
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Exception Policy

An Exception Policy is a set of rules that defines what actions to execute when a condition is triggered. You can save these policies inside Job Router and then attach them to one or more Queues.


The following triggers can be used to drive actions:

Queue Length - Fires when the length of the queue exceeds a specified threshold while adding the job to the queue.

Wait Time - Fires when the job has been waiting in the queue for the specified threshold.

When these triggers are fired, they'll execute one or more actions and send an Exception Triggered Event via Event Grid.


Cancel - Cancels the job and removes it from the queue.

Reclassify - Reapplies the specified Classification Policy with modified labels to the job.

Manual Reclassify - Modifies the queue, priority, and worker selectors to the job.


In the following example, we configure an exception policy that will cancel a job before it joins a queue with a length greater than 100.

await administrationClient.CreateExceptionPolicyAsync(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions(
    exceptionPolicyId: "maxQueueLength",
    exceptionRules: new List<ExceptionRule>
        new (id: "cancelJob",
            trigger: new QueueLengthExceptionTrigger(threshold: 100),
            actions: new List<ExceptionAction>{ new CancelExceptionAction() })
    }) { Name = "Max Queue Length Policy" });
await administrationClient.path("/routing/exceptionPolicies/{exceptionPolicyId}", "maxQueueLength").patch({
    body: {
        name: "Max Queue Length Policy",
        exceptionRules: [
            id: "cancelJob",
            trigger: { kind: "queueLength", threshold: 100 },
            actions: [{ kind: "cancel" }]
    exception_policy_id = "maxQueueLength",
    name = "Max Queue Length Policy",
    exception_rules = [
            id = "cancelJob",
            trigger = QueueLengthExceptionTrigger(threshold = 100),
            actions = [ CancelExceptionAction() ]
administrationClient.createExceptionPolicy(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions("maxQueueLength",
    List.of(new ExceptionRule(
        new QueueLengthExceptionTrigger(100),
        List.of(new CancelExceptionAction())))
).setName("Max Queue Length Policy"));

In the following example, we configure an Exception Policy with rules that will:

  • Set the job priority to 10 after it has been waiting in the queue for 1 minute.
  • Move the job to queue2 after it has been waiting for 5 minutes.
await administrationClient.CreateExceptionPolicyAsync(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions(
    exceptionPolicyId: "policy2",
    exceptionRules: new List<ExceptionRule>
            id: "increasePriority",
            trigger: new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(threshold: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)),
            actions: new List<ExceptionAction>
                new ManualReclassifyExceptionAction { Priority = 10 }
            id: "changeQueue",
            trigger: new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(threshold: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)),
            actions: new List<ExceptionAction>
                new ManualReclassifyExceptionAction { QueueId = "queue2" }
    }) { Name = "Escalation Policy" });
await administrationClient.path("/routing/exceptionPolicies/{exceptionPolicyId}", "policy2").patch({
    body: {
        name: "Escalation Policy",
        exceptionRules: [
            id: "increasePriority",
            trigger: { kind: "waitTime", thresholdSeconds: "60" },
            actions: [{ "manual-reclassify", priority: 10 }]
            id: "changeQueue",
            trigger: { kind: "waitTime", thresholdSeconds: "300" },
            actions: [{ kind: "manual-reclassify", queueId: "queue2" }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    exception_policy_id = "policy2",
    name = "Escalation Policy",
    exception_rules = [
            id = "increasePriority",
            trigger = WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(threshold_seconds = 60),
            actions = [ ManualReclassifyExceptionAction(priority = 10) ]
            id = "changeQueue",
            trigger = WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(threshold_seconds = 60),
            actions = [ ManualReclassifyExceptionAction(queue_id = "queue2") ]
administrationClient.createExceptionPolicy(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions("policy2", List.of(
    new ExceptionRule("increasePriority", new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(Duration.ofMinutes(1)),
        List.of(new ManualReclassifyExceptionAction().setPriority(10))),
    new ExceptionRule("changeQueue", new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(Duration.ofMinutes(5)),
        List.of(new ManualReclassifyExceptionAction().setQueueId("queue2"))))
).setName("Escalation Policy"));