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COleLinkingDoc Class


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The base class for OLE container documents that support linking to the embedded items they contain.


class COleLinkingDoc : public COleDocument  


Public Constructors

Name Description
COleLinkingDoc::COleLinkingDoc Constructs a COleLinkingDoc object.

Public Methods

Name Description
COleLinkingDoc::Register Registers the document with the OLE system DLLs.
COleLinkingDoc::Revoke Revokes the document's registration.

Protected Methods

Name Description
COleLinkingDoc::OnFindEmbeddedItem Finds the specified embedded item.
COleLinkingDoc::OnGetLinkedItem Finds the specified linked item.


A container application that supports linking to embedded items is called a "link container." The OCLIENT sample application is an example of a link container.

When a linked item's source is an embedded item in another document, that containing document must be loaded in order for the embedded item to be edited. For this reason, a link container must be able to be launched by another container application when the user wants to edit the source of a linked item. Your application must also use the COleTemplateServer class so that it can create documents when launched programmatically.

To make your container a link container, derive your document class from COleLinkingDoc instead of COleDocument. As with any other OLE container, you must design your class for storing the application's native data as well as embedded or linked items. Also, you must design data structures for storing your native data. If you define a CDocItem-derived class for your application's native data, you can use the interface defined by COleDocument to store your native data as well as your OLE data.

To allow your application to be launched programmatically by another container, declare a COleTemplateServer object as a member of your application's CWinApp-derived class:

class COleContainerApp : public CWinApp
   COleTemplateServer m_server;
   // remainder of class declaration ommitted

In the InitInstance member function of your CWinApp-derived class, create a document template and specify your COleLinkingDoc-derived class as the document class:

   // CMyLinkDoc is derived from COleLinkingDoc
   CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(IDR_LINKDOCTYPE,
    if (!pDocTemplate)
        return FALSE;

Connect your COleTemplateServer object to your document templates by calling the object's ConnectTemplate member function, and register all class objects with the OLE system by calling COleTemplateServer::RegisterAll:

   m_server.ConnectTemplate(clsid, pDocTemplate, FALSE);

For a sample CWinApp-derived class definition and InitInstance function, see OCLIENT.H and OCLIENT.CPP in the MFC sample OCLIENT.

For more information on using COleLinkingDoc, see the articles Containers: Implementing a Container and Containers: Advanced Features.

Inheritance Hierarchy







Header: afxole.h


Constructs a COleLinkingDoc object without beginning communications with the OLE system DLLs.



You must call the Register member function to inform OLE that the document is open.


Called by the framework to determine whether the document contains an embedded OLE item with the specified name.

virtual COleClientItem* OnFindEmbeddedItem(LPCTSTR lpszItemName);


Pointer to the name of the embedded OLE item requested.

Return Value

A pointer to the specified item; NULL if the item is not found.


The default implementation searches the list of embedded items for an item with the specified name (the name comparison is case sensitive). Override this function if you have your own method of storing or naming embedded OLE items.


Called by the framework to check whether the document contains a linked server item with the specified name.

virtual COleServerItem* OnGetLinkedItem(LPCTSTR lpszItemName);


Pointer to the name of the linked OLE item requested.

Return Value

A pointer to the specified item; NULL if the item is not found.


The default COleLinkingDoc implementation always returns NULL. This function is overriden in the derived class COleServerDoc to search the list of OLE server items for a linked item with the specified name (the name comparison is case sensitive). Override this function if you have implemented your own method of storing or retrieving linked server items.


Informs the OLE system DLLs that the document is open.

BOOL Register(
    COleObjectFactory* pFactory,  
    LPCTSTR lpszPathName);


Pointer to an OLE factory object (can be NULL).

Pointer to the fully qualified path of the container document.

Return Value

Nonzero if the document is successfully registered; otherwise 0.


Call this function when creating or opening a named file to register the document with the OLE system DLLs. There is no need to call this function if the document represents an embedded item.

If you are using COleTemplateServer in your application, Register is called for you by COleLinkingDoc's implementation of OnNewDocument, OnOpenDocument, and OnSaveDocument.


Informs the OLE system DLLs that the document is no longer open.

void Revoke();


Call this function to revoke the document's registration with the OLE system DLLs.

You should call this function when closing a named file, but you usually do not need to call it directly. Revoke is called for you by COleLinkingDoc's implementation of OnCloseDocument, OnNewDocument, OnOpenDocument, and OnSaveDocument.

See Also

COleDocument Class
Hierarchy Chart
CDocTemplate Class