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This article helps you understand billing and resource management scopes available in Azure and how to use the scopes in Cost Management and APIs.
A scope is a node in the Azure resource hierarchy where Microsoft Entra users access and manage services. Most Azure resources are created and deployed into resource groups, which are part of subscriptions. Microsoft also offers two hierarchies above Azure subscriptions that have specialized roles to manage billing data:
Billing data, such as payments and invoices
Cloud services, such as cost and policy governance
Scopes are where you manage billing data, have roles specific to payments, view invoices, and conduct general account management. Billing and account roles are managed separately from roles used for resource management, which use Azure RBAC. To clearly distinguish the intent of the separate scopes, including the access control differences, they're referred to as billing scopes and Azure RBAC scopes, respectively.
Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, see New name for Azure AD.
How Cost Management uses scopes
Cost Management works at all scopes above resources to allow organizations to manage costs at the level at which they have access, whether that's the entire billing account or a single resource group. Although billing scopes differ based on your Microsoft agreement (subscription type), the Azure RBAC scopes don't.
Azure RBAC scopes
Azure supports three scopes for resource management. Each scope supports managing access and governance, including but not limited to, cost management.
Management groups - Hierarchical containers, used to organize Azure subscriptions. A management group tree can support up to six levels of depth. The limit doesn't include the Root level or the subscription level.
Resource groups - Logical groupings of related resources for an Azure solution that share the same lifecycle. For example resources that are deployed and deleted together.
Management groups allow you to organize subscriptions into a hierarchy. For example, you might create a logical organization hierarchy using management groups. Then, give teams subscriptions for production and dev/test workloads. And then create resource groups in the subscriptions to manage each subsystem or component.
Creating an organizational hierarchy allows cost and policy compliance to roll up organizationally. Then, each leader can view and analyze their current costs. And then they can create budgets to curb bad spending patterns and optimize costs with Advisor recommendations at the lowest level.
Granting access to view costs and optionally manage cost configuration, such as budgets and exports, is done on governance scopes using Azure RBAC. You use Azure RBAC to grant Microsoft Entra users and groups access to do a predefined set of actions. The actions are defined in a role on a specific scope and lower. For instance, a role assigned to a management group scope also grants the same permissions to nested subscriptions and resource groups.
Cost Management supports the following built-in roles for each of the following scopes:
Owner – Can view costs and manage everything, including cost configuration.
Contributor – Can view costs and manage everything, including cost configuration, but excluding access control.
Reader – Can view everything, including cost data and configuration, but can't make any changes.
Cost Management Reader – Can view cost data, cost configuration, and view recommendations.
Cost Management Contributor is the recommended least-privilege role. The role allows people to create and manage budgets and exports to more effectively monitor and report on costs. Cost Management Contributors might also require more roles to support complex cost management scenarios. Consider the following scenarios:
Reporting on resource usage – Cost Management shows cost in the Azure portal. It includes usage as it pertains to cost in the full usage patterns. This report can also show API and download charges, but you may also want to drill into detailed usage metrics in Azure Monitor to get a deeper understanding. Consider granting Monitoring Reader on any scope where you also need to report detailed usage metrics.
Act when budgets are exceeded – Cost Management Contributors also need access to create and manage action groups to automatically react to overages. Consider granting Monitoring Contributor to a resource group that contains the action group to use when budget thresholds are exceeded. Automating specific actions requires more roles for the specific services used, such as Automation and Azure Functions.
Schedule cost data export – Cost Management Contributors also need access to manage storage accounts to schedule an export to copy data into a storage account. Consider granting Storage Account Contributor to a resource group that contains the storage account where cost data is exported.
Viewing cost-saving recommendations – Cost Management Readers and Cost Management Contributors have access to view cost recommendations by default. However, access to act on the cost recommendations requires access to individual resources. Consider granting a service-specific role if you want to act on a cost-based recommendation.
Management groups aren't currently supported in Cost Management features for Microsoft Customer Agreement subscriptions. The Cost Details API also doesn't support management groups for either EA or MCA customers.
Management groups are only supported if they contain up to 3,000 Enterprise Agreement (EA), Pay-as-you-go (PAYG), or Microsoft internal subscriptions. Management groups with more than 3,000 subscriptions or subscriptions with other offer types, like Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Entra subscriptions, can't view costs.
