
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Container: Translate Documents

Translate document with source language specified.

Request URL (using cURL)

POST request:

    POST "http://localhost:{port}/translator/document:translate?sourceLanguage={sourceLanguage}&targetLanguage={targetLanguage}&api-version={api-version}" -F "document=@{path-to-your-document-with-file-extension};type={ContentType}/{file-extension}" -o "{path-to-output-file-with-file-extension}"


curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:5000/translator/document:translate?sourceLanguage=en&targetLanguage=hi&api-version=2024-05-01" -F "document=@C:\Test\test-file.md;type=text/markdown" -o "C:\translation\translated-file.md"

Synchronous request headers and parameters

Use synchronous translation processing to send a document as part of the HTTP request body and receive the translated document in the HTTP response.

Query parameter        Description Condition
-X or --request POST The -X flag specifies the request method to access the API. Required
{endpoint} The URL for your Document Translation resource endpoint Required
targetLanguage Specifies the language of the output document. The target language must be one of the supported languages included in the translation scope. Required
sourceLanguage Specifies the language of the input document. If the sourceLanguage parameter isn't specified, automatic language detection is applied to determine the source language. Optional
-H or --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:{KEY} Request header that specifies the Document Translation resource key authorizing access to the API. Required
-F or --form The filepath to the document that you want to include with your request. Only one source document is allowed. Required
• Path to the file location for your source document.
• Content type and file extension.

Ex: "document=@C:\Test\test-file.md;type=text/markdown"
-o or --output The filepath to the response results. Required
-F or --form The filepath to an optional glossary to include with your request. The glossary requires a separate --form flag. Optional
• Path to the file location for your optional glossary file.
• Content type and file extension.

Ex: "glossary=@C:\Test\glossary-file.txt;type=text/plain

✔️ For more information on contentType, see Supported document formats.

Code sample: document translation


  • Each sample runs on the localhost that you specified with the docker compose up command.
  • While your container is running, localhost points to the container itself.
  • You don't have to use localhost:5000. You can use any port that is not already in use in your host environment.

Sample document

For this project, you need a source document to translate. You can download our document translation sample document for and store it in the same folder as your compose.yaml file (container-environment). The file name is document-translation-sample.docx and the source language is English.

Query Azure AI Translator endpoint (document)

Here's an example cURL HTTP request using localhost:5000:

curl -v "http://localhost:5000/translator/document:translate?sourceLanguage=en&targetLanguage=es&api-version=2024-05-01" -F "document=@document-translation-sample-docx" -o "C:\translation\translated-file.md"

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated document is returned with the response.
  • The successful POST method returns a 200 OK response code indicating that the service created the request.

Next steps