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Provides error messages that pertain to network connectivity and device state.


Test-HcsmConnection [ <CommonParameters>]

Detaillierte Beschreibung

The Test-HcsmConnection cmdlet provides error messages that pertain to network connectivity and device state. If a device ceases to work due to issues in registration, service, or network connectivity, run this cmdlet to see specific error messages. The messages can help you or Microsoft Customer Service and Support fix problems.

If you specify the Verbose parameter, the output of the cmdlet contains details of the tests. If you do not specify Verbose, the cmdlet displays error messages only.



Dieses Cmdlet unterstützt die allgemeinen Parameter: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, -OutVariable. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter about_CommonParameters (


Der Eingabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die über die Pipeline an das Cmdlet übergeben werden können.


Der Ausgabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die vom Cmdlet ausgegeben werden.

  • String

    This cmdlet generates error messages. If you specify Verbose, the output indicates the checks that the cmdlet performs and their results, including error strings and codes describing the errors, if applicable. For example, if the network connection does not work due to incorrect proxy settings, the cmdlet displays information as follows:

       Checking device state: Success
       Device is registered successfully
       Checking connectivity from device to SaaS.. Failure
       The device could not connect using the current web proxy configuration. Please ensure that your web proxy settings are correct and your web proxy servers are online and reachable.

    If you run this cmdlet for a successfully registered device, the result is as follows:

       Checking device state ... Success.
       Device registered successfully
       Checking device authentication. ... Success.
       Checking connectivity from Device to SaaS. ... Success.

    If you do not specify Verbose, the cmdlet displays only errors, if any.


---------- Example 1: Check a device ----------

This command checks whether the device is registered and online. The cmdlet then checks whether the device authenticates to SaaS. The cmdlet then checks whether the device connects to SaaS.

This command specifies the Verbose parameter, so the cmdlet displays all checks that it runs.

PS C:\> Test-HcsmConnection -Verbose

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