CarsXE (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

CarsXE provides vehicle specs, market value, license plate decoding, history and image search. Get robust vehicle specification data on selections, attributes, equipment, colors, recalls, warranties, and photos.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Troy Taylor |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Troy Taylor |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Data |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Decode a vehicle plate |
Retrieves a library of vehicle's data based on the vehicle's registration/license plate number and state. The state is a two letter abbreviation, with international support also for Australia, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain, India, Mexico and New Zealand. |
Get complete vehicle history |
Retrieve a comprehensive set of history records for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database. |
Get license plate recognition |
Retrieves accurate recognition of license plates from images, based on training from license plates from over 100 countries and states. |
Get OBD code |
Retrieve code information from a library of over 3000 OBD codes and their matching vehicle diagnosis. |
Get vehicle images |
Retrieves photos of vehicles based on their make and model, plus other optional parameters |
Get vehicle market value |
Retrieves estimate of the market value for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database. |
Get vehicle specifications |
Retrieve data including attributes, color options, equipment details, recall information, warranties, and photos. |
Retrieves a library of vehicle's data based on the vehicle's registration/license plate number and state. The state is a two letter abbreviation, with international support also for Australia, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain, India, Mexico and New Zealand.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
plate | True | string |
The plate. |
state | True | string |
The state or country code. |
country | string |
The country. Only for use with Australian states. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
Image URL
imageUrl | string |
The image URL address. |
input.plate | string |
The plate. |
| | string |
The country. |
input.state | string |
The state. |
Car Model
CarModel | string |
The car model. |
Engine Size
EngineSize | string |
The engine size. |
Description | string |
The description. |
Car Make
CarMake | string |
The car make. |
assembly | string |
The assembly. |
Registration Year
RegistrationYear | string |
The registration year. |
vin | string |
The VIN number. |
Body Style
BodyStyle | string |
The body style. |
Number Of Doors
NumberOfDoors | string |
The number of doors. |
Retrieve a comprehensive set of history records for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
vin | True | string |
The VIN number. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Insurance Information
insuranceInformation | array of object | |
Vehicle Obtained Date
insuranceInformation.VehicleObtainedDate | string |
The vehicle obtained date. |
Contact Email ID
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ContactEmailID | string |
The contact email identifier. |
State Postal Code
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.LocationStateUSPostalServiceCode | string |
The location state US postal service code. |
Reporting Entity Category Code
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryCode | string |
The reporting entity category code. |
Reporting Entity Category Text
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryText | string |
The reporting entity category text. |
Entity Name
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.EntityName | string |
The entity name. |
Location City Name
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.LocationCityName | string |
The location city name. |
Identification ID
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
Telephone Number Full ID
insuranceInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.TelephoneNumberFullID | string |
The telephone number full identifier. |
Vehicle Disposition
insuranceInformation.VehicleDispositionText | string |
The vehicle disposition text. |
History Information
historyInformation | array of object | |
Identification ID
historyInformation.VehicleIdentification.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
Odometer Reading Measure
historyInformation.VehicleOdometerReadingMeasure | string |
The odometer reading measure. |
Odometer Reading Unit Code
historyInformation.VehicleOdometerReadingUnitCode | string |
The odometer reading unit code. |
Title Issuing Authority Name
historyInformation.TitleIssuingAuthorityName | string |
The title issuing authority name. |
