This section provides reference information for LINQ to SQL developers.
You are also encouraged to search Microsoft Docs for specific issues, and especially to participate in the LINQ Forum, where you can discuss more complex topics in detail with experts. In addition, you can study a white paper detailing LINQ to SQL technology, complete with Visual Basic and C# code examples. For more information, see LINQ to SQL: .NET Language-Integrated Query for Relational Data.
In This Section
Data Types and Functions
Describes how common language runtime (CLR) constructs have corresponding expressions in SQL only where LINQ to SQL has explicitly provided a conversion in the translation engine.
Attribute-Based Mapping
Describes the LINQ to SQL attribute-based approach to mapping a LINQ to SQL object model to a SQL Server database.
Code Generation in LINQ to SQL
Describes how LINQ to SQL obtains meta information from a database and then generates code files.
External Mapping
Describes the LINQ to SQL external-mapping approach to mapping a LINQ to SQL object model to a SQL Server database. Provides the XSD schema definition for mapping files.
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