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Manage wikis with the CLI

Azure DevOps Services

Learn the following CLI commands for managing wikis.


You can't delete project wikis with the CLI.


Commands description
az devops wiki create Create a wiki.
az devops wiki delete Delete a wiki.
az devops wiki list List all the wikis in a project or an organization.
az devops wiki page Manage wiki pages.
az devops wiki page create Add a new page.
az devops wiki page delete Delete a page.
az devops wiki page show Get the content of a page or open a page.
az devops wiki page update Edit a page.
az devops wiki show Show the details of a wiki.

Create a wiki

To create a wiki, enter the az devops wiki create command.

az devops wiki create [--mapped-path]
                      [--type {codewiki, projectwiki}]

Optional parameters

  • --mapped-path: [Required for codewiki type] Mapped path of the new wiki, for example, / to publish from root of repository.
  • --name: Name of the new wiki.
  • --project -p: Optional. Name or ID of the project. Configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
  • --repository -r: [Required for codewiki type] Name or ID of the repository to publish the wiki from.
  • --subscription: Optional. Name or ID of subscription. Configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.
  • --type --wiki-type: Type of wiki to create. Accepted values: codewiki, projectwiki. Default value: projectwiki.


Create a named project wiki.

az devops wiki create --name myprojectwiki

Create a code wiki from a folder in a code repository.

az devops wiki create --name WIKI_NAME --type codewiki
--repository REPO_NAME --mapped-path PATH_TO_PUBLISH

Delete a wiki

To delete a wiki, enter the az devops wiki delete command.


You can only use this command only to delete a code wiki, not to delete a project wiki.

az devops wiki delete 


  • --wiki: Required. Name or ID of the wiki to delete.
  • --project -p: Optional. Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
  • --subscription: Optional. Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.
  • --yes -y: Optional. Don't prompt for confirmation.


Delete a wiki without a prompt for confirmation.

az devops wiki delete --wiki myprojectwiki --yes

List wikis

To list all the wikis in a project or an organization, enter the az devops wiki list command.

az devops wiki list 
                    [--scope {organization, project}]

Optional parameters

  • --project -p: Optional. Name or ID of the project.
  • --scope: Optional. List the wikis at project or organization level. Accepted values: organization, project. Default value: project.
  • --subscription: Optional. Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


List all wikis for a project.

az devops wiki list

List all wikis in the organization.

az devops wiki list --scope organization

Show wiki

To show details of a wiki, enter the az devops wiki show command.

az devops wiki show --wiki


  • --wiki: Required. Name or ID of the wiki.
  • --open: Optional. Open the wiki page in your web browser.
  • --project -p: Optional. Name or ID of the project.
  • --subscription: Optional. Name or ID of subscription. Configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Show the wiki named myprojectwiki and open the wiki page in your web browser.

az devops wiki show --wiki myprojectwiki --open

Create a wiki page

To add a new wiki page, enter the az devops wiki page create command.

az devops wiki page create --path
                           [--encoding {ascii, utf-16be, utf-16le, utf-8}]


  • --path: Required. Path of the wiki page.
  • --wiki: Required. Name or ID of the wiki.
  • --comment: Optional. Comment in the commit message of file add operation. Default value: added a new page using Azure DevOps CLI.
  • --content: Optional. Content of the wiki page. Ignored if --file-path is specified.
  • --encoding: Optional. Encoding of the file. Used with --file-path parameter.
  • --file-path: Optional. Path of the file input if content is specified in the file.
  • --project -p: Optional. Name or ID of the project.
  • --subscription: Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Create a new page with path my page in a wiki named myprojectwiki with inline content.

az devops wiki page create --path 'my page' --wiki myprojectwiki --content "Hello World"

Create a new page with path 'my page' in a wiki named 'myprojectwiki' with content from a file.

az devops wiki page create --path 'my page' --wiki myprojectwiki --file-path a.txt --encoding utf-8