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Fix Swagger Validator errors

This article highlights the common swagger validation errors that can arise for Power Platform connectors and how to fix them.


Error Issue Solution
The 'x-ms-api-annotation' extension for operation '{0}' is invalid. The replacement property should be specified for deprecated operations only. The operation {0} isn't marked deprecated. To use this property, the operation should have the ’deprecated’ property set to true. Otherwise, if this isn't the case, remove the ‘x-ms-api-annotation' property.
The 'x-ms-api-annotation' extension for operation '{0}' is invalid. The replacement property must specify 'api' property. The ‘x-ms-api-annotation' has the ‘replacement’ property specified but the ‘api’ property is missing. In order to use the ‘replacement’ property, both the ‘api’ and ‘operationId’ property must be set.
The 'x-ms-api-annotation' extension for operation '{0}' is invalid. The replacement property must specify 'operationId' property. The ‘x-ms-api-annotation' has the ‘replacement’ property specified but the ‘operationId’ property is missing. In order to use the ‘replacement’ property, both the ‘api’ and ‘operationId’ property must be set.
ArrayDuplicateValue The array contains duplicate values, values must be unique. Arrays must have unique values, but your swagger contains duplicates. Remove the duplicates.
Body or form data parameters are not supported in a fetch operation. Operations using the “GET” HTTP method can't have a body or form data.
ConnectionIdParameterNotAllowed A parameter cannot be named as 'connectionId'. Rename the parameter to a value that isn't ‘connectionId’.
ConsumesMissing At least one supported MIME type must be provided in 'consumes' for operation '{0}'. Your swagger should specify one supported MIME type in consumes for operation.
DuplicateEnumValuesInExtension The 'x-ms-enum-values' extension has duplicate values. You can only have one display name mapped to a value. Enum values should be unique and not duplicated.
DuplicateOperationPath The operations '{0}' and '{1}' have the path templates '{2}' and '{3}' which are duplicate and indistinguishable. They need to have a difference in static path segments for a deterministic routing. {0} is the operation id, {1} is the duplicate operation id, {2} is the operation path, {3} is the duplicate operation path. Remove the duplicate operation id from the duplicate operation path.
Dynamic extensions are not allowed to be defined on the body parameter. It should be in the schema. The dynamic extensions are defined on a body parameter and must be removed. It can only be defined in the schema.
The 'x-ms-dynamic-values' extension references ambiguous parameter references. You need to define the 'x-ms-dynamic-list' extension. ‘x-ms-dynamic-list' must be defined. More information: How to use dynamic values
The 'x-ms-dynamic-values' extension references properties within parameters. You need to define the 'x-ms-dynamic-list' extension. ‘x-ms-dynamic-list' must be defined. More information: How to use dynamic values
The 'x-ms-dynamic-schema' extension references ambiguous parameter references. You need to define the 'x-ms-dynamic-properties' extension. ‘x-ms-dynamic- properties' must be defined. More information: How to use dynamic values
The 'x-ms-dynamic-schema' extension references properties within parameters. You need to define the 'x-ms-dynamic-properties' extension. x-ms-dynamic- properties' must be defined. More information: How to use dynamic values
The 'x-ms-dynamic-schema' extension property 'value-path' points to schema properties. You need to define the 'x-ms-dynamic-properties' extension, which points to schema object. Your swagger file is missing ‘x-ms-dynamic-properties', which is required since it defines an ‘x-ms-dynamic-schema'.
The 'x-ms-dynamic-properties' extension should have the same item value path as 'x-ms-dynamic-schema' extension without 'properties' ending. The expected path is '{0}'. The dynamic properties extension item value path doesn't match the expected path based on the schema.
DynamicTreeExtensionMissing The 'x-ms-dynamic-tree' extension must be defined to enable file picker support. The property ‘x-ms-dynamic-tree' is missing and must be defined to support file picker.
InvalidEnumValue The type of the enum value is '{0}' but it should be '{1}' as specified in the schema. The value must be replaced to be of the type specified.