historyInformation.TitleIssueDate.Date | string |
The date. |
vin | string |
The VIN number. |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
Current Title Information
currentTitleInformation | array of object | |
Odometer Reading Measure
currentTitleInformation.VehicleOdometerReadingMeasure | string |
The odometer reading measure. |
Odometer Reading Unit Code
currentTitleInformation.VehicleOdometerReadingUnitCode | string |
The odometer reading unit code. |
Record Match Sequence ID
currentTitleInformation.RecordMatchSequenceID | string |
The record match sequence identifier. |
Historic Title Abstract
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract | array of object | |
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract.TitleIssueDate.Date | string |
The date. |
Identification ID
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract.VehicleIdentification.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
Odometer Reading Measure
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract.VehicleOdometerReadingMeasure | string |
The odometer reading measure. |
Odometer Reading Unit Code
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract.VehicleOdometerReadingUnitCode | string |
The odometer reading unit code. |
Title Issuing Authority Name
currentTitleInformation.HistoricTitleAbstract.TitleIssuingAuthorityName | string |
The title issuing authority name. |
Title Issuing Authority Name
currentTitleInformation.TitleIssuingAuthorityName | string |
The title issuing authority name. |
currentTitleInformation.TitleIssueDate.Date | string |
The date. |
Identification ID
currentTitleInformation.VehicleIdentification.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
VIN Changed
vinChanged | boolean |
Whether the VIN number changed. |
Brands Information
brandsInformation | array of object | |
brandsInformation.description | string |
The description. |
| | string |
The name. |
brandsInformation.code | string |
The code. |
brandsInformation.record.VehicleBrandDate.Date | string |
The date. |
Vehicle Brand Code
brandsInformation.record.VehicleBrandCode | string |
The vehicle brand code. |
brandsInformation.record.ReportingEntityAbstract.EntityName | string |
The name. |
Category Text
brandsInformation.record.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryText | string |
The category text. |
Category Code
brandsInformation.record.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryCode | string |
The category code. |
Identification ID
brandsInformation.record.ReportingEntityAbstract.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
Vehicle Disposition Text
brandsInformation.record.VehicleDispositionText | string |
The vehicle disposition text. |
Junk And Salvage Information
junkAndSalvageInformation | array of object | |
Vehicle Obtained Date
junkAndSalvageInformation.VehicleObtainedDate | string |
The vehicle obtained date. |
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.EntityName | string |
The name. |
Location City
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.LocationCityName | string |
The location city. |
Category Text
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryText | string |
The category text. |
Contact Email ID
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ContactEmailID | string |
The contact email identifier. |
Telephone Number Full ID
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.TelephoneNumberFullID | string |
The telephone number full identifier. |
Identification ID
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.IdentificationID | string |
The identification identifier. |
Location State US Postal Service Code
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.LocationStateUSPostalServiceCode | string |
The location state US postal service code. |
Category Code
junkAndSalvageInformation.ReportingEntityAbstract.ReportingEntityCategoryCode | string |
The category code. |
Vehicle Intended For Export Code
junkAndSalvageInformation.VehicleIntendedForExportCode | string |
The vehicle intended for export code. |
Vehicle Disposition Text
junkAndSalvageInformation.VehicleDispositionText | string |
The vehicle disposition text. |
Brands Record Count
brandsRecordCount | integer |
The brand record count. |
Retrieves accurate recognition of license plates from images, based on training from license plates from over 100 countries and states.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
body | string |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
results | array of object | |
X Max
| | integer |
The X maximum. |
X Min
| | integer |
The X minimum. |
Y Max
| | integer |
The Y maximum. |
Y Min
| | integer |
The Y minimum. |
results.candidates | array of object | |
results.candidates.plate | string |
The plate. |
results.candidates.score | float |
