
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Command-line and PowerShell reference for Windows (local) emulator

APPLIES TO: NoSQL MongoDB Cassandra Gremlin Table

The Azure Cosmos DB emulator provides a local environment that emulates the Azure Cosmos DB service for local development purposes. After installing the emulator, you can control the emulator with command line and PowerShell commands. This article describes how to use the command-line and PowerShell commands to start and stop the emulator, configure options, and perform other operations. You have to run the commands from the installation location.


This article only includes command-line arguments for the Windows local emulator.

Manage the emulator with command-line syntax

    [/Shutdown] [/DataPath] [/Port] [/MongoPort] 
    [/DirectPorts] [/Key] [/EnableRateLimiting] 
    [/DisableRateLimiting] [/NoUI] [/NoExplorer] 

To view the list of parameters, type Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /? at the command prompt.

Parameter Description Example Command
[No arguments] Starts up the emulator with default settings. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe
[Help] Displays the list of supported command-line arguments. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /?
GetStatus Gets the status of the emulator. Each exit code indicates a status: 1 = Starting, 2 = Running, and 3 = Stopped. A negative exit code indicates that an error occurred. No other output is produced. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /GetStatus
Shutdown Shuts down the emulator. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /Shutdown
DataPath Specifies the path in which to store data files. The default value is %LocalAppdata%\CosmosDBEmulator. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /DataPath=E:\SomeDataFolder
Port Specifies the port number to use for the emulator. The default value is 8081. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /Port=65000
ComputePort Specifies the port number to use for the compute interop gateway service. The gateway's HTTP endpoint probe port is calculated as ComputePort + 79. Hence, ComputePort and ComputePort + 79 must be open and available. The default value is 8900. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /ComputePort=65100
EnableMongoDbEndpoint=3.2 Enables API for MongoDB version 3.2. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableMongoDbEndpoint=3.2
EnableMongoDbEndpoint=3.6 Enables API for MongoDB version 3.6. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableMongoDbEndpoint=3.6
EnableMongoDbEndpoint=4.0 Enables API for MongoDB version 4.0. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableMongoDbEndpoint=4.0
MongoPort Specifies the port number to use for API for MongoDB. Default value is 10255. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /MongoPort=65200
EnableCassandraEndpoint Enables API for Apache Cassandra. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableCassandraEndpoint
CassandraPort Specifies the port number to use for the API for Cassandra endpoint. Default value is 10350. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /CassandraPort=65300
EnableGremlinEndpoint Enables API for Apache Gremlin. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableGremlinEndpoint
GremlinPort Port number to use for the API for Apache Gremlin Endpoint. Default value is 8901. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /GremlinPort=65400
EnableTableEndpoint Enables API for Table. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableTableEndpoint
TablePort Port number to use for the API for Table Endpoint. Default value is 8902. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /TablePort=65500
KeyFile Read authorization key from the specified file. Use the /GenKeyFile option to generate a keyfile. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /KeyFile=D:\Keys\keyfile
ResetDataPath Recursively removes all the files in the specified path. If you don't specify a path, it defaults to %LOCALAPPDATA%\CosmosDbEmulator. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /ResetDataPath
StartTraces Start collecting debug trace logs using LOGMAN. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /StartTraces
StopTraces Stop collecting debug trace logs using LOGMAN. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /StopTraces
StartWprTraces Start collecting debug trace logs using Windows Performance Recording tool. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /StartWprTraces
StopWprTraces Stop collecting debug trace logs using Windows Performance Recording tool. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /StopWprTraces
FailOnSslCertificateNameMismatch By default the emulator regenerates its self-signed TLS/SSL certificate, if the certificate's SAN doesn't include the emulator host's domain name, local IP address (v4), localhost, and With this option, the emulator instead fails at startup. You should then use the /GenCert option to create and install a new self-signed TLS/SSL certificate. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /FailOnSslCertificateNameMismatch
GenCert Generate and install a new self-signed TLS/SSL certificate. optionally including a comma-separated list of extra Domain Name System (DNS) names for accessing the emulator over the network. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /GenCert
DirectPorts Specifies the ports to use for direct connectivity. Defaults are 10251, 10252, 10253, and 10254. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /DirectPorts:65600,65700
Key Authorization key for the emulator. Key must be the base-64 encoding of a 64-byte vector. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /Key:D67PoU0bcK/kgPKFHu4W+3SUY9LNcwcFLIUHnwrkA==
EnableRateLimiting Specifies that request rate limiting behavior is enabled. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /EnableRateLimiting
DisableRateLimiting Specifies that request rate limiting behavior is disabled. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /DisableRateLimiting
NoUI Don't show the emulator user interface. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /NoUI
NoExplorer Don't show data explorer on startup. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /NoExplorer
PartitionCount Specifies the maximum number of partitioned containers. For more information, see change the number of containers. The default value is 25. The maximum allowed is 250. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /PartitionCount=15
DefaultPartitionCount Specifies the default number of partitions for a partitioned container. The default value is 25. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /DefaultPartitionCount=50
AllowNetworkAccess Enables access to the emulator over a network. You must also pass /Key=<key_string> or /KeyFile=<file_name> to enable network access. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /AllowNetworkAccess /Key=D67PoU0bcK/kgPKFHu4W+3SUY9LNcwcFLIUHnwrkA==
NoFirewall Don't adjust firewall rules when /AllowNetworkAccess option is used. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /NoFirewall
GenKeyFile Generate a new authorization key and save to the specified file. The generated key can be used with the /Key or /KeyFile options. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /GenKeyFile=D:\Keys\keyfile
Consistency Set the default consistency level for the account. The default value is Session. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /Consistency=Strong
? Show the help message.