InvalidEnumValuesExtensionValue The 'value' field must match one of the enums as defined in the 'enum' property of the schema. The enum that is selected hasn't been defined in the list of enums. Either define the value in the enum property or use a value defined in the enum property.
InvalidFormDataParameterName The form data parameter name '{0}' is invalid. All characters must be part of the US-ASCII character set. Rename the form data parameter name to include only US-ASCII characters only.
InvalidNextLinkNameValue The nextLinkName value for operation '{0}' is invalid. Supported values are 'nextLink' or '@odata.nextLink'. Fix the value of property 'nextLinkName' so it's either 'nextLink' or '@odata.nextLink'. Any other values aren't allowed.
InvokedOperationShouldProduceArray The dynamic operation expects an array on the specified path '{0}' which should be defined in the successful response of the invoked operation '{1}'. {0} is the path to a response property, {1} is the operation id. Define within the response of the operation a return of type array.
InvokedOperationShouldProduceProperty The dynamic operation expects a property on the specified path '{0}' which should be defined in the successful response of the invoked operation '{1}'. {0} is the path to a response property, {1} is the operation id. Define within the response of the operation a specific property
The MIME type(s) are not compatible with the request content type '{0}' for operation '{1}'. The MIME type that you're trying to use isn't compatible with the content of your request in the specified operation.
The 'x-ms-notification' extension must not be defined in a webhook operation. Using “x-ms-notification" isn't allowed in a webhook operation.
The 'x-ms-notification' is supported for trigger operations only. The “x-ms-notification" extension can only be used for trigger operations.
NotificationOperationMustBeWebhook The 'operationId' property in 'x-ms-notification' extension must be for a webhook operation. When you use "x-ms-notification", the operation ID must refer to a webhook operation.
OperationFamilyHasDuplicateRevisions The operation family '{0}' has operations with duplicate revision. Your swagger defines an operation family with the same version/revision number. Each operation in an operation family should have a unique version number.
The operation family '{0}' has more than two active operations. Extra operations must be deprecated. Operation families are limited to two nondeprecated operations. Any others should be marked as deprecated to reduce confusion for the user of your connector.
The operation family '{0}' has several active operations in Production status. Previous revisions should be deprecated. An operation family has multiple operations in production. To reduce confusion, limit the number of production operations in a family and deprecate the rest.
OperationFamilyHasManyEmptyRevisions The operation family '{0}' has several operations with empty revision. Only one operation can have empty revision. Operation families can only have one operation without a revision. All others in the family should have a revision.
OperationHasManyResponsesWithSchema The operation '{0}' has more than one response with specified schema, only one schema will be used in the designer. Limitations in the designer prevent multiple response schemas. Your operation specifies multiple, but should only specify one.
OperationIdNotFound The 'operationId' could not be found in this swagger document. The operationId can't be found in your swagger.
OperationIdNotUnique The operationId '{0}' is used multiple times. Operation identifiers must be unique. The same operationId appears more than once. Remove one of the instances or fix one of the instances to be different.
OperationIdRequired The operation 'operationId' property is required. The property ‘operationId’ is missing, include the property ‘operationId’ for your operation.
OperationIdSanitized The 'operationId' property value is different from its sanitized value '{0}'. Please avoid the useage of non-alphanumeric characters to have matching values. The provided operation ID doesn't match the sanitized version. Update the operation ID to match.
OperationIdShouldEndWithRevision The operation Id '{0}' should end with revision suffix '{1}'. Operation IDs with a revision should have a name with the revision suffix.
OperationIdTooLong The operationId length must be less than '{0}'. Reduce the value of the property ‘operationId’ so the character length is less than {0}.
OperationMissingPathParameter The operation '{0}' does not define the '{1}' parameter which is required by the path. Your swagger has an operation that doesn't define a parameter that seems to be required by its path template.
OperationMissingRequiredProperty The target operation requires parameter '{0}'. The operation has parameter '{0}' defined as required but this isn't defined in the parameters supplied. Add this parameter to fix the issue.
