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Invoice resources

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

The following invoice-related resources are available through the Partner Center APIs.


Property Type Description
id string The invoice identifier.
invoiceDate string in UTC date-time format The date the invoice was generated.
billingPeriodStartDate string in UTC date-time format Billing period start date in UTC.
billingPeriodEndDate string in UTC date-time format Billing period end date in UTC.
totalCharges number The total charges. Includes charges for transactions and any adjustments.
paidAmount number The amount paid by the partner. Negative if a payment was received.
currencyCode string A code that indicates the currency used for all invoice item amounts and totals.
currencySymbol string The currency symbol used for all invoice item amounts and totals.
pdfDownloadLink string A link to download the invoice in PDF format. This link isn't returned as part of the search results, and is populated only if the invoice is accessed by ID. This link auto-expires in 30 minutes.
invoiceDetails array of InvoiceDetail objects The invoice details.
amendments array of Invoice objects The amendments to this invoice.
documentType string The document type of the invoice: "Credit Note", "Invoice".
amendsOf string The reference number of the document of which this document is an amendment.
invoiceType string The type of invoice: "recurring", "one_time".
links ResourceLinks The resource links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.
collectionOfSummary array of TaxReceipt objects Gets or sets the tax receipt download link.
Status string Gets the invoice status, such as "active," "void," etc.


An invoice contains a collection of billed items, and each item is represented by an InvoiceDetail resource.

Property Type Description
invoiceLineItemType string The type of invoice detail: "none", "usage_line_items", "billing/_line_items".
billingProvider string The billing provider: "None", "Office", "Azure", "OneTime".
links ResourceLinks The resource links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


Each individual charge within an invoice is represented as an InvoiceLineItem.

Property Type Description
invoiceLineItemType string The type of invoice line item: "none", "usage_line_items", "billing/_line_items".
billingProvider string The billing provider: "None", "Office", "Azure", "OneTime".
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


Describes a summary of the balance and total charges of an invoice.

Property Type Description
balanceAmount number The balance of the invoice. This is the total amount of unpaid bills.
currencyCode string A code that indicates the currency used for the balance amount.
currencySymbol string The currency symbol used.
accountingDate string in UTC date-time format The date the balance amount was last updated.
firstInvoiceCreationDate string in UTC date-time format The date the first invoice for the customer was created.
lastPaymentDate string in UTC date-time format The date of the last payment.
lastPaymentAmount number The amount of the last payment.
latestInvoiceDate string in UTC date-time format The date the last invoice for the customer was created.
details array of InvoiceSummaryDetail objects The invoice summary detail.
links ResourceLinks The resource links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


Represent a summary of the individual details for an invoice type (for example, recurring, one_time).

Property Type Description
invoiceType string The type of invoice: "recurring", "one_time".
summary InvoiceSummary object The summary of the invoice per invoice type.


Represent a collection of type InvoiceSummary that contain the individual details for an invoice type per currency.

Property Type Description
collectionOfSummary array of InvoiceSummary objects The summary of the invoice per invoice type per currency.


Represents an invoice billing line item for licensed based subscriptions.

Property Type Description
amount string Gets or sets the total amount. Total amount = unit price * quantity.
attributes string Gets the attributes.
billingCycleType string Gets or sets the billing cycle type.
billingProvider string Gets the billing provider.
chargeEndDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the end date for the charge.
chargeStartDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the start date for the charge.
chargeType string Gets or sets the type of charge.
currency string Gets or sets the currency used for this line item.
customerId string Gets or sets the customer unique identifier in the Microsoft billing platform.
customerName string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the customer name.
domainName string Gets or sets domain name.
durableOfferId string Gets or sets the durable offer unique identifier.
invoiceLineItemType string Gets the type of invoice line item.
partnerId number Gets or sets the PartnerID associated to this line item. For direct resellers, this is the PartnerID of the reseller. For indirect resellers, this is the PartnerID of the Value Added Reseller (VAR).
offerId string Gets or sets the offer unique identifier.
offerName string Gets or sets the offer name.
orderId string Gets or sets the order unique identifier.
partnerId string Gets or sets the partner Microsoft Entra tenant ID.
quantity number Gets or sets the number of units associated with this line item.
subscriptionDescription string Gets or sets the subscription description.
subscriptionEndDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the date when subscription expires.
subscriptionId string Gets or sets the subscription unique identifier.
subscriptionName string Gets or sets the subscription name.
subscriptionStartDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the date when the subscription starts.
subtotal number Gets or sets the amount after discount.
syndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber string Gets or sets the syndication partner subscription number.
tax number Gets or sets the taxes charged.
tier2MpnId number Gets or sets the PartnerID of the Tier 2 partner associated to this line item.
totalForCustomer number Gets or sets the total amount after discount and tax.
totalOtherDiscount number Gets or sets the discount associated with this purchase.
unitPrice number Gets or sets the unit price.


