Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedNetworkFabric Namespace



A class to add extension methods to Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedNetworkFabric.


A class representing a collection of NetworkDeviceResource and their operations. Each NetworkDeviceResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkDeviceCollection instance call the GetNetworkDevices method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkDevice data model. The Network Device resource definition.


A class representing a collection of NetworkDeviceInterfaceResource and their operations. Each NetworkDeviceInterfaceResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of NetworkDeviceResource. To get a NetworkDeviceInterfaceCollection instance call the GetNetworkDeviceInterfaces method from an instance of NetworkDeviceResource.


A class representing the NetworkDeviceInterface data model. Defines the NetworkInterface resource.


A Class representing a NetworkDeviceInterface along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkDeviceInterfaceResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkDeviceInterfaceResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource NetworkDeviceResource using the GetNetworkDeviceInterface method.


A Class representing a NetworkDevice along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkDeviceResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkDeviceResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkDevice method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkDeviceSkuResource and their operations. Each NetworkDeviceSkuResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of SubscriptionResource. To get a NetworkDeviceSkuCollection instance call the GetNetworkDeviceSkus method from an instance of SubscriptionResource.


A class representing the NetworkDeviceSku data model. The NetworkDeviceSku resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkDeviceSku along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkDeviceSkuResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkDeviceSkuResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource SubscriptionResource using the GetNetworkDeviceSku method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricAccessControlListResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricAccessControlListResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricAccessControlListCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricAccessControlLists method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricAccessControlList data model. The Access Control List resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricAccessControlList along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricAccessControlListResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricAccessControlListResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricAccessControlList method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabrics method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricControllerResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricControllerResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricControllerCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricControllers method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricController data model. The Network Fabric Controller resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricController along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricControllerResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricControllerResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricController method.


A class representing the NetworkFabric data model. The Network Fabric resource definition.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricExternalNetworkResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricExternalNetworkResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource. To get a NetworkFabricExternalNetworkCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricExternalNetworks method from an instance of NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricExternalNetwork data model. Defines the External Network resource.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricExternalNetwork along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricExternalNetworkResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricExternalNetworkResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource using the GetNetworkFabricExternalNetwork method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricInternalNetworkResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricInternalNetworkResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource. To get a NetworkFabricInternalNetworkCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricInternalNetworks method from an instance of NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricInternalNetwork data model. Defines the Internal Network resource.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricInternalNetwork along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricInternalNetworkResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricInternalNetworkResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource using the GetNetworkFabricInternalNetwork method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricInternetGatewayResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricInternetGatewayResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricInternetGatewayCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricInternetGateways method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricInternetGateway data model. The Internet Gateway resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricInternetGateway along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricInternetGatewayResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricInternetGatewayResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricInternetGateway method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRuleResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRuleResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRuleCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricInternetGatewayRules method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRule data model. The Internet Gateway Rule resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRule along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricInternetGatewayRuleResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricInternetGatewayRuleResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricInternetGatewayRule method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricIPCommunityResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricIPCommunityResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricIPCommunityCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricIPCommunities method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricIPCommunity data model. The IP Community resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricIPCommunity along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricIPCommunityResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricIPCommunityResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricIPCommunity method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunityResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunityResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunityCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunities method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunity data model. The IP Extended Community resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunity along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunityResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunityResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricIPExtendedCommunity method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricIPPrefixResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricIPPrefixResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricIPPrefixCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricIPPrefixes method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricIPPrefix data model. The IP Prefix resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricIPPrefix along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricIPPrefixResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricIPPrefixResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricIPPrefix method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomainResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomainResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomainCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricL2IsolationDomains method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomain data model. The L2 Isolation Domain resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomain along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricL2IsolationDomainResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricL2IsolationDomainResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricL2IsolationDomain method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricL3IsolationDomains method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomain data model. The L3 Isolation Domain resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomain along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricL3IsolationDomainResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricL3IsolationDomain method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricNeighborGroupResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricNeighborGroupResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricNeighborGroupCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricNeighborGroups method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricNeighborGroup data model. Defines the Neighbor Group.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricNeighborGroup along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricNeighborGroupResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricNeighborGroupResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricNeighborGroup method.


A Class representing a NetworkFabric along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabric method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricRoutePolicyResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricRoutePolicyResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkFabricRoutePolicyCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricRoutePolicies method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricRoutePolicy data model. The RoutePolicy resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricRoutePolicy along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricRoutePolicyResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricRoutePolicyResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkFabricRoutePolicy method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkFabricSkuResource and their operations. Each NetworkFabricSkuResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of SubscriptionResource. To get a NetworkFabricSkuCollection instance call the GetNetworkFabricSkus method from an instance of SubscriptionResource.


A class representing the NetworkFabricSku data model. The Network Fabric SKU resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkFabricSku along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkFabricSkuResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkFabricSkuResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource SubscriptionResource using the GetNetworkFabricSku method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkPacketBrokerResource and their operations. Each NetworkPacketBrokerResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkPacketBrokerCollection instance call the GetNetworkPacketBrokers method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkPacketBroker data model. The NetworkPacketBroker resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkPacketBroker along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkPacketBrokerResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkPacketBrokerResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkPacketBroker method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkRackResource and their operations. Each NetworkRackResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkRackCollection instance call the GetNetworkRacks method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkRack data model. The Network Rack resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkRack along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkRackResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkRackResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkRack method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkTapResource and their operations. Each NetworkTapResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkTapCollection instance call the GetNetworkTaps method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkTap data model. The Network Tap resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkTap along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkTapResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkTapResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkTap method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkTapRuleResource and their operations. Each NetworkTapRuleResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a NetworkTapRuleCollection instance call the GetNetworkTapRules method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the NetworkTapRule data model. The NetworkTapRule resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkTapRule along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkTapRuleResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkTapRuleResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetNetworkTapRule method.


A class representing a collection of NetworkToNetworkInterconnectResource and their operations. Each NetworkToNetworkInterconnectResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of NetworkFabricResource. To get a NetworkToNetworkInterconnectCollection instance call the GetNetworkToNetworkInterconnects method from an instance of NetworkFabricResource.


A class representing the NetworkToNetworkInterconnect data model. The Network To Network Interconnect resource definition.


A Class representing a NetworkToNetworkInterconnect along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a NetworkToNetworkInterconnectResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetNetworkToNetworkInterconnectResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource NetworkFabricResource using the GetNetworkToNetworkInterconnect method.