If you have a mix of subscriptions, move the unsupported subscriptions to a separate arm of the management group hierarchy to enable Cost Management for the supported subscriptions. As an example, create two management groups under the root management group: Microsoft Entra ID and My Org. Move your Microsoft Entra subscription to the Microsoft Entra ID management group and then view and manage costs using the My Org management group.
Feature behavior for each role
The following table shows how Cost Management features are used by each role. The following behavior is applicable to all Azure RBAC scopes.
Cost Management Reader
Cost Management Contributor
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read only
Read only
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read only
Read only
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read only
Read only
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read only
Read only
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation rules
Feature not available for Azure RBAC scopes
Feature not available for Azure RBAC scopes
Feature not available for Azure RBAC scopes
Feature not available for Azure RBAC scopes
Feature not available for Azure RBAC scopes
Enterprise Agreement scopes
Enterprise Agreement (EA) billing accounts, also called enrollments, have the following scopes:
Billing account - Represents an EA enrollment. Invoices are generated at this scope. Purchases that aren't usage-based, such as Marketplace and reservations, are only available at this scope. They aren't represented in departments or enrollment accounts. Reservation usage, along with all other usage, is applied to individual resources. Usage rolls-up to subscriptions within the billing account. To see reservation costs broken down to each resource, switch to view Amortized cost in cost analysis.
Although governance scopes are bound to a single directory, EA billing scopes aren't. An EA billing account may have subscriptions across any number of Microsoft Entra directories.
EA billing scopes support the following roles:
Enterprise admin – Can manage billing account settings and access, can view all costs, and can manage cost configuration. For example, budgets and exports.
Enterprise read-only user – Can view billing account settings, cost data, and cost configuration. Can manage budgets and exports.
Department admin – Can manage department settings, such as cost center, and can access, view all costs, and manage cost configuration. For example, budgets and exports. The DA view charges billing account setting must be enabled for department admins and read-only users to see costs. If DA view charges option is disabled, department users can't see costs at any level, even if they're an account or subscription owner.
Department read-only user – Can view department settings, cost data, and cost configuration. Can manage budgets and exports. If DA view charges option is disabled, department users can't see costs at any level, even if they're an account or subscription owner.
Account owner – Can manage enrollment account settings (such as cost center), view all costs, and manage cost configuration (such as budgets and exports) for the enrollment account. The AO view charges billing account setting must be enabled for account owners and Azure RBAC users to see costs.
EA billing account users don't have direct access to invoices. Invoices are available from an external volume licensing system.
Azure subscriptions are nested under enrollment accounts. Billing users have access to cost data for the subscriptions and resource groups that are under their respective scopes. They don't have access to see or manage resources in the Azure portal. Users can view costs by navigating to Cost Management + Billing in the Azure portal list of services. Then, they can filter costs to the specific subscriptions and resource groups they need to report on.
Billing users don't have access to management groups because they don't fall explicitly under a specific billing account. Access must be granted to management groups explicitly. Management groups roll-up costs from all nested subscriptions. However, they only include usage-based purchases. They don't include purchases such as reservations and third-party Marketplace offerings. To view these costs, use the EA billing account.
Feature behavior for each role
The following tables show how Cost Management features can be utilized by each role.
Enrollment scope
Enterprise Admin
Enterprise Read-Only
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Budgets/Reservation utilization alerts
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation Rules
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Department scope
Enterprise Admin
Enterprise Read Only
Department Admin (only if "DA view charges" setting is on)
Department Read Only (only if "DA view charges" setting is on)
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation Rules
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
Account scope
Enterprise Admin
Enterprise Read Only
Department Admin (only if "DA view charges" is on)
Department Read Only (only if "DA view charges" setting is on)
Account Owner (only if "AO view charges" setting is on)
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation Rules
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account scope
Individual agreement scopes
Azure subscriptions created from individual offers like pay-as-you-go and related types like Free Trial and dev/test offers, don't have an explicit billing account scope. Instead, each subscription has an account owner or account admin, like the EA account owner.
