Creates a registry key or modifies an existing registry key.
[ rdx(
) ]
The name of the key to be created or opened.valuename(optional)
Specifies the value field to be set. If a value field with this name does not already exist in the key, it is added.regtype
The type of registry key being added. Can be one of the following: text, dword, binary, or CString.
The rdx C++ attribute creates or modifies an existing registry key for a COM component. The attribute adds a BEGIN_RDX_MAP macro to the object that implements the target member. RegistryDataExchange, a function injected as a result of the BEGIN_RDX_MAP macro, can be used to transfer data between the registry and the data members
This attribute can be used in conjunction with the coclass, progid, or vi_progid attributes or other attributes that implies one of these.
Attribute Context
Applies to |
class or struct member |
Repeatable |
No |
Required attributes |
None |
Invalid attributes |
None |
For more information about the attribute contexts, see Attribute Contexts.
The following code adds a registry key called MyValue to the system describing the CMyClass COM component.
// cpp_attr_ref_rdx.cpp
// compile with: /LD /link /OPT:NOREF
#include "atlbase.h"
[module (name="MyLib")];
class CMyClass {
CMyClass() {
strcpy_s(m_sz, "SomeValue");
[ rdx(key = "HKCR\\MyApp.MyApp.1", valuename = "MyValue", regtype = "text")]
char m_sz[256];