealthCheck.Config file.
Analysis ServersRecords data about each server that is configured to run SQL Server Analysis Services. This data corresponds to information rules in the Tfs.ASHealthCheck.Config file.
SharePoint Web ApplicationsRecords data about each SharePoint Web site. This data corresponds to information rules in the Tfs.WSSHealthCheck.Config file.

Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Health Checks

You can perform a health check on Team Foundation Server by scanning each server in the deployment. These servers host the application tier, the data tier, Team Foundation Build Service, Team Foundation Server Proxy, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, SharePoint Products, and Visual Studio Lab Management.


Some information is not available if you run the scan from a computer other than the computer that you are scanning. For optimal results, you should run the scan from an application-tier server.

The following sections summarize the information that the tool collects and any specific messages that the tool displays in a tree report. The kinds of information vary based on the type of computer that you scan and the type of scan that you run.

  • Machines

  • Team Foundation Server Application Tiers

  • Team Project Collections

  • Team Foundation Server Data Tiers

  • Reporting Servers

  • Analysis Servers

  • SharePoint Web Applications


The following table describes the messages that appear in the tree report under the Machines node, which you can locate by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check. The tool provides information for each server that it detected during the prescan check.



.NET Framework Environment

Reports installation and update information for the .NET Framework. This information includes property assignments for and system.web configuration.

Computer Information

Reports information from the registry about the installed computer components. This information includes the name of the manufacturer and the model, BIOS, processor, cache memory, physical disk, logical disk, volume, and controller information.

OS Information

Reports information about the operating system and settings in the Boot.ini file. This information includes install date and update information.

Event Logs

Reports recent application and system events that were recorded in the event logs.

Network Information

Reports the IP address and information about the computer's network adapter.

Application Tiers for Team Foundation

The following table describes the messages that appear in the tree report under the Team Foundation Server AT node. You can locate this node by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check and then expanding Team Foundation Server Applications. The tool provides information about each server that was identified as an application-tier server during the prescan check.



Team Foundation Server Application Tiers

For each application-tier server in the deployment, the tool reports the information in the following table:

Version ValidationReports the version information that the tool determined for the product and the service-pack level for Team Foundation Server.
Directory PermissionsReports permissions for the MachineKeys directory.
Event LogsReports events and errors that were recorded in the event logs.
Job AgentsReports the status of jobs that were run under the Team Foundation Background Job Agent.
Visual Studio EnvironmentReports installation, update, and registry information about the Visual Studio and Team Foundation environments.
ServicesReports information about the Windows services that run on the application-tier server and groups them according to whether they are running or stopped.
Web SitesReports configuration information about the Web sites that are running on the application-tier server.
Web ServicesLists the collection ID for each team project collection and the settings for the data warehouse.
Lab ManagementReports the information that the tool gathered when it checked the Visual Studio Lab Management Health Check rules that apply to an application-tier server. This information includes the version of the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) administration console that is installed on the application-tier server and the operational status information of the server that is running VMM. Additional VMM information includes data from event logs that are stored on the server that is running VMM.

Team Project Collections

Reports configuration information for each team project collection. For more information, see Team Project Collections later in this topic.

Configuration Data

Reports the connection strings and information that the tool gathers from specific tables in the databases that the tool detects for application-tier server.

Database Info

Reports information about the Tfs_Configuration and Tfs_Warehouse databases.


Reports information about service operations that are performed on the application-tier server.


Reports the connection string for the data warehouse.

Update packages

Reports information about the software packages that have been installed.

User Information

Indicates the total number of valid users and the user groups that contain the largest numbers of users.

Reports the users and accounts that are members of the following groups:

  • Team Foundation Server Administrators

  • Team Foundation Service Accounts

Team Project Collections

The following table describes the messages that appear in the tree report under each project collection in the deployment. You can locate this information by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check, expanding Team Foundation Server, expanding Team Project Collections, and then expanding a named project collection. The tool provides information for each project collection that it found to be operational during the prescan check.




Summarizes the property values of the project collection.

Connection Strings

Reports the connection strings that were identified for the operational stores that were configured for the project collection.

Database Info

Reports configuration and usage information about the collection database.

