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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Server Namespace


  Class Description
Public class CommitObjectFailedToParseException Thrown when a commit object fails to parse
Public class DateTimeObjectComparer
Public class Extensions
Public class GitCommitArtifactId
Public class GitCommitDoesNotExistException Thrown when a commit is queried that does not exist.
Public class GitFeatureNotEnabledException Thrown when attempting to access the Git server and it is not enabled.
Public class GitForcePushDeniedException Thrown when someone tries to force push but lacks permissions
Public class GitHttpHandler
Public class GitIndexDuplicateObjectIdException Thrown when someone tries to put the same object into a pack file index twice
Public class GitIntegration
Public class GitItemNotFoundException Thrown when the requested Git item does not exist at the requested version
Public class GitItemVersionException Exceptions related to retrieving a Git Version or a Git Item at a specified Version Item fetching methods may ignore these and return null in some circumstances
Public class GitMissingReferencedObjectException Thrown when the an objects is referenced but does not exist in the pack and/or store
Public class GitNeedsPermissionException Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting
Public class GitNeedsTeamProjectCreatePermissionException Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting
Public class GitNeedsTeamProjectDeletePermissionException Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting
Public class GitNoParentVersionException Thrown when the requested Git version can be resolved but the parent cannot be found
Public class GitNoPreviousChangeException Thrown when a requested prior revision of an item cannot be found
Public class GitNotEnabledForTeamProjectException Thrown when someone tries to create a git repository for a team project that already has TFS VC enabled.
Public class GitObjectDoesNotExistException Thrown when the requested Git object does not exist
Public class GitObjectsCannotBeAccessedDirectlyException Thrown when attempting to read or write git objects via the FileContainerService REST APIs
Public class GitObjectTooLargeException Thrown when the Git object is too large to be materialized in memory.
Public class GitPackDoesNotExistException Thrown when the requested Git pack does not exist
Public class GitPackMissingBaseFileException Thrown when an entry in a git pack file is a delta against a base file, but no base file could be located
Public class GitParserException Thrown when the parsing fails, base class
Public class GitProtocolException Thrown when a we think the protocol doesn't match what we expect
Public class GitReferenceStaleException Thrown when a reference could not be updated because the old object ID was not the current object ID at the time the update transaction ran in the database
Public class GitRefNotFoundException Thrown when the requested Git ref does not exist in the repository.
Public class GitRepositoryMinimumPerProjectThresholdExceededException Thrown when attempting to delete a Git repository and there are no other repositories in the Team Project
Public class GitRepositoryNameAlreadyExistsException Thrown when attempting to create a new Git repository, but the name is already taken.
Public class GitRepositoryNotFoundException Thrown when the requested Git repository does not exist, or the caller does not have permission to see its existence.
Public class GitRepositoryPerProjectThresholdExceededException Thrown when attempting to create a new Git repository, but the name is already taken.
Public class GitStorageContainerNotFoundException Thrown when the Git storage subsystem's container does not exist.
Public class GitUnresolvableToCommitException Thrown when the Git object was assumed by calling code to either be a commit, or a tag that eventually points to a commit, and it was not.
Public class GitUtils
Public class InflaterExceededLengthException Thrown when the ZlibInflateStream enumerates more bytes than the declared length passed in
Public class InfoRefsHandler
Public class InvalidGitDeltaDataException Thrown when invalid data is encountered in a delta stream
Public class InvalidGitIndexException Thrown when the index file being read contains invalid data
Public class InvalidGitObjectTypeException Thrown when a Git object is required to be a certain type, but was not
Public class InvalidGitPackEntryHeaderException Thrown when an entry in a git pack file has an invalid header
Public class InvalidGitPackHeaderException Thrown when a git pack file is presented with an invalid header
Public class InvalidGitRefNameException Thrown when the provided Git ref name is not valid.
Public class InvalidGitRepositoryNameException Thrown when the provided Git ref name is not valid.
Public class ObjectIdComparer
Public class ObjectIdEqualityComparer
Public class PushNotification
Public class ReceivePackHandler
Public class RefUpdateNotification
Public class TagObjectFailedToParseException Thrown when a commit object fails to parse
Public class TeamFoundationGitCommitService This collection-level service is the entry point for all Git functionality with cached commit metadata.
Public class TeamFoundationGitRepositoryService This collection-level service is the entry point for all Git functionality integrated with Team Foundation Server.
Public class TfsGitBlob
Public class TfsGitCommit
Public class TfsGitCommitChange
Public class TfsGitCommitChangeCount
Public class TfsGitCommitHistoryEntry
Public class TfsGitCommitLineageDiff
Public class TfsGitCommitMetadata
Public class TfsGitCommitUser
Public class TfsGitDiffEntry
Public class TfsGitDiffHelper
Public class TfsGitObject Base class for objects in a Git repository.
Public class TfsGitObjectEqualityComparer
Public class TfsGitPushMetadata
Public class TfsGitRef
Public class TfsGitRefUpdateRequest Represents a request to update a ref in a repository.
Public class TfsGitRefUpdateResult Represents the result of a request to update a ref in a repository.
Public class TfsGitRepository This is one of the two core classes to the TFS Git server object model. It represents a repository on a Team Project Collection. You can't new a TfsGitRepository yourself -- create, delete, fork, and acquisition of an existing TfsGitRepository are all done through the TeamFoundationGitRepositoryService's methods. Consumers of this class should not cache TfsGitRepository instances across logical requests.
Public class TfsGitRepositoryInfo A simple data structure that has a Git repository ID, name and teamProjectUri.
Public class TfsGitRepositoryRefsCollection Represents the set of refs for a given TFS Git repository.
Public class TfsGitTag
Public class TfsGitTree
Public class TfsGitTreeDepthFirstEnumerator
Public class TfsGitTreeEntry
Public class TfsGitTreeEntryComparer
Public class TreeObjectFailedToParseException Thrown when the a tree object fails to parse
Public class UnprocessedCommit A data structure used by the TeamFoundationGitCommitService.
Public class UploadPackHandler


  Interface Description
Public interface IGitPushSubscriberJob Jobs that implement this interface will be run upon a Git push.
Public interface ITeamFoundationGitCommitService


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration GitCommitMetadataStatus
Public enumeration QueryCommitItemsRecursionLevel
Public enumeration TfsGitChangeType
Public enumeration TfsGitObjectType
Public enumeration TfsGitRefUpdateStatus Represents the possible outcomes from a request to update a ref in a repository.