The operation '{0}' is missing notification content extension as it has '{1}' properties marked as notification URL. Your swagger contains an operation that has no notification content extension. (Need more context)
OperationMustHaveResponse The operation is not valid, it must contain at least one response definition. Your swagger has an operation that doesn't have at least one response definition.
OperationParameterNameIsAmbiguous The parameter name is ambiguous as it matches both a parameter name and a path to a body property. The name of the parameter is used as a parameter name and a parameter body path name. Rename one of the instances to fix this issue.
OperationParameterNameNotFound The parameter could not be found in operation '{0}' in the swagger document. The operation parameter name can't be found in your swagger.
OperationParameterRequiredMismatch The parameter is required, but an optional value is provided by operation '{0}'. The request cannot be made until a value for this parameter is provided. The parameter is required but the value for the operation states that it's optional causing this mismatch.
OperationParametersAreNotUnique The parameters in the operation '{0}' are not unique. There seems to be a duplicate within the operation parameters. Your swagger needs to remove operation parameter duplicates.
The operation '{0}' contains duplicate parameters with name '{1}', location '{2}'. There's an operational parameter that is being listed twice. {0} is the operation name, {1} is the duplicated parameter name, {2} is the duplicated parameter location ('in' property in swagger). Remove the reoccurrence of the property.
The operation '{0}' contains multiple parameters in the location 'body', at most one is allowed. The operation parameters contain duplicated body parameters. Remove one of the body parameters.
OperationParameterStaticTypeMismatch The parameter has type '{0}', but a static value is provided of type '{1}'. The parameter has static type provided when that isn't expected for this operation parameter.
OperationParameterTypeMismatch The parameter has type '{0}', but operation '{1}' is providing a parameter of type '{2}'. The parameter and the operation have different types. Make the type of your parameter and your operation match.
OperationPathContainsUnsupportedCharacters The operation path cannot contain wildcard character '*'. One of your operations specifies a URL path that contains unsupported characters (like the wildcard symbol).
OperationPathMayNotContainQueryOrFragment The path is not valid, it must not contain a query part or fragment identifier. To include '?' or '#' characters in the path, they must be URL encoded. The path of the operation can't contain ‘?’ and ‘#’ unless they're URL encoded (translated to their %xx equivalents).
OperationPathMustStartWithSlash The path is not valid, it must start with a '/' character. If you use an operation path that you're trying to achieve requires it to start with the '/' character. To fix this issue, include the '/' character at the beginning of the path.
OperationPathTemplateNotValid The path is not valid, each path template variable enclosed by '{{' and '}}' characters must be contained within a single URL segment. Individual '{{' or '}}' characters which are not enclosing a path template variable must be URL encoded. Your swagger contains an operation path with an unclosed “{“ or “}” characters. Those characters are used to refer to a variable in path, so they can't exist in the path when unclosed.
OperationPathVariablesContainDefaults The operation path template variables cannot set default values with character '='. One of your operations is specifying a default value for a parameter that contains “=”. That parameter is also specified as being in the URL path. This combination isn't allowed.
OperationRevisionEmpty The operation '{0}' does not specify a revision in api annotation. The operation is marked as being part of a family, but doesn't have a revision.
OperationSchemaCountExceedsMaxAllowed The total number of schemas in the operation has exceeded the maximum allowed value of '{0}'. Please remove any unnecessary property or item definitions. There are too many schemas in the operation. Remove some of them so the total is back under the limit.
OperationShouldHaveSuccessfulResponse The operation '{0}' should have at least one successful response definition. Your swagger has an operation that doesn't have at least one successful response definition.
OperationStatusAheadOfConnector The operation '{0}' cannot be in a Production status ahead of the connector. Operations can't be marked as “Production” while the entire connector is still in “Preview.”
OperationSummaryTooLong The operation 'summary' should be fewer than {0} characters for improved readablity. Reduce the operation ‘summary’ property to be fewer than 120 characters.
