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Time Formats

This topic has been archived. As a result, it is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see Legacy Content. For information, recommendations, and guidance regarding the current version of Internet Explorer, see IE Developer Center.

This table lists the possible formats for expressing time values.

Format Description Examples Supported by
h:min:s.f h = hours
min = minutes
s = seconds
f = fraction of a second
"03:45:10""  = 3 hours, 45 minutes, 10 seconds
"10:35"  = 10 minutes, 35 seconds
"10.5"  = 10 and one-half seconds
"1:00.375"  = 1 minute, 0.375 seconds
begin, clipBegin, clipEnd, dur, end, repeatDur, syncTolerance
number [h | min | s | ms] h = hours
min = minutes
s = seconds (default)
ms = milliseconds
"3h" = 3 hours
"20min"  = 20 minutes
"3.5s"  or  "3.5"  = 3 and one-half seconds
"25ms"  = 25 milliseconds
begin, dur, end, repeatDur, syncTolerance
wallclock(" YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD ") Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds, and a decimal fraction of a second.
Note  Values are case-sensitive.
YYYY = 4-digit year
MM = 2-digit month
DD = 2-digit day
T  = literal "T" denotes the start of the time portion
hh = hour
mm = minutes
ss = seconds
s = fraction of a second
TZD = time zone
"1997-07-16" = July 16, 1997
"T" = separator between date and time
"19:20:30.45" = 7:20 P.M., and 30.45 seconds
"+01:00" = Coordinated universal time (UTC) plus one hour
begin, end

Note that signed clock values (+ or -) are also legal. All clock values are assumed to be positive (+) by default.