Compiler Warning (Level 1) C4733
Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0' : handler not registered as safe handler
A function modifying the value at FS:0 to add a new exception handler may not work with Safe Exceptions, because the handler may not be registered as a valid exception handler (see /SAFESEH).
To resolve this warning, either remove the FS:0 definition or turn off this warning and use .SAFESEH to specify the safe exception handlers.
The following sample generates C4733:
// C4733.cpp
// compile with: /W1 /c
// processor: x86
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
void my_handler()
printf("Hello from my_handler\n");
int main()
_asm {
push my_handler
mov eax, DWORD PTR fs:0
push eax
mov DWORD PTR fs:0, esp // C4733
*(int*)0 = 0;