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Chart Interface

Represents an embedded chart in Office projects for Microsoft Office Excel.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll)


<GuidAttribute("c4435b63-6e69-4360-92fb-2b144fd9b1d2")> _
Public Interface Chart _
    Inherits IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, ISupportInitialize
public interface Chart : IBindableComponent, IComponent, 
    IDisposable, ISupportInitialize

The Chart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property _CodeName Infrastructure.
Public property Application Gets an Application that represents the Microsoft Office Excel application.
Public property Area3DGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the area chart group on a 3-D chart.
Public property AutoScaling Scales a 3-D chart so that it is closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.
Public property BackWall Gets an object that represents the back wall of a 3-D chart.
Public property Bar3DGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the bar chart group on a 3-D chart.
Public property BarShape Gets or sets the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
Public property BindingContext Gets or sets the collection of currency managers for the IBindableComponent. (Inherited from IBindableComponent.)
Public property ChartArea Gets a ChartArea object that represents the complete chart area for the chart.
Public property ChartStyle Gets or sets the style of the chart.
Public property ChartTitle Gets a ChartTitle object that represents the title of the specified chart.
Public property ChartType Gets or sets the chart type.
Public property CodeName Infrastructure.
Public property Column3DGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the column chart group on a 3-D chart.
Public property Container Infrastructure.
Public property Corners Gets a Corners object that represents the corners of a 3-D chart.
Public property Creator Gets the application in which this Chart was created.
Public property DataBindings Gets the collection of data-binding objects for this IBindableComponent. (Inherited from IBindableComponent.)
Public property DataTable Gets a DataTable that represents the chart data table.
Public property DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode Gets or sets the default DataSourceUpdateMode.
Public property DepthPercent Gets or sets the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).
Public property DisplayBlanksAs Gets or sets the way that blank cells are plotted on a chart.
Public property Dummy24
Public property Dummy25
Public property Elevation Gets or sets the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.
Public property Floor Gets a Floor object that represents the floor of the 3-D chart.
Public property GapDepth Gets or sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.
Public property HasAxis Gets or sets a value indicating whether a specific axis exists on the Chart control.
Public property HasDataTable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Chart control has a data table.
Public property HasLegend Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Chart control has a legend.
Public property HasPivotFields Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the PivotChart controls are displayed on the specified PivotChart report.
Public property HasTitle Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Chart control has a title.
Public property HeightPercent Gets or sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the Chart control width.
Public property Hyperlinks Gets a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks for the range or worksheet.
Public property Index Infrastructure.
Public property InnerObject Gets a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart that represents the underlying native object for the Chart.
Public property Legend Gets a Legend object that represents the legend for the chart.
Public property Line3DGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the line chart group on a 3-D chart.
Public property MailEnvelope Represents an e-mail header for a document.
Public property Name Gets the name of the Chart control.
Public property OnDoubleClick Infrastructure.
Public property OnSheetActivate Infrastructure.
Public property OnSheetDeactivate Infrastructure.
Public property PageSetup Gets a PageSetup that contains all the page setup settings for the specified object.
Public property Parent Gets the parent object for the Chart control.
Public property Perspective Gets or sets the perspective for the 3-D chart view.
Public property Pie3DGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the pie chart group on a 3-D chart.
Public property PivotLayout Gets a PivotLayout object that represents the placement of fields in a PivotTable report and the placement of axes in a PivotChart report.
Public property PlotArea Gets a PlotArea object that represents the plot area of a chart.
Public property PlotBy Gets or sets the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart.
Public property PlotVisibleOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether only visible cells are plotted.
Public property PrintedCommentPages Gets the number of comment pages that will be printed for the current chart.
Public property ProtectContents Infrastructure.
Public property ProtectData Gets or sets a value that indicates whether modification of series formulas is prevented.
Public property ProtectDrawingObjects Infrastructure.
Public property ProtectFormatting Gets or sets a value that indicates whether modification of Chart control formatting is prevented.
Public property ProtectGoalSeek Gets or sets a value that indicates whether modification of Chart control data points with mouse actions is prevented.
Public property ProtectionMode Infrastructure.
Public property ProtectSelection Gets or sets a value that indicates whether selection of Chart control elements is prevented.
Public property RightAngleAxes Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Chart control axes are at right angles, independent of chart rotation or elevation.
Public property Rotation Gets or sets the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).
Public property Scripts Gets the Scripts collection, which contains Script objects representing blocks of script or code in the specified document when it is saved as a Web page.
Public property Shapes Gets a Shapes object that represents all the shapes on the Chart control.
Public property ShowAllFieldButtons Gets or sets whether to display all field buttons on a PivotChart.
Public property ShowAxisFieldButtons Gets or sets whether to display axis field buttons on a PivotChart.
Public property ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.
Public property ShowLegendFieldButtons Gets or sets whether to display legend field buttons on a PivotChart.
Public property ShowReportFilterFieldButtons Gets or sets whether to display the report filter field buttons on a PivotChart.
Public property ShowValueFieldButtons Gets or sets whether to display the value field buttons on a PivotChart.
Public property ShowWindow Gets or sets a value that indicates if the embedded chart is displayed in a separate window.
Public property SideWall Gets an object that represents the side wall of a 3-D chart.
Public property Site Gets or sets the ISite associated with the IComponent. (Inherited from IComponent.)
Public property SizeWithWindow Gets or sets the value that indicates whether Microsoft Office Excel resizes the Chart control to match the size of the chart sheet window
Public property SubType Infrastructure.
Public property SurfaceGroup Gets a ChartGroup object that represents the surface chart group of a 3-D chart.
Public property Tab Gets a Tab object for a Chart control.
Public property Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data about the Tag control.
Public property Type Infrastructure.
Public property Walls Gets a Walls object that represents the walls of the 3-D chart.
Public property WallsAndGridlines2D Gets or sets a value that indicates whether gridlines are drawn two-dimensionally on a 3-D chart.