Group Membership

Reports the user accounts that have been added as Project Collection Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts.

Lab Management

Reports the information that the tool gathered when it checked the Visual Studio Lab Management Health Check rules for a team project collection. This information includes the configuration of the Lab Management Integration Service Account and host groups and library shares that support the project collection.

For more information, see Issues That Relate to Lab Management and Test Controllers.

Portal Integration

Reports information about the URL of the SharePoint Web application that has been added to the project collection to support team project portals.

Test Controller Checks

Reports information about the test controllers that are registered with the project collection.

Team Projects

Reports information that the tool gathered about the team projects in the project collection. This information describes the integration of the project with Team Foundation Build, Lab Management, and SharePoint Products.

Team Project Simulation

Reports the results of those rules that were run to determine the operational readiness of creating a team project. The information includes the readiness of Web services for Team Foundation Server and SharePoint Products, in addition to those users who have the required permissions to create team projects.

For more information, see Create Team Project simulation did not succeed.

Version Control

Summarizes the number of files that have been placed under version control for the project collection. Also lists warnings if the paths contain more than 260 characters. For more information, see Active or deleted files have long paths.

Web Services

Reports the status of specific Web services that are required to be operational to support creation of team projects, version control, work item tracking, and reporting.

Data Tier for Team Foundation

The messages that appear in the tree report under the Team Foundation Server Data Tiers node summarize data that the tool collected for the data-tier servers. You can locate this node by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check and then expanding Team Foundation Server Data Tiers. This information includes the following categories, which are organized under each server that hosts databases for the deployment:

  • The version of SQL Server that is running on the server.

  • Event Logs.

  • Registry.

  • Activity Monitor

  • Database Info

  • Logins: Lists the configuration of login accounts and identifies required accounts that are not configured.

  • Services: Lists the services that SQL Server requires, whether they are running or stopped. 

Reporting Servers

The messages that appear in the tree report under the Reporting Servers node summarize the configuration of Reporting Services. You can locate this node by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check and then expanding Reporting Servers. This information includes the following categories, which are organized under each server that hosts Reporting Services in the deployment:

  • The URL of the Web site for Reporting Services.

  • Collections: Lists the project collections that are configured to use the Reporting Services resource.

  • Data Source Verification: Lists the connection strings and configuration for the data sources.

  • Report Server

  • Report ServerTempDB

  • Event Logs

  • Group Membership: Lists the user accounts and groups that are granted Team Foundation Content Manager permissions.

  • Registry.

  • Database Info: Lists properties of the databases.

  • Services: Lists the services that Reporting Services requires, whether they are running or stopped.

  • Web Services.

Analysis Servers

The messages that appear in the tree report under the Analysis Servers node summarize the configuration of Analysis Services. You can locate this node by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check and then expanding Analysis Servers. This information includes the following categories, which are organized under each server that hosts Analysis Services in the deployment:

  • The connection string for Analysis Services.

  • Registry

  • Event logs

  • MetaData

  • Services: Lists the services that Analysis Services requires, whether they are running or stopped.

SharePoint Web Applications

The messages that appear in the tree report under the SharePoint Web Applications node summarize the configuration of applications that SharePoint Products hosts. You can locate this node by expanding Team Foundation Server Complete Health Check and then expanding SharePoint Web Applications.

This information includes the following categories, which are organized under each SharePoint site that is integrated into the deployment:

  • The URL for the SharePoint site.

  • The version of SharePoint Products that is installed on the site.

  • Alternate Access Mappings: Lists the mapping between Team Foundation Server and SharePoint Web applications.

  • Event logs: Lists information in the event logs for services on which SharePoint Products relies.

  • Registry: Lists information from the registry for Web Server Extensions.

  • Group Membership: Lists user accounts and groups that are members of the Farm Administrators group.

  • Services: Lists the services that SharePoint Products requires, whether they are running or stopped.

  • Team Foundation Integration: Reports the results of version and URL checks.

  • Templates: Lists the site definition configurations that have been installed.

  • Web Sites: Lists configuration information for each SharePoint site.

  • Web Services: Lists information from specific calls to Web services on which SharePoint Products relies.