PartialDuplicateOperationPath The operation '{0}' has the path template '{1}' which is similar to other operation path templates, this can lead to an unexpected routing to a different operation in case an input path parameter value matches to a static value segment. It is better to have unconditional routing in all cases. Partially duplicated paths are: {2} {0} is the operation id, {1} is the operation path, {2} is the set of partially duplicated operation paths. Change the operation path to create a bigger difference between the operation paths that share the similarity.
PathParameterMustBeRequired The parameter must be marked as required as it is used in the operation path. Include the 'required' property, with the value 'true'. The location of the parameter is set to ‘Path’ therefore it needs to have the property ‘required’ set to ‘true’.
PathParameterNotDefinedInTemplate The 'path' parameter '{0}' is not defined in the URI path template. To include the parameter as a variable in the path, use '{{' and '}}' characters to enclose the name of the parameter in the path. There's a parameter in one of your operations that is marked as being in the operation path but doesn't exist in the path template.
The path '{0}' contains duplicate parameters with name '{1}', location '{2}'. {0} is the operation path. {1} is the duplicated parameter name. {2} is the location (the ‘in’ property) of the duplicated parameter. Remove the duplicated path parameter.
The path '{0}' contains multiple parameters in the location 'body', at most one is allowed. There can't be multiple parameters for an operation that are both in the body. To fix this error, remove one of the parameters.
PathRedefined The path '{0}' is defined multiple times with different capitalization. Paths must be unique when compared case-insensitively. The same path is defined more than once. Remove or rename the instances so they're unique.
RestrictedCharactersInSummary Summary string contains any of the restricted characters [{0}] The summary of one of your operations contains restricted characters. To fix this error, remove the characters or rephrase the summary.
The 'selectedItemValuePath' property is not allowed in this position. It is allowed only in 'browse' operation of 'x-ms-dynamic-tree' extension. Wherever you placed the ‘selectedItemValuePath’ isn't allowed. Remove it or place it within a valid location.
String/binary parameters are not supported for operation '{0}' with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' consumes type. The operation has the ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded' value defined in the ‘consumes’ property. The parameters for this operation can't be of type ‘string’ or ‘binary.’
TotalOperationsCountExceedsMaxAllowed The total number of operations in the swagger exceeds the maximum allowed value of '{0}'. There are too many operations in the swagger.
UnrecognizedTypeFormat The type/format '{0}' is not recognized. The given type/format ‘{0}’ is unknown. Check for typos or documentation to confirm the supported type formats.
The webhook operation '{0}' is missing notification URL property. Your swagger contains a webhook operation that doesn't have a missing notification URL property. Adding this property within the webhook operation fixes the operation.


Error Issue Solution
ArrayHasNoItems The array should have items specified. The array is empty, but an empty array isn't allowed.
RequiredPropertyArrayEmpty The 'required' array requires at least one value. If no properties are required in the schema, remove the 'required' property. Your swagger has an empty array for a property named ‘required.’ It should be removed if there are no required parameters.
SchemesArrayEmpty The 'schemes' array requires at least one value. Schemas can't be empty and must have at least one value.

Not supported

Error Issue Solution
CollectionFormatValueNotSupported The 'collectionFormat' keyword value '{0}' is not supported. Only certain collection formats are supported. Your swagger contains an unsupported format.
MimeTypeNotSupported The MIME type '{0}' is not supported. The supported mime types are: '{1}'. The MIME type that you're trying to use in your swagger isn't supported.
PathItemRefNotSuppored The '$ref' property in a path is not supported. A path can't have a ‘$ref’ property defined. Remove this property.
SwaggerKeywordNotSupported The '{0}' keyword is not supported. {0} is a swagger keyword such as 'uniqueItems' and isn't allowed in the context where it's being used.


Error Issue Solution
FileParameterMustBeInFormData Parameters of type 'file' are not valid in locations other than 'formData'. Your swagger has a parameter with a ‘file’ type and it can only be ‘in’ the ‘formData.’
