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CComPolyObject Class


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This class implements IUnknown for an aggregated or nonaggregated object.


template<class contained>  
class CComPolyObject : public IUnknown,
      public CComObjectRootEx<contained::_ThreadModel::ThreadModelNoCS>


Your class, derived from CComObjectRoot or CComObjectRootEx, as well as from any other interfaces you want to support on the object.


Public Constructors

Name Description
CComPolyObject::CComPolyObject The constructor.
CComPolyObject::~CComPolyObject The destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CComPolyObject::AddRef Increments the object's reference count.
CComPolyObject::CreateInstance (Static) Allows you to create a new CComPolyObject< contained > object without the overhead of CoCreateInstance.
CComPolyObject::FinalConstruct Performs final initialization of m_contained.
CComPolyObject::FinalRelease Performs final destruction of m_contained.
CComPolyObject::QueryInterface Retrieves a pointer to the requested interface.
CComPolyObject::Release Decrements the object's reference count.

Public Data Members

Name Description
CComPolyObject::m_contained Delegates IUnknown calls to the outer unknown if the object is aggregated or to the IUnknown of the object if the object is not aggregated.


CComPolyObject implements IUnknown for an aggregated or nonaggregated object.

When an instance of CComPolyObject is created, the value of the outer unknown is checked. If it is NULL, IUnknown is implemented for a nonaggregated object. If the outer unknown is not NULL, IUnknown is implemented for an aggregated object.

The advantage of using CComPolyObject is that you avoid having both CComAggObject and CComObject in your module to handle the aggregated and nonaggregated cases. A single CComPolyObject object handles both cases. This means only one copy of the vtable and one copy of the functions exist in your module. If your vtable is large, this can substantially decrease your module size. However, if your vtable is small, using CComPolyObject can result in a slightly larger module size because it is not optimized for an aggregated or nonaggregated object, as are CComAggObject and CComObject.

If the DECLARE_POLY_AGGREGATABLE macro is specified in your object's class definition, CComPolyObject will be used to create your object. DECLARE_POLY_AGGREGATABLE will automatically be declared if you use the ATL Project Wizard to create a full control or Internet Explorer control.

If aggregated, the CComPolyObject object has its own IUnknown, separate from the outer object's IUnknown, and maintains its own reference count. CComPolyObject uses CComContainedObject to delegate to the outer unknown.

For more information about aggregation, see the article Fundamentals of ATL COM Objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: atlcom.h


Increments the reference count on the object.


Return Value

A value that may be useful for diagnostics or testing.


The constructor.

CComPolyObject(void* pv);


[in] A pointer to the outer unknown if the object is to be aggregated, or NULL if the object if the object is not aggregated.


Initializes the CComContainedObject data member, m_contained, and increments the module lock count.

The destructor decrements the module lock count.


The destructor.



Frees all allocated resources, calls FinalRelease, and decrements the module lock count.


Allows you to create a new CComPolyObject<contained > object without the overhead of CoCreateInstance.

static HRESULT WINAPI CreateInstance(  
    LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, 
    CComPolyObject<contained>** pp);


[out] A pointer to a CComPolyObject< contained> pointer. If CreateInstance is unsuccessful, pp is set to NULL.

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


The object returned has a reference count of zero, so call AddRef immediately, then use Release to free the reference on the object pointer when you're done.

If you don't need direct access to the object, but still want to create a new object without the overhead of CoCreateInstance, use CComCoClass::CreateInstance instead.


Called during the final stages of object construction, this method performs any final initialization on the m_contained data member.

HRESULT FinalConstruct();

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


Called during object destruction, this method frees the m_contained data member.

void FinalRelease();


A CComContainedObject object derived from your class.

CComContainedObject<contained> m_contained;


[in] Your class, derived from CComObjectRoot or CComObjectRootEx, as well as from any other interfaces you want to support on the object.


IUnknown calls through m_contained are delegated to the outer unknown if the object is aggregated, or to the IUnknown of this object if the object is not aggregated.


Retrieves a pointer to the requested interface.

STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
template <class Q>  
HRESULT QueryInterface(Q** pp);


The COM interface.

[in] The identifier of the interface being requested.

[out] A pointer to the interface pointer identified by iid. If the object does not support this interface, ppvObject is set to NULL.

[out] A pointer to the interface identified by __uuidof(Q).

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


For an aggregated object, if the requested interface is IUnknown, QueryInterface returns a pointer to the aggregated object's own IUnknown and increments the reference count. Otherwise, this method queries for the interface through the CComContainedObject data member, m_contained.


Decrements the reference count on the object.


Return Value

In debug builds, Release returns a value that may be useful for diagnostics or testing. In nondebug builds, Release always returns 0.

See Also

CComObjectRootEx Class
Class Overview