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Configure Trigger Resources for Server Clusters

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

You can use this procedure to configure Message Queuing trigger resources for server clusters.

Membership in <Domain>\Domain Users, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

Message Queuing Triggers is automatically configured as a highly available service when you configure the Message Queuing service as a highly available service with the High Availability Wizard. Separate configuration of the Message Queuing Triggers service as a highly available service should only be required in the following scenarios:

  1. If a clustered instance of the Message Queuing Triggers resource has been deleted subsequent to configuring the Message Queuing service as a highly available service with the High Availability Wizard. In this scenario, the Message Queuing Triggers service must be separately configured as a highly available service.

  2. If you need to add Message Queuing and Message Queuing Triggers resources to an existing cluster group, for example if you have already configured high availability for another service and you would like to add Message Queuing and Message Queuing Triggers resources to the associated cluster group. In this scenario a Message Queuing resource and a Message Queuing Triggers resource must be manually added to the existing cluster group.

For more information about configuring the Message Queuing service as a highly available service see Configure Message Queuing as a Highly Available Cluster Resource.

To configure Message Queuing trigger resources for server clusters

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Failover Clusters Manager to display the Failover Cluster Management console.

  2. Select Manage a Cluster from the Action menu.

  3. Select the applicable cluster name from the Cluster name dropdown box and click OK.

  4. Click to expand the cluster group, click to expand Services and Applications, and then select the resource group that contains the clustered Message Queuing service.

  5. Right click the resource group that contains the clustered Message Queuing service, point to Add a resource, point to More resources, and then click Add Message Queue Triggers.

Additional considerations

  • This task is performed on a computer that is running Server as part of a server cluster, has Message Queuing with Triggers already installed, and has a Message Queuing resource already configured.

  • Errors occurring during the performance of this task are recorded in a Windows event log. For example, a "device not ready" error indicates that Message Queuing was not installed on the node.

  • The trigger and rule definitions for the cluster resource created are stored in subkeys in the local Windows registry under a special key. The Message Queuing Triggers resource is check pointed with this registry key and the subkeys under it so that when the resource is moved to a new node (during failover, for example), the required keys are propagated to the local registry on the new node. After failover, the Message Queue Triggers service can thus continue to process the incoming messages in each monitored queue and invoke the applicable stand-alone executable or COM component according to the rules defined.

  • To manage Triggers in the applicable resource group, right-click the resource group and select Manage MSMQ.


This must be done on the cluster node that currently hosts the clustered Message Queuing resource(s). To see which cluster node currently hosts the clustered Message Queuing resources, launch the Failover Cluster Management MMC console click to select the cluster group in the console tree, then check the Current Owner specified in the results pane.

Additional references