ParameterListContainsFormDataAndBody The 'parameters' list defines both a 'body' parameter, and a 'formData' parameter. Only one of these location types can be used in an operation. Your swagger is defining both a body parameter and formData, which isn't allowed. Remove one of these parameter types.
ParameterReferenceNotFound The parameter reference '{0}' could not be found in the swagger document. Your swagger has a parameter reference that can't be found in the swagger document. Remove the reference to this parameter.
ParameterReferenceNotValid The parameter reference '{0}' is not valid. Parameter references must start with '#/parameters/' and be valid JSON Pointers. Your swagger has a parameter reference (“#/parameters/”), which is invalid based on the JSON pointer RFC specification.
ParameterRefLoopNotAllowed The parameter definition may not use a '$ref' to point to another definition. Your swagger has a parameter definition that is incorrectly using ‘$ref’ to point to another definition.
Parameters of the same name in fetch and subscribe operations must be of the same type and visibility. If your swagger has parameters of the same name in fetch and subscribe operations, they should have the same type and visibility.
PathParameterMissingEncoding Encoding for path parameter '{0}' is missing, which might lead to invalid requests. Use "x-ms-url-encoding": "single" to ensure the value is URL encoded. {0} is the parameter name that is missing the encoding.
QueryParameterEncodingNotSupported Encoding for query parameter '{0}' is not supported. All query parameters are single encoded by default. {0} is the parameter name of that has the unsupported encoding. Fix this encoding.
ReservedParameterIsUsed The parameter '{0}' is reserved and cannot be used in '{1}'. The parameter that's stated in this error is being used, whereas it can't be used because it's reserved for that section or in general.
ResponseRefLoopNotAllowed The response definition may not use a '$ref' to point to another definition. Your swagger has a response definition that is incorrectly using ‘$ref’ to point to another definition.
SourcePropertyInternal The parameter reference '{0}' in the source operation '{1}' is internal or one of its parent(s) are internal. Either make the property visible or update the parameter reference to a static value. The parameter reference is marked as internal, but the operation where the parameter reference is used isn't internal. To fix this, update the parameter or the operation.


Error Issue Solution
AdditionalPropertyNotAllowed The property '{0}' is not allowed and must be removed. There's an extra property in your swagger that must be removed.
When '$ref' is defined, no other properties may be specified. When you use ‘$ref’ in the swagger, no other properties should be included in that JSON object.
BasePathNotValid The 'basePath' property, if present, must start with a '/' character. If you use a base path, it must start with “/”. Invalid base paths look like “abc/def/ghi” or “microsoft.com/abc.”
BodyParameterPropertyNotValid The 'body' parameter cannot use property '{0}', instead, the 'schema' property should be used to define the type used by the parameter. One of the body parameters in your swagger is using an invalid property that can't be used in a body parameter.
ConnectorMetadataPropertiesMissing The connector metadata property '{0}' is required. Certain metadata is required for the connector.
ContactEmailNotValid The contact 'email' property, if present, must be a valid email address. The email address provided is an incorrect format or contains non-ASCII characters.
DefaultValueMustMatchType The 'default' value is of type '{0}', but should match the given type '{1}'. The value for your default value isn't the same type as the given type. Change the value for the default value to that of the given type to fix this issue.
EnumMustContainAtLeastOneElement The 'enum' array requires at least one value. If your property type is an enum, it should specify an array with at least one of the enum values.
ExtensionNameNotValid The property '{0}' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-". Properties that are extensions must begin with the "x-" prefix.
FilterFunctionsPropertyEmpty The 'filterFunctions' property must have at least one element. The ‘filterFunctions’ property can't be empty if specified.
FilterFunctionsPropertyHasDuplicates The 'filterFunctions' property cannot contain duplicates. The ‘filterFunctions’ property can't contain duplicates.
FilterFunctionsPropertyInInputSchema The 'filterFunctions' property has to be in the response schema. The ‘filterFunctions’ property can only be in the response schema.
FilterFunctionsPropertyInvalidValue The 'filterFunctions' property supports only these values: {0}". The ‘filterFunctions’ property can't specify an unsupported value.