The score. |
D Score
results.dscore | float |
The D score. |
results.plate | string |
The plate. |
results.region.code | string |
The code. |
results.region.score | float |
The score. |
results.score | float |
The score. |
results.vehicle.score | float |
The score. |
results.vehicle.type | string |
The type. |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
message | string |
The message. |
Camera ID
camera_id | string |
The camera identifier. |
filename | string |
The filename. |
Processing Time
processing_time | float |
The processing time. |
Retrieve code information from a library of over 3000 OBD codes and their matching vehicle diagnosis.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
code | True | string |
The code. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
code | string |
The code. |
diagnosis | string |
The diagnosis. |
date | string |
The date. |
Retrieves photos of vehicles based on their make and model, plus other optional parameters
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
make | True | string |
The make. |
model | True | string |
The model. |
year | integer |
The year. |
trim | string |
The trim. |
color | string |
The color. |
transparent | boolean |
Whether transparent. |
angle | string |
The angle. |
photoType | string |
The photo type. |
size | string |
The size. |
license | string |
The image license. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
query.format | string |
The format. |
query.make | string |
The make. |
query.model | string |
The model. |
query.transparent | string |
The transparent. |
images | array of object | |
images.mime | string |
The mime. |
| | string |
The link. |
Context Link
images.contextLink | string |
The context link. |
images.height | integer |
The height. |
images.width | integer |
The width. |
Byte Size
images.byteSize | integer |
The byte size. |
Thumbnail Link
images.thumbnailLink | string |
The thumbnail link. |
Thumbnail Height
images.thumbnailHeight | integer |
The thumbnail height. |
Thumbnail Width
images.thumbnailWidth | integer |
The thumbnail width. |
Host Page Domain Friendly Name
images.hostPageDomainFriendlyName | string |
The host page domain friendly name. |
Accent Color
images.accentColor | string |
The accent color. |
Date Published
images.datePublished | string |
The date published. |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
error | string |
The error, if any. |
Retrieves estimate of the market value for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
vin | True | string |
The VIN number. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Model Year
modelYear | string |
The model year. |
make | string |
The make. |
retail | string |
The retail value. |
Mileage Adjustment
mileageAdjustment | string |
The mileage adjustment. |
Adjusted Clean Trade
adjustedCleanTrade | string |
The adjusted clean trade. |
Trade In
tradeIn | string |
The trade in value. |
Average Trade In
averageTradeIn | string |
The average trade in. |
Adjusted Clean Retail
adjustedCleanRetail | string |
The adjust clean retail. |
vin | string |
The VIN number. |
Loan Value
loanValue | string |
The loan value. |
Trade In Values
tradeInValues | array of string |
The trade in values. |
Fuel Type
fuelType | string |
The fuel type. |
body | string |
The body. |
Min Adjusted Rough Trade
minAdjRoughTrade | string |
The minimum adjusted rough trade. |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
model | string |
The model. |
Min Adjusted Retail
minAdjRetail | string |
The minimum adjusted retail value. |
Average Mileage
averageMileage | string |
The average mileage. |
Min Adjusted Clean Trade
minAdjCleanTrade | string |
The minimum adjusted clean trade. |
Min Mileage Adjustment
minMileageAdj | string |
The minimum mileage adjustment. |
Max Mileage Adjustment
maxMileageAdj | string |
The maximum mileage adjustment. |
Min Adjustment Loan
minAdjLoan | string |
The minimum adjustment load. |
Adjusted Loan
adjustedLoan | string |
The adjusted loan. |
msrp | string |
The MSRP. |
Rough Trade In
roughTradeIn | string |
The rough trade in value. |
Adjusted Rough Trade
adjustedRoughTrade | string |
The adjusted rough trade value. |
Min Adjusted Average Trade
minAdjAverageTrade | string |
The minimum adjusted average trade. |
Adjusted Average Trade
adjustedAverageTrade | string |
The adjusted average trade. |
Retrieve data including attributes, color options, equipment details, recall information, warranties, and photos.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
vin | True | string |
The VIN number. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether a success. |
input.key | string |
The key. |
| | string |
The VIN number. |
attributes.year | string |
The year. |
attributes.make | string |
The make. |
attributes.model | string |
The model. |
