Test a storyboard
Whenever you modify a storyboard, you might want to view the resulting animation. You can run your storyboard in Design view of Blend for Visual Studio 2012, or you can run your application (F5) to view your storyboard. Use the following table to decide which way is most useful for you:
Test the storyboard in Design view |
Test the storyboard in your application |
To test a storyboard in Design view
Select the storyboard from the Storyboard picker by clicking Open a Storyboard
under Objects and Timeline, and then selecting the storyboard.
If your storyboard is a part of a style or control template, you will have to open the style or control template to access the storyboard. For more information, see Create or modify a template or Edit a style.
Using the playback controls above the timeline window, do one of the following:
To move to the first frame in the animation, click the Go to first frame button.
The name of the button appears when your pointer pauses over the button.
To move back a frame, click the Go to previous frame button.
To play an animation, click the Play button.
To move forward a frame, click the Go to next frame button.
To move to the last frame in the animation, click the Go to last frame button.
Playback controls under Objects and Timeline
To test a storyboard by running your application
- With your project open in Blend, click Test Project on the Project menu or press F5. If the test build is successful, your project automatically opens in an application window and you can verify whether your animation behaves correctly.