HostNameNotValid The 'host' property, if present, must be a valid URI host without a scheme or path. A host URI without a scheme or path looks like “www.microsoft.com.” An invalid URI for the host looks like “https://www.microsoft.com/” or “www.microsoft.com/hello”
InternalPropertyWithDefaultOptional The internal property has a default value but is optional. Only required properties are guaranteed to be included in requests. A property is marked internal, has a default value specified, and isn't required. If you want to ensure this is included in the requests, mark it as required; else if this is intended, it can be left as is.
InvalidConnectorCategory The connector category is invalid. Available categories are: [{0}]. Categories can only come from the list of allowed category values.
InvalidStringBinaryProperty A schema with type/format 'string/binary' can only be at the top level of a body or formData parameter. The value of property “type” and “format” of “string” and “binary” isn't allowed at this schema location.
JsonTypeIncorrect The type of the property is incorrect. Expected type '{0}', but value is of type '{1}'. A property in your swagger has one type, but the actual value is a different type. Change the value type to match the expected type.
JsonValueNotInEnum The property value must be one of the following: {0}. The property value of the enum in doesn't match the current available options. Change the value to one of the following stated in the error message.
MimeTypeNotValid The MIME type '{0}' is not valid. The user-provided MIME 'content type' that you selected isn't valid. The valid mime types are: "application/json" "text/plain" "multipart/form-data" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
MissingEnumValuesDisplayName The 'x-ms-enum-values' extension is invalid. Please specify the property 'displayName'. The x-ms-enum-values didn't specify the ‘displayName’ property.
MultipleOfMustBeGreaterThanZero The 'multipleOf' value must be greater than zero. The value of the “multipleOf” property should be a value greater than zero.
OneOfPropertiesRequired At least one of the properties is required: [{0}]. {0} is a set of properties. This error displays all the properties that are required to be present in the swagger.
ProductionStatusOnBetaService The connector cannot be in Production status on a beta service. The connector can't be marked as ‘Production’ when the backend service is in Beta. It must be set to ‘Preview.’
PropertyMustBeRequired The property is internal and has a default value, it must be required. Optional internal fields are ignored. Property isn't being set although it's required.
RequiredPropertyDefinitionMissing The required property '{0}' is not defined in the object schema. A schema property is listed as under “required” and therefore must be defined in the “properties”
RequiredPropertyMissing The '{0}' property is required. A property in your swagger is required, but it isn't currently in your swagger. To fix this errer, include this property.
RequiredPropertyNotOnObject The property 'required' is applicable to schemas with 'object' type only and should be removed. The ‘required’ property is only supported for the ‘object’ type. Remove the property for all other types.
An input property cannot be 'readonly' and required. Your swagger contains a property that is marked as readonly and required. A readonly property means the user can't modify the value. A required property requires a value for modification.
SchemeNotValid The 'schemes' property must only contain transfer protocols from the list: {0}. The scheme property should be one of “http” or “https.”
SecuritySchemePropertyNotValid The security definition property '{0}' is not valid for definitions of type '{1}'. There's a property name and value that aren't valid that you included within the securityDefinitions dictionary. To fix this issue, change this property to a valid property name.
SecuritySchemePropertyRequired The security definition property '{0}' is required for definitions of type '{1}'. There's a property name and value that are required that aren't included within the securityDefinitions dictionary. Add this property and value to fix this issue.
SpecificationVersionIncorrect The 'swagger' property must have the string value "2.0". Only version “2.0” is supported, so fix the swagger version property to be “2.0”.
TagRedefined The 'tags' property defines tag '{0}' multiple times. Tags defined in the ‘tags’ property must be unique. Remove or replace any multiple occurrences.
TooManyConnectorCategories The maximum allowed number of categories for the connector is '{0}'. There's a limit to the number of categories that can be set for the connector.
UrlNotValid The 'url' property must be a valid absolute URL. Your swagger has an invalid URL. This can be due to incorrectly copying the URL from somewhere.


