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Ruft die Anzahl der DataRepeaterItem-Elementen, die in einem DataRepeater-Steuerelement sichtbar sind (optional einschließlich teilweise angezeigten Elementen ab.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)


<BrowsableAttribute(False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property DisplayedItemCount ( _
    includePartialItems As Boolean _
) As Integer
public int this[
    bool includePartialItems
] { get; }
property int DisplayedItemCount[bool includePartialItems] {
    int get (bool includePartialItems);
member DisplayedItemCount : int
JScript unterstützt keine indizierten Eigenschaften.


  • includePartialItems
    Typ: System.Boolean
    einzuschließentrue wurde teilweise Elemente in Anzahl an. false , um nur vollständig angezeigten Elemente einzuschließen.


Typ: System.Int32
Die Anzahl der angezeigten Elemente.


Verwenden Sie diese Eigenschaft, um festzustellen, wie viele DataRepeaterItem-Elemente in einem DataRepeater-Steuerelement angezeigt werden.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie die Anzahl der angezeigten Elemente in einem DataRepeater-Steuerelement zurückgibt.

Private Sub Button1_Click() Handles Button1.Click
    Dim msgString As String
    Dim intFull As Integer
    Dim intPartial As Integer
    ' Get the count without including partially displayed items.
    intFull = DataRepeater1.DisplayedItemCount(False)
    ' Get the count, including partially displayed items.
    intPartial = DataRepeater1.DisplayedItemCount(True)
    ' Create the message string.
    msgString = CStr(intFull)
    msgString &= " items are fully visible and "
    ' Subtract the full count from the partial count.
    msgString &= CStr(intPartial - intFull)
    msgString &= " items are partially visible."
End Sub
private void button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    string msgString;
    int intFull;
    int intPartial;
    string stringFull;
    string stringPartial;
    // Get the count without including partially displayed items.
    intFull = dataRepeater1.get_DisplayedItemCount(false);
    // Get the count, including partially displayed items.
    intPartial = dataRepeater1.get_DisplayedItemCount(true);
    // Create the message string.
    stringFull = intFull.ToString();
    msgString = stringFull;
    msgString = msgString + " items are fully visible and ";
    // Subtract the full count from the partial count.
    intPartial = intPartial - intFull;
    stringPartial = intPartial.ToString();
    msgString = msgString + stringPartial;
    msgString = msgString + " items are partially visible.";

.NET Framework-Sicherheit

Siehe auch


DataRepeater Klasse



Weitere Ressourcen

Einführung in das DataRepeater-Steuerelement (Visual Studio)