
Moderate with custom term lists in the API console

The default global list of terms in Azure Content Moderator is sufficient for most content moderation needs. However, you might need to screen for terms that are specific to your organization. For example, you might want to tag competitor names for further review.

Use the List Management API to create custom lists of terms to use with the Text Moderation API. The Text - Screen operation scans your text for profanity, and also compares text against custom and shared blocklists.


There is a maximum limit of 5 term lists with each list to not exceed 10,000 terms.

You can use the List Management API to do the following tasks:

  • Create a list.
  • Add terms to a list.
  • Screen terms against the terms in a list.
  • Delete terms from a list.
  • Delete a list.
  • Edit list information.
  • Refresh the index so that changes to the list are included in a new scan.

Use the API console

Before you can test-drive the API in the online console, you need your subscription key. This key is located on the Settings tab, in the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key box. For more information, see Overview.

Refresh search index

After you make changes to a term list, you must refresh its index for changes to be included in future scans. This step is similar to how a search engine on your desktop (if enabled) or a web search engine continually refreshes its index to include new files or pages.

  1. In the Term List Management API reference, in the left menu, select Term Lists, and then select Refresh Search Index.

    The Term Lists - Refresh Search Index page opens.

  2. For Open API testing console, select the region that most closely describes your location.

    Term Lists - Refresh Search Index page region selection

    The Term Lists - Refresh Search Index API console opens.

  3. In the listId box, enter the list ID. Enter your subscription key, and then select Send.

    Term Lists API - Refresh Search Index console Response content box

Create a term list

  1. Go to the Term List Management API reference.

    The Term Lists - Create page opens.

  2. For Open API testing console, select the region that most closely describes your location.

    Term Lists - Create page region selection

    The Term Lists - Create API console opens.

  3. In the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key box, enter your subscription key.

  4. In the Request body box, enter values for Name (for example, MyList) and Description.

    Term Lists - Create console Request body name and description

  5. Use key-value pair placeholders to assign more descriptive metadata to your list.

        "Name": "MyExclusionList",
        "Description": "MyListDescription",
            "Category": "Competitors",
            "Type": "Exclude"

    Add list metadata as key-value pairs, and not actual terms.

  6. Select Send. Your list is created. Note the ID value that is associated with the new list. You need this ID for other term list management functions.

    Term Lists - Create console Response content box shows the list ID

  7. Add terms to MyList. In the left menu, under Term, select Add Term.

    The Term - Add Term page opens.

  8. For Open API testing console, select the region that most closely describes your location.

    Term - Add Term page region selection

    The Term - Add Term API console opens.

  9. In the listId box, enter the list ID that you generated, and select a value for language. Enter your subscription key, and then select Send.

    Term - Add Term console query parameters

  10. To verify that the term has been added to the list, in the left menu, select Term, and then select Get All Terms.

    The Term - Get All Terms API console opens.

  11. In the listId box, enter the list ID, and then enter your subscription key. Select Send.

  12. In the Response content box, verify the terms you entered.

    Term - Get All Terms console Response content box lists the terms that you entered

  13. Add a few more terms. Now that you have created a custom list of terms, try scanning some text by using the custom term list.

Delete terms and lists

Deleting a term or a list is straightforward. You use the API to do the following tasks:

  • Delete a term. (Term - Delete)
  • Delete all the terms in a list without deleting the list. (Term - Delete All Terms)
  • Delete a list and all of its contents. (Term Lists - Delete)

This example deletes a single term.

  1. In the Term List Management API reference, in the left menu, select Term, and then select Delete.

    The Term - Delete opens.

  2. For Open API testing console, select the region that most closely describes your location.

    Term - Delete page region selection

    The Term - Delete API console opens.

  3. In the listId box, enter the ID of the list that you want to delete a term from. This ID is the number (in our example, 122) that is returned in the Term Lists - Get Details console for MyList. Enter the term and select a language.

    Term - Delete console query parameters

  4. Enter your subscription key, and then select Send.

  5. To verify that the term has been deleted, use the Term Lists - Get All console.

    Term Lists - Get All console Response content box shows that term is deleted

Change list information

You can edit a list’s name and description, and add metadata items.

  1. In the Term List Management API reference, in the left menu, select Term Lists, and then select Update Details.

    The Term Lists - Update Details page opens.

  2. For Open API testing console, select the region that most closely describes your location.

    Term Lists - Update Details page region selection

    The Term Lists - Update Details API console opens.

  3. In the listId box, enter the list ID, and then enter your subscription key.

  4. In the Request body box, make your edits, and then select Send.

    Term Lists - Update Details console Request body edits

Next steps

Use the REST API in your code or start with the Term lists .NET quickstart to integrate with your application.