attributes.trim | string |
The trim. |
| | string |
The style. |
attributes.type | string |
The type. |
attributes.size | string |
The size. |
attributes.category | string |
The category. |
Made In
attributes.made_in | string |
Where made in. |
Made In City
attributes.made_in_city | string |
Where made in city. |
attributes.doors | string |
The doors. |
Fuel Type
attributes.fuel_type | string |
The fuel type. |
Fuel Capacity
attributes.fuel_capacity | string |
The fuel capacity. |
City Mileage
attributes.city_mileage | string |
The city mileage. |
Highway Mileage
attributes.highway_mileage | string |
The highway mileage. |
attributes.engine | string |
The engine. |
Engine Size
attributes.engine_size | string |
The engine size. |
Engine Cylinders
attributes.engine_cylinders | string |
The engine cylinders. |
attributes.transmission | string |
The transmission. |
Transmission Short
attributes.transmission_short | string |
The transmission short name. |
Transmission Type
attributes.transmission_type | string |
The transmission type. |
Transmission Speeds
attributes.transmission_speeds | string |
The transmission speeds. |
attributes.drivetrain | string |
The drivetrain. |
Antilock Brake System
attributes.anti_brake_system | string |
The antilock brake system (ABS). |
Steering Type
attributes.steering_type | string |
The steering type. |
Curb Weight
attributes.curb_weight | string |
The curb weight. |
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
attributes.gross_vehicle_weight_rating | string |
The gross vehicle weight rating. |
Overall Height
attributes.overall_height | string |
The overall height. |
Overall Length
attributes.overall_length | string |
The overall length. |
Overall Width
attributes.overall_width | string |
The overall width. |
Wheelbase Length
attributes.wheelbase_length | string |
The wheelbase length. |
Standard Seating
attributes.standard_seating | string |
The standard seating. |
Invoice Price
attributes.invoice_price | string |
The invoice price. |
Delivery Charges
attributes.delivery_charges | string |
The delivery charges. |
Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
attributes.manufacturer_suggested_retail_price | string |
The manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP). |
Production Sequence Number
attributes.production_seq_number | string |
The production sequence number. |
Front Brake Type
attributes.front_brake_type | string |
The front brake type. |
Rear Brake Type
attributes.rear_brake_type | string |
The rear brake type. |
Turning Diameter
attributes.turning_diameter | string |
The turning diameter. |
Front Suspension
attributes.front_suspension | string |
The front suspension. |
Rear Suspension
attributes.rear_suspension | string |
The rear suspension. |
Front Spring Type
attributes.front_spring_type | string |
The front spring type. |
Rear Spring Type
attributes.rear_spring_type | string |
The rear spring type. |
| | string |
The tires. |
Front Headroom
attributes.front_headroom | string |
The front headroom. |
Rear Headroom
attributes.rear_headroom | string |
The rear headroom. |
Front Legroom
attributes.front_legroom | string |
The front legroom. |
Rear Legroom
attributes.rear_legroom | string |
The rear legroom. |
Front Shoulder Room
attributes.front_shoulder_room | string |
The front shoulder room. |
Rear Shoulder Room
attributes.rear_shoulder_room | string |
The rear shoulder room. |
Front Hip Room
attributes.front_hip_room | string |
The front hip room. |
Rear Hip Room
attributes.rear_hip_room | string |
The rear hip room. |
Interior Trim
attributes.interior_trim | array of string |
The interior trim. |
Exterior Color
attributes.exterior_color | array of string |
The exterior color. |
Curb Weight Manual
attributes.curb_weight_manual | string |
The curb weight manual. |
Ground Clearance
attributes.ground_clearance | string |
The group clearance. |
Track Front
attributes.track_front | string |
The front track. |
Track Rear
attributes.track_rear | string |
The rear track. |
Cargo Length
attributes.cargo_length | string |
The cargo length. |
Width At Wheelwell
attributes.width_at_wheelwell | string |
The width at wheelwell. |
Width At Wall
attributes.width_at_wall | string |
The width at wall. |
attributes.depth | string |
The depth. |
Optional Seating
attributes.optional_seating | string |
The optional seating. |
Passenger Volume
attributes.passenger_volume | string |
The passenger volume. |
Cargo Volume
attributes.cargo_volume | string |
The cargo volume. |
Standard Towing
attributes.standard_towing | string |
The standard towing. |
Maximum Towing
attributes.maximum_towing | string |
The maximum towing. |
Standard Payload
attributes.standard_payload | string |
The standard payload. |
Maximum Payload
attributes.maximum_payload | string |
The maximum payload. |
Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
