
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

ChartValueType Enum


Specifies value types for various chart properties.

public enum class ChartValueType
public enum ChartValueType
type ChartValueType = 
Public Enum ChartValueType


Auto 0

Property type is set automatically by the Chart control.

Date 9

The Date portion of a DateTime value.

DateTime 8

A DateTime value.

DateTimeOffset 11

A DateTime value with offset.

Double 1

A Double value.

Int32 3

A Int32 value.

Int64 4

A Int64 value.

Single 2

A Single value.

String 7

A String value.

Time 10

The Time portion of the DateTime value.

UInt32 5

A UInt32 value.

UInt64 6

A UInt64 value.

Applies to