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Secrets and Keys

There are four different Secrets and Keys articles on this page: Information, Secrets, Endpoints and Custom telemetry

A screenshot of the Secret and Keys Page


The information section contains information about the tenant, such as the Name and Application ID.


The secrets section contains three important secrets

  1. app_secret is used to secure communications between the partner and the Azure AI Health Bot Service and is determined by the user security setting.
  2. webchat_secret is used to secure communications between the partner application and the Azure AI Health Bot Service.
  3. API_JWT_secret is used for securing the management API; for example, the programmatic import/export of scenarios.


The endpoints section contains the relevant information to communicate with the bot via APIs

  1. Proactive scenario endpoint Use this endpoint to invoke a scenario proactively.
  2. Management endpoint Use this endpoint to enable programmatic management actions.

Custom telemetry

Custom telemetry includes the text content of messages that are sent between the end users and your Health Bot instance to your Application Insights instance.

The instrumentation key is the Application Insights key. With this configuration the bot will collect runtime data including errors and warnings. See how to use keys in security here: API Security.

Next steps

How to connect your Azure AI Health Bot to channels