attributes.maximum_gvwr | string |
The maximum gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). |
colors | array of object | |
colors.category | string |
The category. |
| | string |
The name. |
equipment.4wd_awd | string |
The 4WD or AWD. |
ABS Brakes
equipment.abs_brakes | string |
The antilock brake system. |
Adjustable Foot Pedals
equipment.adjustable_foot_pedals | string |
The adjustable foot pedals. |
Air Conditioning
equipment.air_conditioning | string |
The air conditioning. |
Alloy Wheels
equipment.alloy_wheels | string |
The alloy wheels. |
AM/FM Radio
equipment.am_fm_radio | string |
The AM/FM radio. |
Automatic Headlights
equipment.automatic_headlights | string |
The automatic headlights. |
Automatic Load Leveling
equipment.automatic_load_leveling | string |
The automatic load leveling. |
Cargo Area Cover
equipment.cargo_area_cover | string |
The cargo area cover. |
Cargo Area Tiedowns
equipment.cargo_area_tiedowns | string |
The cargo area tiedowns. |
Cargo Net
equipment.cargo_net | string |
The cargo net. |
Cassette Player
equipment.cassette_player | string |
The cassette player. |
CD Changer
equipment.cd_changer | string |
The CD changer. |
Cd Player
equipment.cd_player | string |
The CD player. |
Child Safety Door Locks
equipment.child_safety_door_locks | string |
The child safety door locks. |
Chrome Wheels
equipment.chrome_wheels | string |
The chrome wheels. |
Cruise Control
equipment.cruise_control | string |
The cruise control. |
Daytime Running Lights
equipment.daytime_running_lights | string |
The daytime running lights. |
Deep Tinted Glass
equipment.deep_tinted_glass | string |
The deep tinted glass. |
Driver Airbag
equipment.driver_airbag | string |
The driver airbag. |
Driver Multi Adjustable Power Seat
equipment.driver_multi_adjustable_power_seat | string |
The driver multiple adjustable power seat. |
DVD Player
equipment.dvd_player | string |
The DVD player. |
Electrochromic Exterior Rearview Mirror
equipment.electrochromic_exterior_rearview_mirror | string |
The electrochromic exterior rearview mirror. |
Electrochromic Interior Rearview Mirror
equipment.electrochromic_interior_rearview_mirror | string |
The electrochromic interior rearview mirror. |
Electronic Brake Assistance
equipment.electronic_brake_assistance | string |
The electronic brake assistance. |
Electronic Parking Aid
equipment.electronic_parking_aid | string |
The electronic parking aid. |
First Aid Kit
equipment.first_aid_kit | string |
The first aid kit. |
Fog Lights
equipment.fog_lights | string |
The fog lights. |
Front Air Dam
equipment.front_air_dam | string |
The front air dam. |
Front Cooled Seat
equipment.front_cooled_seat | string |
The front cooled seat. |
Front Heated Seat
equipment.front_heated_seat | string |
The front heated seat. |
Front Power Lumbar Support
equipment.front_power_lumbar_support | string |
The front power lumbar support. |
Front Power Memory Seat
equipment.front_power_memory_seat | string |
The front power memory seat. |
Front Side Airbag
equipment.front_side_airbag | string |
The front side airbag. |
Front Side Airbag With Head Protection
equipment.front_side_airbag_with_head_protection | string |
The front side airbag with head protection. |
Front Split Bench Seat
equipment.front_split_bench_seat | string |
The front split bench seat. |
Full Size Spare Tire
equipment.full_size_spare_tire | string |
The full size spare tire. |
Genuine Wood Trim
equipment.genuine_wood_trim | string |
The genuine wood trim. |
Glass Rear Window On Convertible
equipment.glass_rear_window_on_convertible | string |
The glass rear window on convertible. |
Heated Exterior Mirror
equipment.heated_exterior_mirror | string |
The heated exterior mirror. |
Heated Steering Wheel
equipment.heated_steering_wheel | string |
The heated steering wheel. |
High Intensity Discharge Headlights
equipment.high_intensity_discharge_headlights | string |
The high intensity discharge headlights. |
Interval Wipers
equipment.interval_wipers | string |
The interval wipers. |
Keyless Entry
equipment.keyless_entry | string |
The keyless entry. |
Leather Seat
equipment.leather_seat | string |
The leather seat. |
Leather Steering Wheel
equipment.leather_steering_wheel | string |
The leather steering wheel. |
Limited Slip Differential
equipment.limited_slip_differential | string |
The limited slip differential. |
Load Bearing Exterior Rack
equipment.load_bearing_exterior_rack | string |
The load bearing exterior rack. |
Locking Differential
equipment.locking_differential | string |
The lock differential. |
Locking Pickup Truck Tailgate
equipment.locking_pickup_truck_tailgate | string |
The locking pickup truck tailgate. |
Manual Sunroof
equipment.manual_sunroof | string |
The manual sunroof. |
Navigation Aid
equipment.navigation_aid | string |