Billing account -
Represents a single account owner for one or more Azure subscriptions. It doesn't currently support granting access to multiple people or access to aggregated cost views.
Resource type: Not applicable
Individual Azure subscription account admins can view and manage billing data, such as invoices and payments, from the Azure portal > Subscriptions > select a subscription.
Unlike EA, individual Azure subscription account admins can see their invoices in the Azure portal. Keep in mind that Cost Management Reader and Cost Management Contributor roles don't provide access to invoices. For more information, see How to grant access to invoices.
Microsoft Customer Agreement scopes
Microsoft Customer Agreement billing accounts have the following scopes:
Billing account - Represents a customer agreement for multiple Microsoft products and services. Customer Agreement billing accounts aren't functionally the same as EA enrollments. EA enrollments are more closely aligned to billing profiles.
Billing profile - Defines the subscriptions that are included in an invoice. Billing profiles are the functional equivalent of an EA enrollment, since that's the scope that invoices are generated at. Similarly, purchases that aren't usage-based (such as Marketplace and reservations) are only available at this scope. They aren't included in invoice sections.
Invoice section - Represents a group of subscriptions in an invoice or billing profile. Invoice sections are like departments—multiple people can have access to an invoice section.
Customer - Represents a group of subscriptions that are associated to a specific customer that is onboarded to a Microsoft Customer Agreement by partner. This scope is specific to Cloud Solution Providers (CSP).
Unlike EA billing scopes, Customer Agreement billing accounts are managed by a single directory. Microsoft Customer Agreement billing accounts can have linked subscriptions that could be in different Microsoft Entra directories.
Customer Agreement billing scopes don't apply to partners. Partner roles and permissions are documented at Assign users roles and permissions.
Customer Agreement billing scopes support the following roles:
Owner – Can manage billing settings and access, view all costs, and manage cost configuration. For example, budgets and exports. In function, this Customer Agreement billing scope is the same as the Cost Management Contributor Azure role.
Contributor – Can manage billing settings except access, view all costs, and manage cost configuration. For example, budgets and exports. In function, this Customer Agreement billing scope is the same as the Cost Management Contributor Azure role.
Reader – Can view billing settings, cost data, and cost configuration. Can manage budgets and exports.
Invoice manager – Can view and pay invoices and can view cost data and configuration. Can manage budgets and exports.
Azure subscription creator – Can create Azure subscriptions, view costs, and manage cost configuration. For example, budgets and exports. In function, this Customer Agreement billing scope is the same as the EA enrollment account owner role.
Azure subscriptions are nested under invoice sections, like how they are under EA enrollment accounts. Billing users have access to cost data for the subscriptions and resource groups that are under their respective scopes. However, they don't have access to see or manage resources in the Azure portal. Billing users can view costs by navigating to Cost Management + Billing in the Azure portal list of services. Then, filter costs to the specific subscriptions and resource groups they need to report on.
Management group scopes aren't supported for Microsoft Customer Agreement accounts at this time.
Billing users don't have access to management groups because they don't explicitly fall under the billing account. However, when management groups are enabled for the organization, all subscription costs are rolled-up to the billing account and to the root management group because they're both constrained to a single directory. Management groups only include purchases that are usage-based. Purchases like reservations and third-party Marketplace offerings aren't included in management groups. So, the billing account and root management group may report different totals. To view these costs, use the billing account or respective billing profile.
Feature behavior for each role
The following tables show how Cost Management features can be utilized by each role.
Billing account
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation Rules
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read only
Billing profile
Invoice Manager
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Budgets/Reservation utilization alerts
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Cost Allocation Rules
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
Invoice section
Azure Subscription Creator
Cost Analysis / Forecast / Query / Cost Details API
Read only
Read only
Read only
Read only
Shared Views
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Read, Update
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Cost Allocation Rules
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
N/A – only applicable to Billing Account
AWS scopes
The Connector for AWS in the Cost Management service retires on March 31, 2025. Users should consider alternative solutions for AWS cost management reporting. On March 31, 2024, Azure will disable the ability to add new Connectors for AWS for all customers. For more information, see Retire your Amazon Web Services (AWS) connector.
