
Κοινή χρήση μέσω



revoscalepy.rx_dforest(formula, data, output_file=None, write_model_vars=False,
    overwrite=False, pweights=None, fweights=None, cost=None, min_split=None,
    min_bucket=None, max_depth=10, cp=0, max_compete=0, max_surrogate=0,
    use_surrogate=2, surrogate_style=0, n_tree=10, m_try=None, replace=True,
    cutoff=None, strata=None, sample_rate=None, importance=False, seed=None,
    compute_cp_table=False, compute_oob_error=1, max_num_bins=None,
    max_unordered_levels=32, remove_missings=False, use_sparse_cube=False,
    find_splits_in_parallel=True, row_selection=None, transforms=None,
    transform_objects=None, transform_function=None, transform_variables=None,
    transform_packages=None, blocks_per_read=1, report_progress=2, verbose=0,
    compute_context=None, xdf_compression_level=1, **kwargs)


Fits classification and regression decision forests on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel external memory algorithm.



Statistical model using symbolic formulas.


Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.


Either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the ‘.xdf’ file for storing the resulting node indices. If None, then no node indices are stored to disk. If the input data is a data frame, the node indices are returned automatically.


Bool value. If True, and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the output file in addition to the node numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables will also be written out.


Bool value. If True, an existing output_file with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.


Character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.


Character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.


A vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all variables. When deciding which split: to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.


The minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is sqrt(num of obs). For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly.


The minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is min_split/3.


Numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least cp is not attempted.


The maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.


The maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how surrogate splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the algorithm; in some cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.


An integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process: 0: Display-only; observations with a missing value for the primary split variable are not sent further down the tree.

1: Use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing, the observation is not split.

2: Use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing or max_surrogate=0, send the observation in the majority direction.

The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the recommendations of Breiman et al.


An integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0, instructs the program to use the total number of correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large number of missing values.


A positive integer specifying the number of trees to grow.


A positive integer specifying the number of variables to sample as split candidates at each tree node. The default values are sqrt(num of vars) for classification and (num of vars)/3 for regression.


A bool value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement.


(Classification only) A vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class votes. The default is 1/(num of classes).


A character string specifying the (factor) variable to use for stratified sampling.


A scalar or a vector of positive values specifying the percentage(s) of observations to sample for each tree: for unstratified sampling: A scalar of positive value specifying the percentage of observations to sample for each tree. The default is 1.0 for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=True) and 0.632 for sampling without replacement (i.e., replace=False).

For stratified sampling: A vector of positive values of length equal tothe number of strata specifying the percentages of observations to sample from the strata for each tree.


A bool value specifying if the importance of predictors should be assessed.


An integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator. The default is random. For reproducibility, you can specify the random seed either using set.seed or by setting this seed argument as part of your call.


An integer specifying whether and how to compute the prediction error for out-of-bag samples: <0: never. This option may reduce the computation time. =0: only once for the entire forest.

0: once for each addition of a tree. This is the default.


The maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))). For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly. If set to 0, unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the ‘Details’ section for more information.


The maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.


Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.


Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.


Bool value. If True, optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will typically speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased.


None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.


None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.


A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.


Name of the function that will be used to modify the data before the model is built. The variables used in the transformation function must be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.


List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.


None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.


number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.


Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2: Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.


Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.


A RxComputeContext object for prediction.


Additional parameters


A RxDForestResults object of dtree model.

See also

rx_predict, rx_predict_rx_dforest.


import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method,
                     parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
                     n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
                     replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method,
                     parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
                     n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
                     replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)