Error Issue Solution
BodyParameterSchemaRequired The 'body' parameter must define a 'schema' property. In the body parameter, the schema property must be defined. Define the schema property to fix this issue.
BodySchemaCountExceedsMaxAllowed The total number of schemas in the object exceeds the max schema count allowed value of '{0}'. Please remove any unnecessary property or item definitions. There are too many schemas in the body object. Remove some of them so the total is back under the limit.
DefaultResponseHasSchema The 'default' response should not have schema definition. Schemas should be defined on expected responses only. Your swagger contains a schema definition for the default response. Removing this schema definition for the default response fixes this error.
The 'x-ms-editor' extension can be specified as 'dictionary' only for schema with type object and additional properties allowed. Check to see if the x-ms-editor is only set to dictionary when the schema is of type object and set to additional properties allowed.
JsonPointerNotValid The JSON Pointer path is not valid. A reference (#ref) being used in your swagger isn't valid.
NonBodyParameterSchemaNotValid The parameter cannot define a schema as it is not in the 'body'. Your swagger has a parameter that uses ‘schema’, but only body parameters can use ‘schema’.
RequiredLoopInSchemaNotAllowed Loops of required schema properties are not allowed. Specification of required properties can't use reference loops.
The response example '{0}' is not produced by the operation '{1}'. Your swagger has an operation with a response example, but that same operation doesn't produce a response with the indicated MIME type.
ResponseHeadersAreNotUnique The response headers are not unique. There's a duplicate response header. Response headers should be unique.
ResponseMustBeDefaultOrHttpStatusCode The response is not valid, the response must be a valid HTTP status code, or the string 'default'. Your swagger doesn't have a default HTTP status code or a valid HTTP status code. Add a status code to your response.
ResponseReferenceNotFound The response reference '{0}' could not be found in the swagger document. Your swagger has a response reference that can't be found in the swagger document. Remove the reference to this response.
ResponseReferenceNotValid The response reference '{0}' is not valid. Response references must start with '#/responses/' and be valid JSON Pointers. Your swagger has a response reference (“#/responses/”) which is invalid based on the JSON pointer RFC specification.
SchemaDefinitionSetIncorrectly The operation '{0}' should define an output schema on the 200 or 201 response code or in 'x-ms-notification-content' extension for a webhook to be visible in the designer. Your operation is missing a response schema for the 200 or 201 response code. For webhooks, the response schema should be specified as part of the notification content extension.
SchemaReferenceNotFound The schema reference '{0}' could not be found in the swagger document. Your swagger has a schema reference that couldn't be found in the swagger document.
SchemaReferenceNotValid The schema reference '{0}' is not valid. Schema references must start with '#/definitions/' and be valid JSON Pointers. Your swagger has a schema reference(‘#/definitions/’), which is invalid based on the JSON pointer RFC specification.
SchemaRefLoopNotAllowed The schema definition may not use a '$ref' to point to another definition. There's a reference loop in your schema (A points to B, which points back to A).
SchemaTooDeep The schema exceeds the maximum allowed depth. Schemas must not exceed a depth of '{0}', including referenced ('$ref') schemas. Schemas are limited to a specific JSON depth. Use a shallower schema.
SchemaTypeFileNotValid The schema type 'file' is not valid. Only parameters in 'formData' and the root response schema may be of type 'file'. Using the schema type ‘file’ is only supported in form data and must be at the root of the response schema for the response definition.
SchemeNotSupported The WebSocket transfer protocol schemes are not supported. This scheme isn't supported. The supported schemes are Https and Http.
TotalSchemaCountExceedsMaxAllowed The maximum allowed number of schemas in the swagger is '{0}'. Please remove any unnecessary property or item definitions. There are too many schemas in the swagger.


Error Issue Solution
The OAuth security requirement '{0}' refers to scope name '{1}', but this is not defined in the 'securityDefinitions' object. Security requirement names must be a scope name that is defined in the security definitions object.
SecurityRequirementMustBeDefined The security requirement '{0}' is not defined in the 'securityDefinitions' object. A security requirement is used, but not defined in the security definitions dictionary.
