Ανάγνωση στα Αγγλικά

Κοινή χρήση μέσω


Zendesk builds software for better customer relationships. With multiple products in its portfolio, Zendesk provides a customer service and support ticketing platform that gives businesses the ability to handle customer calls, emails, and other technical inquiries from a unified interface.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft
Website https://www.zendesk.com/
Privacy policy https://www.zendesk.com/company/customers-partners/privacy-policy/

Known issues and limitations

  1. Connector returns only atomic properties of Zendesk entity (i.e. lists, records and other complex types are not supported). For instance, Ticket entity has tags property represented by array on Zendesk's side. Zendesk connector returns [List] string for such fields.
  2. Connector requires updated_at column to exist for any table that is used with triggers.
  3. Zendesk Search API has a limitation on returning 1000 results per query. This affects some connector actions, that would fail with an error ("Http request failed: the content was not a valid JSON") if target table contains 1000 records or more:

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Company name string The Zendesk company name is the subdomain part of your site url. E.g. https://{company}.zendesk.com True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create Item

Creates a Zendesk item

Delete item

Deletes a Zendesk item

Get item

Retrieves a Zendesk item

Get items

Retrieves Zendesk items of a certain Zendesk type (example: 'Ticket')

Get tables

Retrieves Zendesk tables from a site

Search Articles

Returns a default number of 25 articles per page, up to a maximum of 1000 results.

Update item

Updates an existing Zendesk item

Create Item

Creates a Zendesk item


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Zendesk item type (example: 'Ticket')

item True dynamic

Zendesk item to create


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Delete item

Deletes a Zendesk item


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Zendesk item type (example: 'Ticket')

Item key
id True string

Unique identifier of the item to delete

Get item

Retrieves a Zendesk item


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Zendesk item type (example: 'Ticket')

Item key
id True string

Unique identifier of the item to retrieve


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get items

Retrieves Zendesk items of a certain Zendesk type (example: 'Ticket')


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Zendesk item type (example: 'Ticket')

Filter Query
$filter string

An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq 'string' OR numberColumn lt 123).

Order By
$orderby string

An ODATA orderBy query for specifying the order of entries

Skip Count
$skip integer

Number of entries to skip (default = 0)

Maximum Get Count
$top integer

Maximum number of entries to retrieve (default = 512)

Select Query
$select string

Specific fields to retrieve from entries (default = all).


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get tables

Retrieves Zendesk tables from a site



Search Articles

Returns a default number of 25 articles per page, up to a maximum of 1000 results.


Name Key Required Type Description
query True string

Article to search for.

locale string

The locale the item is displayed in

Brand Id
brand_id integer

Search for articles in the specified brand.

category integer

Limit the search to this category id.

section integer

Limit the search to this section id

Label Names
label_names string

A comma-separated list of label names.

multibrand boolean

Enable search across all brands if true.


Update item

Updates an existing Zendesk item


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Zendesk item type (example: 'Ticket')

Item key
id True string

Unique identifier of the item to update

item True dynamic

Zendesk item with updated values


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.


When an item is created

Triggers a flow when an item is created in Zendesk

When an item is modified

Triggers a flow when an item is modified in Zendesk

When an item is modified

Triggers a flow when an item is modified in Zendesk

When an item is created

Triggers a flow when an item is created in Zendesk


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Name of Zendesk table

Filter Query
$filter string

An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq 'string' OR numberColumn lt 123).

Order By
$orderby string

An ODATA orderBy query for specifying the order of entries

Skip Count
$skip integer

Number of entries to skip (default = 0)

Maximum Get Count
$top integer

Maximum number of entries to retrieve (default = 512)


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

When an item is modified

Triggers a flow when an item is modified in Zendesk


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Name of Zendesk table

Filter Query
$filter string

An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq 'string' OR numberColumn lt 123).

Order By
$orderby string

An ODATA orderBy query for specifying the order of entries

Skip Count
$skip integer

Number of entries to skip (default = 0)

Maximum Get Count
$top integer

Maximum number of entries to retrieve (default = 512)


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

When an item is modified

Triggers a flow when an item is modified in Zendesk


Name Key Required Type Description
Table name
table True string

Name of Zendesk table

Filter Query
$filter string

An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq 'string' OR numberColumn lt 123).

Order By
$orderby string

An ODATA orderBy query for specifying the order of entries

Skip Count
$skip integer

Number of entries to skip (default = 0)

Maximum Get Count
$top integer

Maximum number of entries to retrieve (default = 512)


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.



Name Path Type Description
Name string
DisplayName string


Name Path Type Description
results array of object
results.id integer

Automatically assigned article ID

results.url string

The API url of the article

results.html_url string

The url of the article in Help Center

results.author_id integer

Author ID

results.comments_disabled boolean

True if comments are disabled; false otherwise

results.draft boolean

True if the translation for the current locale is a draft

results.promoted boolean

True if this article is promoted; false otherwise. false by default

results.position integer

The position of this article in the article list. 0 by default

results.vote_sum integer

The sum of upvotes (+1) and downvotes (-1), which may be positive or negative

results.vote_count integer

The total number of upvotes and downvotes

results.section_id integer

The id of the section to which this article belongs

results.created_at date-time

The time the article was created

results.updated_at date-time

The time the article was last updated

results.name string

Name of Article

results.title string

The title of the article

results.source_locale string

The source (default) locale of the article

results.locale string

The locale that the article is being displayed in

results.outdated boolean


results.outdated_locales array of string

Locales in which the article was marked as outdated

results.edited_at date-time

The time the article was last edited in its displayed locale

results.user_segment_id integer

The id of the user segment which defines who can see this article

results.permission_group_id integer

The id of the permission group which defines who can edit and publish this article

results.content_tag_ids array of string

The list of content tags attached to the article

results.label_names array of string

An array of label names associated with this article

results.body string

HTML body of the article

results.snippet string

HTML snippet of the article

results.result_type string

Type of Result


Name Path Type Description
value array of Table