Represents an invoice billing line item for usage-based subscriptions.

Property Type Description
attributes string Gets the attributes.
billingCycleType string Gets or sets the billing cycle type.
billingProvider string Gets the billing provider.
chargeEndDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the end date for the charge.
chargeStartDate string in UTC date-time format Gets or sets the start date for the charge.
chargeType string Gets or sets the type of charge.
consumedQuantity number Gets or sets the total units consumed.
consumptionDiscount string Gets or sets the discount on consumption.
consumptionPrice string Gets or sets the price of quantity consumed.
currency string Gets or sets the currency associated with the prices.
customerName string Gets or sets the customer name.
customerId string Gets or sets the customer unique identifier.
detailLineItemId number Gets or sets the detail line item ID. Uniquely identifies the line items for cases where calculation is different for units consumed. Example: Total consumed = 1338, 1024 is charged with one rate, 314 is charge with a different rate.
domainName string Gets or sets domain name.
includedQuantity number Gets or sets the units included in the order.
invoiceLineItemType string Gets the type of invoice line item.
invoiceNumber string Gets or sets the invoice number.
listPrice number Gets or sets the price of each unit.
partnerId number Gets or sets the PartnerID associated to this line item. For direct resellers, this is the PartnerID of the reseller. For indirect resellers, this is the PartnerID of the Value Added Reseller (VAR).
orderId string Gets or sets the order unique identifier.
overageQuantity number Gets or sets the quantity consumed above allowed usage.
partnerBillableAccountId string Gets or sets the partner billable account ID.
partnerId string Gets or sets the partner Microsoft Entra tenant ID.
partnerName string Gets or sets the partner's name.
postTaxEffectiveRate number Gets or sets the effective price after taxes.
postTaxTotal number Gets or sets the total charges after tax. Pretax Charges + Tax Amount
preTaxCharges number Gets or sets the price charged before taxes.
preTaxEffectiveRate number Gets or sets the effective price before taxes.
region string Gets or sets the region associated with the resource instance.
resourceGuid string Gets or sets the resource identifier.
resourceName string Gets or sets the resource name. Example: Database (GB/month).
serviceName string Gets or sets the service name. Example: Azure Data Service.
serviceType string Gets or sets the service type. Example: Azure SQL Azure DB.
sku string Gets or sets the service SKU.
subscriptionDescription string Gets or sets the subscription description.
subscriptionId string Gets or sets the subscription unique identifier.
subscriptionName string Gets or sets the subscription name.
taxAmount number Gets or sets the amount of tax charged.
tier2MpnId number Gets or sets the PartnerID of the Tier 2 partner associated to this line item.
unit string Gets or sets the unit of measure for Azure usage.


Represents the operations available on an invoice statement in application/pdf.

Property Type Description
httpResponseMessage object ByteArrayContent with contentType = application/pdf.


Represents an invoice billing line item for licensed-based subscriptions.