  Name Description
Public method _ApplyDataLabels Infrastructure.
Public method _Dummy23 Infrastructure.
Public method _Evaluate Infrastructure.
Public method _PrintOut Infrastructure.
Public method _Protect Infrastructure.
Public method _SaveAs Infrastructure.
Public method Activate Makes the current Chart control the active chart.
Public method ApplyChartTemplate Applies a standard or custom chart template to the chart.
Public method ApplyCustomType Applies a standard or custom chart type to a Chart control.
Public method ApplyDataLabels Applies data labels to a point, a series, or all the series in a Chart control.
Public method ApplyLayout Applies the layouts shown on the Ribbon.
Public method Arcs Infrastructure.
Public method AreaGroups On a 2-D chart, gets an object that represents either a single area chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the area chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method AutoFormat Infrastructure.
Public method Axes Gets an object that represents either a single axis or a collection of the axes on the chart.
Public method BarGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single bar chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the bar chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method BeginInit Signals the object that initialization is starting. (Inherited from ISupportInitialize.)
Public method Buttons Infrastructure.
Public method ChartGroups Gets either a single chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of all the chart groups in the chart (a ChartGroups object).
Public method ChartObjects Gets an object that represents either a single embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the sheet.
Public method ChartWizard Modifies the properties of the given Chart control. You can use this method to quickly format a Chart control without setting all the individual properties. This method is non-interactive, and it changes only the specified properties.
Public method CheckBoxes Infrastructure.
Public method CheckSpelling Checks the spelling of an object. Microsoft Office Excel displays the Spelling dialog box
Public method ClearToMatchStyle Clears the chart elements formatting to automatic.
Public method ColumnGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single column chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the column chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method Copy Infrastructure.
Public method CopyChartBuild Infrastructure.
Public method CopyPicture Copies the chart to the Clipboard as a picture.
Public method CreatePublisher Infrastructure.
Public method Delete Deletes a dynamically created Chart control from the worksheet and removes it from the ControlCollection.
Public method Deselect Cancels the selection for the specified Chart control.
Public method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public method DoughnutGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single doughnut chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the doughnut chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method DrawingObjects Infrastructure.
Public method Drawings Infrastructure.
Public method DropDowns Infrastructure.
Public method EndInit Signals the object that initialization is complete. (Inherited from ISupportInitialize.)
Public method Evaluate Converts a Microsoft Office Excel name to an object or a value.
Public method Export Exports the chart in a graphic format.
Public method ExportAsFixedFormat Saves the chart in either PDF or XPS format.
Public method get_HasAxis Infrastructure.
Public method GetChartElement Gets information about the chart element at specified X and Y coordinates.
Public method GroupBoxes Infrastructure.
Public method GroupObjects Infrastructure.
Public method Labels Infrastructure.
Public method LineGroups On a 2-D chart, returns either a single line chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the line chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method Lines Infrastructure.
Public method ListBoxes Infrastructure.
Public method Location Moves the Chart control to a new location.
Public method Move Infrastructure.
Public method OptionButtons Infrastructure.
Public method Ovals Infrastructure.
Public method Paste Pastes chart data from the Clipboard into the specified Chart control.
Public method Pictures Infrastructure.
Public method PieGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single pie chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the pie chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method PrintOut Prints the Chart control.
Public method PrintOutEx Prints the chart.
Public method PrintPreview Shows a preview of the Chart control as it would look when printed.
Public method RadarGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single radar chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the radar chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).
Public method Rectangles Infrastructure.
Public method Refresh Updates the cache of the Chart or PivotTable object.
Public method SaveChartTemplate Saves the current chart as a custom template in the list of available chart templates.
Public method ScrollBars Infrastructure.
Public method SeriesCollection Gets either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.
Public method set_HasAxis Infrastructure.
Public method SetBackgroundPicture Sets the background graphic for Chart control.
Public method SetDefaultChart Specifies the name of the chart template that Microsoft Office Excel uses when it creates new charts.
Public method SetElement Modifies an element on the chart.
Public method SetSourceData Sets the source data range for the Chart control.
Public method Spinners Infrastructure.
Public method TextBoxes Infrastructure.
Public method XYGroups On a 2-D chart, returns an object that represents either a single scatter chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of the scatter chart groups (a ChartGroups collection).



