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Important  The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. Please use the WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) instead. For more information about WDI, see WLAN Universal Windows driver model.


When queried, the OID_DOT11_MAX_TRANSMIT_MSDU_LIFETIME object identifier (OID) requests that the miniport driver return the value of the IEEE 802.11 dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime MIB object.

The dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime MIB object specifies the maximum time that the 802.11 station can spend transmitting all management protocol data unit (MPDU) fragments for a management service data unit (MSDU) packet.

The data type for OID_DOT11_MAX_TRANSMIT_MSDU_LIFETIME is a ULONG value that specifies the maximum transmit lifetime in 802.11 time units (TU). One TU is 1024 microseconds. The value of the dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime MIB object must be from 1 through 4294967295.

If the maximum transmit lifetime expires before the transmission of the MSDU packet has completed, the miniport driver must do the following:

  • Discard the MSDU packet.

  • If the miniport driver is operating in Extensible Station (ExtSTA) mode, increment the ullMaxTXLifetimeExceededCount member of the DOT11_STATISTICS structure. For more information about this structure, see OID_DOT11_STATISTICS.

Note  A Native 802.11 miniport driver that is designed to run on the Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 operating systems must always reset this 802.11 MIB OID to its default value. This is the case regardless of the value of the bSetDefaultMIB member of the DOT11_RESET_REQUEST structure. This requirement applies to a miniport driver that, in a call to the NdisMSetMiniportAttributes function, sets MiniportAttributes-> Native_802_11_Attributes -> Header -> Revision to NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_802_11_ATTRIBUTES_REVISION_1.




Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.


Windot11.h (include Ndis.h)

See also

Native 802.11 MIB OIDs

Native 802.11 Wireless LAN OIDs