SecurityRequirementMustHaveEmptyValue The security requirement '{0}' cannot specify any scopes, an empty array should be provided. Based on the current configuration, the security requirements with name ‘{0}’ must be an empty array.
SecurityRequirementMustHaveValue The security requirement '{0}' must have have a value. Provide an empty array if no OAuth scopes are required. The security requirement is missing or is null. If there are no OAuth scopes required, specify an empty array instead.


Error Issue Solution
NotificationUrlNotAllowedInThisPosition The notification URL property is not allowed in this position. It is allowed only in input body. The “x-ms-notification-url" property should only be defined in an input.
NotificationUrlNotInternal The notification URL property itself or at least one of its parents must be internal. Your swagger currently isn't setting the notification URL property to internal, which should be the case.
NotificationUrlNotRequired The notification URL property must be required all the way through the schema chain. Your swagger currently isn't requiring notification URL property, which should be required.
NotificationUrlNotString The notification URL property must be of type string. The notification URL property has a value that isn't of type string.


Error Issue Solution
The parameter cannot use the 'allowEmptyValue' keyword as it is not in the 'query' or 'formData' location. The property ‘allowEmptyValue’ can only be set to ‘true’ in a parameter that has a ‘location’ property that is ‘query’ or ‘formData’. The value of the ‘location’ property isn't either case.
DiscriminatorMustBeARequiredStringProperty The 'discriminator' value must be the name of a required string property. The ' discriminator ' value should be the name of a required string property in your swagger.
ExclusiveMaximumRequiresMaximum The 'exclusiveMaximum' keyword can only be specified if the 'maximum' keyword is also specified. You can't specify a “exclusiveMaximum” without also specifying a “maximum”.
ExclusiveMinimumRequiresMinimum The 'exclusiveMinimum' keyword can only be specified if the 'minimum' keyword is also specified. You can't specify a “exclusiveMinimum” without also specifying a “minimum”.
FieldLengthExceeded The '{0}' value goes over the character limit '{1}' A field with the name specified in {0} is over the character limit specified in {1}.
FieldLengthNotInRange The '{0}' value must be between '{1}' and '{2}' characters. {0} is the field name, {1} is the minimum length, {2} is the limit. Decrease the length of the characters in this field.
The 'maxItems' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The 'maxItems' value currently is below zero. Change this value to greater than or equal to zero.
The 'maxLength' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The value of the “maxLength” property should be a non-negative number.
The 'maxProperties' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The 'maxProperties' value currently is less than zero. Change this value to greater than or equal to zero.
The 'minimum' value should be less than or equal to the 'maximum' value. When you specify a minimum value, the value should be less than or equal to the maximum value.
The 'minItems' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The 'minItems' value currently is less than zero. Change this value to greater than or equal to zero.
The 'minItems' value should be less than or equal to the 'maxItems' value. When you specify minimum items, the value should be less than or equal to the maximum items.
The 'minLength' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The value of the “minLength” property should be a non-negative number.
The 'minLength' value should be less than or equal to the 'maxLength' value. When you specify a minimum length, the value should be less than or equal to the maximum length.
The 'minProperties' value must be greater than or equal to zero. The 'minProperties' value currently is less than zero. Change this value to greater than or equal to zero.
PatternShouldBeValidRegularExpression The 'pattern' value should be a valid regular expression. The 'pattern' value isn't a valid regular expression, fixing the regular expression fixes this error.
RequiredValueEmpty The '{0}' property must have not empty value. Your swagger contains an empty value for a property that is required. Setting the value of this required property fixes this issue.
ValueContainsRestrictedWords The value '{0}' contains at least one of the restricted words: '{1}'. One of the fields in the swagger uses a restricted word.
ValueMustBeInEnglish The '{0}' value must be written in English. Replace the value with a value containing only alphanumeric characters.
ValueMustEndWithAlphanumeric The '{0}' value must end with alphanumeric character. Replace the last character with an alphanumeric character