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DMessengerEvents::OnContactPagerChange event

[OnContactPagerChange is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.]

Indicates that a contact in the local client's Contact List has changed the pager information access permissions.


void OnContactPagerChange(
  [in] LONG         hr,
  [in] IDispatch    *pContact,
  [in] VARIANT_BOOL pBoolBlock


hr [in]

Success or error code as a LONG.

An error result for hr might result in all other event parameters being meaningless, NULL, or otherwise invalid. Always check for a successful hr before attempting to use the other event parameters.

pContact [in]

Pointer to a IDispatch interface on the MessengerContact object where a change in block value was attempted.

pBoolBlock [in]

One of two possible values of the VARIANT_BOOL constant enumeration defined by the COM. This value is potentially NULL or otherwise not useful if hr in the event returned any error code.

Return value

This event does not return a value.


To use this event in Windows Messenger, you must install an add-in component that supports paging.

This event returns only that the allowed or disallowed state of the information has changed. Only the allow-access flag is stored by the Microsoft .NET Messenger Service. The mobile information itself is stored on servers that are not directly under the control of Windows Messenger. The mobile device or pager information query is not performed through Windows Messenger APIs.

To be used when writing custom ::Invoke methods to handle these events.

Parameter vaArgs[x] Variant Type
pBoolPage 0 VT_BOOL
pContact 1 VT_DISPATCH
hr 2 VT_I4


This event is available for scripting languages.


Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows XP
End of server support
Windows Server 2003
Messenger 4.5