Manage the emulator with PowerShell cmdlets

The emulator comes with a PowerShell module to start, stop, uninstall, and retrieve the status of the service. Run the following cmdlet to use the PowerShell module:

Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator\PSModules\Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Emulator"

Or place the PSModules directory on your PSModulePath and import it as shown in the following command:

$env:PSModulePath += ";$env:ProgramFiles\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator\PSModules"
Import-Module Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Emulator

Here's a summary of the commands for controlling the emulator from PowerShell:


Gets the status of the emulator. Returns one of these ServiceControllerStatus values:

  • ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending
  • ServiceControllerStatus.Running
  • ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped

If an error is encountered, no value is returned.


    [[-AlternativeInstallLocation] <String>] 


Name Type Description
AlternativeInstallLocation String


  • Get the status of an emulator installed in the D:\SomeFolder\AzureCosmosDBEmulator folder.

    @parameters = {
        AlternativeInstallLocation = "D:\SomeFolder\AzureCosmosDBEmulator"
    Get-CosmosDbEmulatorStatus @parameters


Starts the emulator on the local computer. By default, the command waits until the emulator is ready to accept requests. Use the -NoWait option, if you wish the cmdlet to return as soon as it starts the emulator. Use the parameters of Start-CosmosDbEmulator to specify options, such as the NoSQL port, direct port, and MongoDB port numbers.


Start-CosmosDbEmulator [-AllowNetworkAccess]
    [-AlternativeInstallLocation <String>] [-CassandraPort <UInt16>]
    [-ComputePort <UInt16>] [-Consistency <String>] [-Credential
    <PSCredential>] [-DataPath <String>] [-DefaultPartitionCount
    <UInt16>] [-DirectPort <UInt16[]>] [-EnableMongoDb]
    [-EnableCassandra] [-EnableGremlin] [-EnableTable]
    [-EnableSqlCompute] [-EnablePreview]
    [-FailOnSslCertificateNameMismatch] [-GremlinPort <UInt16>]
    [-TablePort <UInt16>] [-SqlComputePort <UInt16>] [-Key <String>]
    [-MongoPort <UInt16>] [-MongoApiVersion <String>] [-NoFirewall]
    [-NoTelemetry] [-NoUI] [-NoWait] [-PartitionCount <UInt16>] [-Port
    <UInt16>] [-SimulateRateLimiting] [-Timeout <UInt32>] [-Trace]


