ID3D10Include::Open method
A user-implemented method for opening and reading the contents of a shader #include file.
[in] D3D10_INCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType,
[in] LPCSTR pFileName,
[in] LPCVOID pParentData,
[out] LPCVOID *ppData,
[in] UINT *pBytes
IncludeType [in]
Type: D3D10_INCLUDE_TYPEThe location of the #include file. See D3D10_INCLUDE_TYPE.
pFileName [in]
Type: LPCSTRName of the #include file.
pParentData [in]
Type: LPCVOIDPointer to the container that includes the #include file. The compiler might pass NULL in pParentData. For more information, see the "Searching for Include Files" section in Compile an Effect (Direct3D 11).
ppData [out]
Type: LPCVOID*Pointer to the returned buffer that contains the include directives. This pointer remains valid until ID3D10Include::Close is called.
pBytes [in]
Type: UINT*Number of bytes returned in ppData.
The user-implemented method should return S_OK. If the callback fails when reading the #include file, the application programming interface (API) that caused the callback to be called will fail. This is one of the following:
- The high-level shader language (HLSL) shader will fail one of the D3D10CompileShader*** functions.
- The effect will fail one of the D3D10CreateEffect*** functions.
The ID3D10Include interface is type defined in the D3D10Shader.h header file as a ID3DInclude interface, which is fully defined in the D3DCommon.h header file.
typedef interface ID3DInclude ID3D10Include;
Header |
D3D10Shader.h |