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How to peer payment HSM virtual networks

Peering allows you to seamlessly connect two or more virtual networks, so they appear as a single network for connectivity purposes. For full details, see Virtual network peering.

The fastpathenabled tag must be enabled on any virtual networks that the Payment HSM uses, peered or otherwise. For instance, to peer a virtual network of a payment HSM with a virtual network of a VM, you must first add the fastpathenabled tag to the latter. Unfortunately, adding the fastpathenabled tag through the Azure portal is insufficient—it must be done from the commandline.

Adding the fastpathenabled tag

First, find the resource ID on the virtual network you wish to tag with the Azure CLI az network vnet show command:

az network vnet show -g "myResourceGroup" -n "myVNet"

The resource ID is in the format "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet-name>".

Now, use the Azure CLI az tags create command to add the fastpathenabled tag to the virtual network:

az tag create --resource-id "<resource-id>" --tags "fastpathenabled=True"

Afterward, if you run az network vnet show again, you see this output:

  "tags": {
    "fastpathenabled": "True"

Peering the payment HSM and VM virtual networks

To peer the payment HSM virtual network with the VM virtual network, use the Azure CLI az network peering create command to peer the payment HSM virtual network to the VM virtual network and vice versa:

# Peer payment HSM VNet to VM VNet
az network vnet peering create -g "myResourceGroup" -n "VNet2VMVNetPeering" --vnet-name "myVNet" --remote-vnet "myVMVNet" --allow-vnet-access

# Peer VM VNet to payment HSM VNet
az network vnet peering create -g "myResourceGroup" -n "VMVNet2VNetPeering" --vnet-name "myVMVNet" --remote-vnet "myVNet" --allow-vnet-access

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