The following scopes are supported for CSPs with customers on a Microsoft Customer Agreement:
Billing account - Represents a customer agreement for multiple Microsoft products and services. Customer Agreement billing accounts aren't functionally the same as EA enrollments. EA enrollments are more closely aligned to billing profiles.
Billing profile - Defines the subscriptions that are included in an invoice. Billing profiles are the functional equivalent of an EA enrollment, since that's the scope that invoices are generated at. Similarly, purchases that aren't usage-based (such as Marketplace and reservations) are only available at this scope.
Customer - Represents a group of subscriptions that are associated to a specific customer that is onboarded to a Microsoft Customer Agreement by a partner.
Only the users with Admin agent and billing admin roles can manage and view costs for billing accounts, billing profiles, and customers directly in the partner's Azure tenant. For more information about partner center roles, see Assign users roles and permissions.
Cost Management only supports CSP partner customers if the customers have a Microsoft Customer Agreement. For CSP supported customers who aren't yet on a Microsoft Customer Agreement, see Partner Center.
Management groups in CSP scopes aren't supported by Cost Management. If you have a CSP subscription and you set the scope to a management group in cost analysis, an error similar the following one is shown:
Management group <ManagementGroupName> does not have any valid subscriptions
Switch between scopes in Cost Management
All Cost Management views in the Azure portal include a Scope selection pill at the top-left of the view. Use it to quickly change scope. Select the Scope pill to open the scope picker. It shows billing accounts, the root management group, and any subscriptions that aren't nested under the root management group. To select a scope, select the background to highlight it, and then select Select at the bottom. To drill-in to nested scopes, like resource groups in a subscription, select the scope name link. To select the parent scope at any nested level, select Select this <scope> at the top of the scope picker.
View historical billing scopes after migration or contract change
If you migrated from an EA agreement to a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you still have access to your old billing scope.
Search for and then select Cost Management + Billing.
Select Billing Scope to view your new and previous billing accounts.
Identify the resource ID for a scope
When you work with Cost Management APIs, knowing the scope is critical. Use the following information to build the proper scope URI for Cost Management APIs.
Billing accounts
Open the Azure portal and then navigate to Cost Management + Billing in the list of services.
Select Properties in the billing account menu.
Copy the billing account ID.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}"
Billing profiles
Open the Azure portal and then navigate to Cost Management + Billing in the list of services.
Select Billing profiles in the billing account menu.
Select the name of the billing profile.
Select Properties in the billing profile menu.
Copy the billing account and billing profile IDs.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}"
Invoice sections
Open the Azure portal and then navigate to Cost Management + Billing in the list of services.
Select Invoice sections in the billing account menu.
Select the name of the invoice section.
Select Properties in the invoice section menu.
Copy the billing account and invoice section IDs.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/invoiceSections/{invoiceSectionId}"
EA departments
Open the Azure portal and then navigate to Cost Management + Billing in the list of services.
Select Departments in the billing account menu.
Select the name of the department.
Select Properties in the department menu.
Copy the billing account and department IDs.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/departments/{departmentId}"
EA enrollment account
Open the Azure portal and navigate to Cost Management + Billing in the list of services.
Select Enrollment accounts in the billing account menu.
Select the name of the enrollment account.
Select Properties in the enrollment account menu.
Copy the billing account and enrollment account IDs.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/enrollmentAccounts/{enrollmentAccountId}"
Management group
Open the Azure portal and navigate to Management groups in the list of services.
Navigate to the management group.
Copy the management group ID from the table.
Your scope is: "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{id}"
Open the Azure portal and navigate to Subscriptions in the list of services.
Copy the subscription ID from the table.
Your scope is: "/subscriptions/{id}"
Resource groups
Open the Azure portal and navigate to Resource groups in the list of services.
Select the name of the resource group.
Select Properties in the resource group menu.
Copy the resource ID field value.
Your scope is: "/subscriptions/{id}/resourceGroups/{name}"
Cost Management is currently supported in Azure Global with https://management.azure.com and Azure Government with https://management.usgovcloudapi.net. For more information about Azure Government, see Azure Global and Government API endpoints.
Related content
If you haven't already completed the first quickstart for Cost Management, read it at Start analyzing costs.