  Name Description
Public event ActivateEvent Occurs when the Chart control is activated.
Public event BeforeDoubleClick Occurs when the Chart control is double-clicked, before the default double-click action.
Public event BeforeRightClick Occurs when the Chart control is right-clicked, before the default right-click action.
Public event BindingContextChanged Infrastructure.
Public event Calculate Occurs after the Chart control plots new or changed data.
Public event Deactivate Occurs when the selection moves away from the Chart control, causing the Chart control to become deactivated.
Public event Disposed Represents the method that handles the Disposed event of a component. (Inherited from IComponent.)
Public event DragOver Occurs when a range of cells is dragged over a Chart control.
Public event DragPlot Occurs when a range of cells is dragged and dropped on the Chart control.
Public event MouseDown Occurs when a mouse button is pressed when the pointer is over a Chart control.
Public event MouseMove Occurs when the position of the mouse pointer changes over the Chart control.
Public event MouseUp Occurs when a mouse button is released when the pointer is over the Chart control.
Public event Resize Occurs when the size of the Chart control is changed.
Public event SelectEvent Occurs when the Chart control is selected.
Public event SeriesChange Occurs when the value of a Chart control data point is changed.



Chart controls provide all the features of native Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart objects in the Excel object model. However, Chart controls also expose events. For more information, see Chart Control.


This interface is implemented by the Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime. It is not intended to be implemented in your code. For more information, see Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime Overview.


This documentation describes the version of this type that is used in Office projects that target the .NET Framework 4 and the .NET Framework 4.5. In projects that target the .NET Framework 3.5, this type might have different members and the code examples provided for this type might not work. For documentation about this type in projects that target the .NET Framework 3.5, see the following reference section in the Visual Studio 2008 documentation:

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel Namespace

Other Resources

Chart Control

How to: Add Chart Controls to Worksheets

Host Items and Host Controls Overview