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Author a Custom Recording Profile

Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1

This procedure describes how to author a custom recording profile in Windows® Performance Recorder (WPR). You can author custom profiles in an XML file that has a .wprp extension. are available See Recording Profile XML Reference for the complete schema and reference information. are available See Authoring Recording Profiles for more detailed information about authoring recording profiles.

To author a custom recording profile

  1. In an XML editor, create a new XML file.

  2. Enter collector definitions. For more information, see 1. Collector Definitions.

  3. Enter system and event provider definitions. For more information, see 2. System and Event Provider Definitions.

  4. Enter profile definitions. For more information, see 3. Profile Definitions.


If you want the custom profile to stop and roll back if some providers do not start, set the Strict attribute to "true". For more information about this option, see Strict Providers.

  1. Save the file with a .wprp extension.

You can define derived collectors, providers, and profiles that inherit from a base version that you define earlier in the same file or in another file. For more information about this option, see Inheritance.

See Also

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