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Ruft das Globals-Objekt mit den Add-In-Werten ab, die in der Projektmappendatei (.sln), der Projektdatei oder in den Profildaten des Benutzers gespeichert sein können.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property Globals As Globals
Globals Globals { get; }
property Globals^ Globals {
    Globals^ get ();
abstract Globals : Globals
function get Globals () : Globals


Typ: EnvDTE.Globals
Ein Globals-Objekt.


Die Add-Ins sind verfügbar, wenn die Projektmappe, die Projektdatei usw. geladen werden.

Es ist nicht unbedingt erforderlich, Add-Ins global gespeicherte Solution-Daten zuzuordnen.Diese Daten können auch Makros oder anderen Automatisierungsclients zugeordnet werden.


VariableValue-Namenszeichenfolgen dürfen keine Leerzeichen, Doppelpunkte (:) oder Punkte (.) enthalten.Wenn eines dieser Zeichen in einem Namen enthalten ist, wird eine Fehlermeldung mit dem Hinweis ausgegeben, dass der Wert nicht innerhalb des erwarteten Bereichs liegt.


Public Sub CodeExample(ByVal dte As DTE2) 
        ' Open a project before running this sample.
        Dim prj As Project = dte.Solution.Projects.Item(1)
        Dim prjs As Projects
        Dim msg2 As String = "Global Variables:"
        Dim msg As String
        msg = "FileName: " + prj.FileName
        msg += vbCrLf + "FullName: " + prj.FullName
        msg += vbCrLf + "Project-level access to " + prj.CodeModel.CodeElements.Count.ToString() + " CodeElements through the CodeModel"
        prjs = prj.Collection
        msg += vbCrLf + "There are " + prjs.Count.ToString() + " projects in the same collection."
        msg += vbCrLf + "Application containing this project: " + prj.DTE.Name
        If prj.Saved Then
            msg += vbCrLf + "This project has not been modified since the last save."
            msg += vbCrLf + "This project has been modified since the last save."       
        End If
        msg +=  vbCrLf + "Properties:"
        Dim prop As [Property]
        For Each prop In  prj.Properties
            msg += vbCrLf + "  " + prop.Name
        Next prop
        Dim s As String
        For Each s In  CType(prj.Globals.VariableNames, Array)
            msg2 += vbCrLf + "  " + s
        Next s
        MessageBox.Show(msg, "Project Name: " + prj.Name)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub
public void CodeExample(DTE2 dte)
    {   // Open a project before running this sample.
        Project prj = dte.Solution.Projects.Item(1);
        Projects prjs;
        string msg, msg2 = "Global Variables:";
        msg = "FileName: " + prj.FileName;
        msg += "\nFullName: " + prj.FullName;
        msg += "\nProject-level access to " + prj.CodeModel.CodeElements.Count.ToString() +
            " CodeElements through the CodeModel";
        prjs = prj.Collection;
        msg += "\nThere are " + prjs.Count.ToString() + " projects in the same collection.";
        msg += "\nApplication containing this project: " + prj.DTE.Name;
        if (prj.Saved)
            msg += "\nThis project hasn't been modified since the last save.";
            msg += "\nThis project has been modified since the last save.";
        msg += "\nProperties: ";
        foreach (Property prop in prj.Properties)
            msg += "\n  " + prop.Name;
        foreach (String s in (Array)prj.Globals.VariableNames)
            msg2 += "\n  " + s;

        MessageBox.Show(msg, "Project Name: " + prj.Name);
    catch(Exception ex)

.NET Framework-Sicherheit

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Project Schnittstelle


Weitere Ressourcen

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