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Get supported glossary formats

Feature: Azure AI Translator → Document Translation
API Version: 2024-05-01
HTTP method: GET

This method returns a list of glossary formats supported by the Document Translation feature. The list includes the common file extensions.

Request URL


All API requests to the Document Translation feature require a custom domain endpoint that is located on your resource overview page in the Azure portal.

curl -i -X GET "{document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/formats?api-version={date}&type=glossary"

Request headers

Request headers are:

Headers Description Condition
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key Your Translator service API key from the Azure portal. Required
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region The region where your resource was created. Required when using a regional (geographic) resource like West US.
Content-Type The content type of the payload. The accepted value is application/json or charset=UTF-8. Required

Response status codes

The following are the possible HTTP status codes that a request returns.

Status Code Description
200 OK. Returns the list of supported glossary file formats.
500 Internal Server Error.
Other Status Codes • Too many requests
• Server temporary unavailable

Get supported glossary formats response

Base type for list return in the Get supported glossary formats API.

Successful get supported glossary formats response

Base type for list return in the Get supported glossary formats API.

Name Type Description
value FileFormat [] FileFormat[] contains the listed details.
value.contentTypes string [] Supported Content-Types for this format.
value.defaultVersion string Default version if none is specified
value.fileExtensions string [] Supported file extension for this format.
value.format string Name of the format.
value.versions string [] Supported version.

Error response

Name Type Description
code string Enums containing high-level error codes. Possible values:
• InternalServerError
• InvalidArgument
• InvalidRequest
• RequestRateTooHigh
• ResourceNotFound
• ServiceUnavailable
• Unauthorized
message string Gets high-level error message.
innerError InnerTranslationError New Inner Error format that conforms to Azure AI services API Guidelines. This error message contains required properties ErrorCode, message, and optional properties target, details(key value pair), inner error(it can be nested).
innerError.code string Gets code error string.
innerError.message string Gets high-level error message.
innerError.target string Gets the source of the error. For example, it would be documents or document id if there was invalid document.


Example successful response

The following JSON object is an example of a successful response.

    "value": [
            "format": "XLIFF",
            "fileExtensions": [
            "contentTypes": [
            "defaultVersion": "1.2",
            "versions": [
            "format": "TSV",
            "fileExtensions": [
            "contentTypes": [
            "format": "CSV",
            "fileExtensions": [
            "contentTypes": [

Example error response

The following JSON object is an example of an error response. The schema for other error codes is the same.

Status code: 500

  "error": {
    "code": "InternalServerError",
    "message": "Internal Server Error",
    "innerError": {
      "code": "InternalServerError",
      "message": "Unexpected internal server error has occurred"

Next steps

Follow our quickstart to learn more about using Document Translation and the client library.