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AddToFavoritesBar method

Adds a URL to the Favorites Bar.

This method is not supported for Windows apps using JavaScript.



HRESULT retVal = object.AddToFavoritesBar(URL, Title, Type);


URL [in]

Type: BSTR

The URL of the page to add.

Title [in]

Type: BSTR

The Title for this page.

Type [in, optional]


Pointer to a variable of type VARIANT of type VT_BSTR that specifies one of the following, or NULL.


The content is a RSS feed.


The content is a Web Slice.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Standards information

There are no standards that apply here.


Caller must specify a non-NULL, non-empty URL and Title, and can optionally identify the URL as an RSS feed or a Web Slice. If the Type is a feed or slice, the function will subscribe using the Windows RSS Platform. When subscribing to a feed or a Web Slice, the Title is only used until the data can be retrieved from the server.

If no Type is specified, the item is simply added as a bookmark to the Favorites Bar.

Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later. For security reasons, the IShellUIHelper3::AddToFavoritesBar method must be called as a response to a user-initiated action, such a mouse click. If called from a different context, such as the onload event of the body element, the IShellUIHelper3::AddToFavoritesBar method fails silently.

See also

Subscribing to Content with Web Slices