Information Reported for Team Foundation Server Statistics

The tool gathers usage data about each team project collection and summarizes that information in the tree report under the Team Foundation Server Statistics node, which is the last top-level node in the report. This information falls into the following categories:

  • Recent Users: The number of users who have accessed the project collection in the last 14 days.

  • Version Control: Reports statistics about the volume of version control objects in the project collection:

    • Version Control Users: The number of unique users who have checked files into version control for a project in the collection.

    • Files: The number of files that are checked in to version control for the project collection.

    • Compressed File Sizes (MB): The total compressed size of all the files that are checked in to version control.

    • Uncompressed File Sizes (MB): The total uncompressed size of all the files that are checked in to version control.

    • Checkins: The number of checkins that users have performed for the project collection.

    • Shelvesets: The number of shelvesets that users have created for the project collection.

    • Merge History: The number of items that have been branched for the project collection.

    • Pending Changes: The number of pending changes that exist in users' workspaces for the project collection.

    • Workspaces: The number of workspaces that users have defined for the project collection.

    • Local Copies: The number of files that all users have mapped in their workspace for the project collection.

  • Work Item Tracking: Reports statistics about the volume of objects for tracking work items in the project collection:

    • Users with Assigned Work Items: The number of users who have at least one work item assigned to them.

    • Total Work Items: The number of work items that are defined for all team projects in the project collection.

    • Work Item Versions: The number of work item revisions in the project collection.

    • Work Item Attachments: The number of attachments for all work items in the project collection.

    • Work Item Queries: The number of team and personal queries that users have created for the project collection.

    • Areas and Iterations: The number of area and iteration paths that are defined for all team projects in the project collection.

  • Commands: Reports statistics that the tool gathered for the exercise of specific commands during the past 14 days:

    • GetWorkItem: The number of times that a work item has been opened.

    • QueryWorkItems: The number of times that a work item query has been run.

    • Update: The number of times that work items have been saved.

    • Checkin: The number of checkins that users have added to version control.

    • Upload: The number of files that users have uploaded as part of a shelveset or a check-in.

    • Shelve: The number of shelvesets that users have created.

    • Download: The number of files and versions of files that users have downloaded by using the Get command.

    • Get: The number of times that users have downloaded a workspace or file from version control by using the Get command.

  • Database: Displays the amount of disk space that was reserved for the database and the amount that the database has allocated to the team project collection.

  • Tables: Reports the number of rows in a set of tables that tend to grow in size. Also reports the amount of disk space that was reserved for those tables and the amount of disk space that they use. You can reduce the size of these tables if they grow too large by using command-line tools. Information reported includes, but is not limited to, the following data:


    To shrink a table, use the command-line tools in this list for each table. Do not directly access the tables to reduce their sizes.

    • Attachments: Indicates the size of the table that stores work item attachments.

      To reduce the size of this table, you must delete attachments from individual work items. If you are using Microsoft Test Manager, you might want to review and delete IntelliTrace files and videos that have been attached to bugs.

    • Tbl_Content: Includes every revision of every file in version control. Team Foundation Server stores files compressed as reverse deltas. In other words, it stores the difference from one version to the next.

      To reduce the size of this table, you use the tf destroy command-line tool to delete those artifacts that you no longer require. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft Web site: Destroy Command.

    • Tbl_LocalVersion: Includes a row for every file that a user has downloaded to their workspace.

      To reduce the size of this table, you use the tf workspace /delete command-line tool to delete workspaces. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft Web site: Workspace Command.

    • Tbl_PropertyValue: Stores information about where the properties of artifacts are stored. This table stores code churn calculations for version control files.

    • WorkItemsWere: Stores information about where the revisions of work items are stored.

      To reduce the size of this table, you must permanently remove work items or delete team projects. For more information, see the following pages on the Microsoft Web site: Permanently Removing Work Items [witadmin] and TFSDeleteProject: Deleting Team Projects.

See Also


Unable to perform health check scan

Access is not available


Reports and Messages that the Best Practices Analyzer Tool Generates

Rule Checking Performed by the Best Practices Analyzer Tool

Rule Checking and Issue Resolution