The navigation aid. |
Passenger Airbag
equipment.passenger_airbag | string |
The passenger airbag. |
Passenger Multi Adjustable Power Seat
equipment.passenger_multi_adjustable_power_seat | string |
The passenger multiple adjustable power seat. |
Pickup Truck Bed Liner
equipment.pickup_truck_bed_liner | string |
The pickup truck bed liner. |
Pickup Truck Cargo Box Light
equipment.pickup_truck_cargo_box_light | string |
The pickup truck cargo box light. |
Power Adjustable Exterior Mirror
equipment.power_adjustable_exterior_mirror | string |
The power adjustable exterior mirror. |
Power Door Locks
equipment.power_door_locks | string |
The power door locks. |
Power Sliding Side Van Door
equipment.power_sliding_side_van_door | string |
The power sliding side van door. |
Power Sunroof
equipment.power_sunroof | string |
The power sunroof. |
Power Trunk Lid
equipment.power_trunk_lid | string |
The power trunk lid. |
Power Windows
equipment.power_windows | string |
The power windows. |
Rain Sensing Wipers
equipment.rain_sensing_wipers | string |
The rain sensing wipers. |
Rear Spoiler
equipment.rear_spoiler | string |
The rear spoiler. |
Rear Window Defogger
equipment.rear_window_defogger | string |
The rear window defogger. |
Rear Wiper
equipment.rear_wiper | string |
The rear wiper. |
Remote Ignition
equipment.remote_ignition | string |
The remote ignition. |
Removable Top
equipment.removable_top | string |
The removable top. |
Run Flat Tires
equipment.run_flat_tires | string |
The run flat tires. |
Running Boards
equipment.running_boards | string |
The running boards. |
Second Row Folding Seat
equipment.second_row_folding_seat | string |
The second row folding seat. |
Second Row Heated Seat
equipment.second_row_heated_seat | string |
The second row heated seat. |
Second Row Multi Adjustable Power Seat
equipment.second_row_multi_adjustable_power_seat | string |
The second row multiple adjustable power seat. |
Second Row Removable Seat
equipment.second_row_removable_seat | string |
The second row removable. |
Second Row Side Airbag
equipment.second_row_side_airbag | string |
The second row side airbag. |
Second Row Side Airbag With Head Protection
equipment.second_row_side_airbag_with_head_protection | string |
The second row side airbag with head protection. |
Second Row Sound Controls
equipment.second_row_sound_controls | string |
The second row sound controls. |
Separate Driver Front Passenger Climate Controls
equipment.separate_driver_front_passenger_climate_controls | string |
The separate driver front passenger climate controls. |
Side Head Curtain Airbag
equipment.side_head_curtain_airbag | string |
The side head curtain airbag. |
Skid Plate
equipment.skid_plate | string |
The skid plate. |
Sliding Rear Pickup Truck Window
equipment.sliding_rear_pickup_truck_window | string |
The sliding rear pickup truck window. |
Splash Guards
equipment.splash_guards | string |
The splash guards. |
Steel Wheels
equipment.steel_wheels | string |
The steel wheels. |
Steering Wheel Mounted Controls
equipment.steering_wheel_mounted_controls | string |
The steering wheel mounted controls. |
equipment.subwoofer | string |
The subwoofer. |
equipment.tachometer | string |
The tachometer. |
Telematics System
equipment.telematics_system | string |
The telematics system. |
Telescopic Steering Column
equipment.telescopic_steering_column | string |
The telescopic steering column. |
Third Row Removable Seat
equipment.third_row_removable_seat | string |
The third row removable seat. |
Tilt Steering
equipment.tilt_steering | string |
The tilt steering. |
Tilt Steering Column
equipment.tilt_steering_column | string |
The tilt steering column. |
Tire Pressure Monitor
equipment.tire_pressure_monitor | string |
The tire pressure monitor. |
Tow Hitch Receiver
equipment.tow_hitch_receiver | string |
The tow hitch receiver. |
Towing Preparation Package
equipment.towing_preparation_package | string |
The towing preparation package. |
Traction Control
equipment.traction_control | string |
The traction control. |
Trip Computer
equipment.trip_computer | string |
The trip computer. |
Trunk Anti-Trap Device
equipment.trunk_anti_trap_device | string |
The trunk anti-trap device. |
Vehicle Anti-Theft
equipment.vehicle_anti_theft | string |
The vehicle anti-theft. |
Vehicle Stability Control System
equipment.vehicle_stability_control_system | string |
The vehicle stability control system. |
Voice Activated Telephone
equipment.voice_activated_telephone | string |
The voice activated telephone. |
Wind Deflector For Convertibles
equipment.wind_deflector_for_convertibles | string |
The wind deflector for convertibles. |
warranties | array of object | |
warranties.type | string |
The type. |
warranties.miles | string |
The miles. |
warranties.months | string |
The months. |
timestamp | string |
The timestamp. |