Name Type Description
AllowNetworkAccess SwitchParameter Allow access from all IP Addresses assigned to the emulator's host. You must also specify a value for Key or KeyFile to allow network access.
AlternativeInstallLocation String Alternative location path to the emulator executable.
CassandraPort UInt16 Port number to use for the API for Cassandra. The default port is 10350.
ComputePort UInt16 Port to use for the compute interop gateway service. The gateway's HTTP endpoint probe port is calculated as ComputePort + 79. Hence, ComputePort and ComputePort + 79 must be open and available. The default ports are 8900, 8979.
Consistency String Sets the default consistency level for the emulator to Session, Strong, Eventual, or BoundedStaleness. The default level is Session.
Credential PSCredential Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. Use a username, such as User01 or Domain01\User01, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one from the Get-Credential cmdlet. By default, the cmdlet uses the credentials of the current user.
DataPath String Path to store data files. The default location for data files is $env:LocalAppData\CosmosDbEmulator.
DefaultPartitionCount UInt16 The number of partitions to reserve per partitioned collection. The default is 25, which is the same as default value of the total partition count.
DirectPort UInt16 A list of four ports to use for direct connectivity to the emulator's backend. The default list is 10251, 10252, 10253, and 10254.
EnableMongoDb SwitchParameter Specifies that API for MongoDB endpoint is enabled. The default is false.
EnableCassandra SwitchParameter Specifies that API for Apache Cassandra endpoint is enabled. The default is false.
EnableGremlin SwitchParameter Specifies that API for Apache Gremlin endpoint is enabled. The default is false.
EnableTable SwitchParameter Specifies that API for Table endpoint is enabled. The default is false.
EnableSqlCompute SwitchParameter Specifies that API for NoSQL endpoint is enabled. The default is false.
EnablePreview SwitchParameter Enables emulator features that are in preview and not fully matured to be on by default.
FailOnSslCertificateNameMismatch SwitchParameter By default the emulator regenerates its self-signed TLS/SSL certificate, if the certificate's SAN doesn't include the emulator host's domain name, local IP address (v4), localhost, and This option causes the emulator to fail at startup instead. You should then use the New-CosmosDbEmulatorCertificate option to create and install a new self-signed TLS/SSL certificate.
GremlinPort UInt16 Port number to use for the API for Apache Gremlin. The default port number is 8901.
TablePort UInt16 Port number to use for the API for Table. The default port number is 8902.
SqlComputePort UInt16 Port number to use for the API for NoSQL. The default port number is 8903.
Key String Authorization key for the emulator. This value must be the base 64 encoding of a 64-byte vector.
MongoPort UInt16 Port number to use for the API for MongoDB. The default port number is 10250.
MongoApiVersion String Specifies which version to use for the API for MongoDB. The default version is 4.0.
NoFirewall SwitchParameter Specifies that no inbound port rules should be added to the emulator host's firewall.
NoTelemetry SwitchParameter Specifies that the cmdlet shouldn't collect data for the current emulator session.
NoUI SwitchParameter Specifies that the cmdlet shouldn't present the user interface or taskbar icon.
NoWait SwitchParameter Specifies that the cmdlet should return as soon as the emulator begins to start. By default the cmdlet waits until startup is complete and the emulator is ready to receive requests before returning.
PartitionCount UInt16 The total number of partitions allocated by the emulator.
Port UInt16 Port number for the emulator Gateway Service and Web UI. The default port number is 8081.
SimulateRateLimiting SwitchParameter
Timeout UInt32
Trace SwitchParameter


  • Start the emulator and wait until it's ready to accept requests.

  • Start the emulator with 5 partitions reserved for each partitioned collection. The total number of partitions is set to the default: 25. Hence, the total number of partitioned collections that can be created is 5 = 25 partitions / 5 partitions/collection. Each partitioned collection is capped at 50 GB = 5 partitions * 10 GB / partiton.

    @parameters = {
        DefaultPartitionCount = 5
    Start-CosmosDbEmulator @parameters
  • Starts the emulator with alternative port numbers.

    @parameters = {
        Port = 443 
        MongoPort = 27017 
        DirectPort = 20001,20002,20003,20004
    Start-CosmosDbEmulator @parameters


Stops the emulator. By default, this command waits until the emulator is fully shut down. Use the -NoWait option, if you wish the cmdlet to return as soon as the emulator begins to shut down.


    [[-AlternativeInstallLocation] <String>]
    [-NoWait] [[-Timeout] <UInt32>] [-Trace] 


Name Type Description
AlternativeInstallLocation String
Timeout UInt32
NoWait SwitchParameter Specifies that the cmdlet should return as soon as the shutdown begins.
Trace SwitchParameter


@parameters = {
    NoWait = $true
Stop-CosmosDbEmulator @parameters


Uninstalls the emulator and optionally removes the full contents of $env:LOCALAPPDATA\CosmosDbEmulator. The cmdlet ensures the emulator is stopped before uninstalling it.




Name Type Description
RemoveData SwitchParameter Specifies that the cmdlet should delete all data after it removes the emulator.


@parameters = {
    RemoveData = $false
Uninstall-CosmosDbEmulator @parameters

Change the number of default containers

By default, you can create up to 25 fixed size containers (only supported using Azure Cosmos DB software development kits (SDKs)), or 5 unlimited containers using the emulator. By modifying the PartitionCount value, you can create up to 250 fixed size containers or 50 unlimited containers, or any combination of the two that doesn't exceed 250 fixed size containers (where one unlimited container = 5 fixed size containers). However we don't recommend that you set up the emulator to run with more than 200 fixed size containers. Because of the overhead that it adds to the disk IO operations, which result in unpredictable timeouts when using the endpoint APIs.

If you attempt to create a container after the current partition count is exceeded, the emulator throws a ServiceUnavailable exception, with the following message.

Sorry, we are currently experiencing high demand in this region, and cannot fulfill your request at this time. We work continuously to bring more and more capacity online, and encourage you to try again.
ActivityId: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

To change the number of containers available in the emulator, run the following steps:

  1. Delete all local emulator data by right-clicking the emulator icon on the system tray, and then clicking Reset Data….

  2. Delete all emulator data in this folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\CosmosDBEmulator.

  3. Exit all open instances by right-clicking the emulator icon on the system tray, and then clicking Exit. It might take a minute for all instances to exit.

  4. Install the latest version of the emulator.

  5. Launch the emulator with the PartitionCount flag by setting a value <= 250. For example: C:\Program Files\emulator> Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /PartitionCount=100.

Next steps