Property Type Description
PartnerId string Gets or sets the partner tenant ID.
CustomerId string Gets or sets the customer tenant ID.
CustomerName string Gets or sets the customer name.
CustomerDomainName string Gets or sets the customer domain name.
CustomerCountry string Gets or sets the customer country/region.
InvoiceNumber string Gets or sets the invoice number.
MpnId string Gets or sets the PartnerID associated to this line item.
ResellerMpnId int Gets or sets the PartnerID of the Tier 2 partner associated to this line item.
OrderDate DateTime Gets or sets the date when order created.
OrderId string Unique identifier for an order in the Microsoft billing platform.
ProductId string Gets or sets the product unique identifier.
SkuId string Gets or sets the SKU unique identifier.
AvailabilityId string Gets or sets the availability unique identifier.
ProductName string Gets or sets the product name.
SkuName string Gets or sets the SKU name.
ChargeType string Gets or sets the type of charge.
UnitPrice decimal Gets or sets the unit price.
EffectiveUnitPrice decimal Gets or sets the effective unit price.
UnitType string Gets or sets the unit type.
Quantity int Gets or sets the number of units associated with this line item.
Subtotal decimal Gets or sets the amount after discount.
TaxTotal decimal Gets or sets the taxes charged.
TotalForCustomer decimal Gets or sets the total amount after discount and tax.
Currency string Gets or sets the currency used for this line item.
PublisherName string Gets or sets the publisher name associated with this purchase.
PublisherId string Gets or sets the publisher ID associated with this purchase.
SubscriptionDescription string Gets or sets the subscription description associated with this purchase.
SubscriptionId string Gets or sets the subscription ID associated with this purchase.
ChargeStartDate DateTime Gets or sets the charge start date associated with this purchase.
ChargeEndDate DateTime Gets or sets the charge end date associated with this purchase.
TermAndBillingCycle string Gets or sets the term and billing cycle associated with this purchase.
AlternateId string Gets or sets the Alternate ID (quote ID).
PriceAdjustmentDescription string Gets or sets the price adjustment description.
CreditReasonCode string Gets or sets the credit reason code.
DiscountDetails string Deprecated. Gets or sets the discount details associated with this purchase.
PricingCurrency string Gets or sets the pricing currency code.
PCToBCExchangeRate decimal Gets or sets the pricing currency to the billing currency exchange rate.
PCToBCExchangeRateDate DateTime Gets or sets the exchange rate date at which the pricing currency to the billing currency exchange rate was determined.
BillableQuantity decimal Gets or sets the units purchased. For each design column named as BillableQuantity.
MeterDescription string Gets or sets the meter description for consumption line item.
ReservationOrderId string Gets or sets the reservation order identifier for an Azure RI Purchase.
BillingFrequency string Gets or sets the billing frequency.
InvoiceLineItemType InvoiceLineItemType Returns the type of invoice line item.
BillingProvider BillingProvider Returns the billing provider.
ProductQualifiers string The identifier to know Add-on or Trial purchases.
PromotionId string The identifier for retrieving promotion information.


Represents unbilled, billed reconciliation line items for daily rated usage.

Property Type Description
PartnerId string Gets or sets the partner tenant ID.
PartnerName string Gets or sets the partner name.
CustomerId string Gets or sets the tenant ID of the customer that usage belongs to.
CustomerName string Gets or sets the name of the customer company that usage belongs to.
CustomerDomainName string Gets or sets the domain name of the customer that usage belongs to.
InvoiceNumber string Gets or sets the ID of the invoice that usage belongs to.
ProductId string Gets or sets the product unique identifier.
SkuId string Gets or sets the SKU unique identifier.
AvailabilityId string Gets or sets the availability unique identifier.
SkuName string Gets or sets the SKU name for the service.
ProductName string Gets or sets the name of the product.
PublisherName string Gets or sets the name of publisher.
PublisherId string Gets or sets the ID of the publisher.
SubscriptionId string Gets or sets the subscription ID.
SubscriptionDescription string Gets or sets the subscription description.
ChargeStartDate DateTime Gets or sets the charge start date.
ChargeEndDate DateTime Gets or sets the charge end date.
UsageDate DateTime Gets or sets the usage date.
MeterType string Gets or sets the meter type.
MeterCategory string Gets or sets the meter category.
MeterId string Gets or sets the meter ID (GUID).
MeterSubCategory string Gets or sets the meter sub category.
MeterName string Gets or sets the meter name.
MeterRegion string Gets or sets the meter region.
UnitOfMeasure string Gets or sets the unit of measure.
ResourceLocation string Gets or sets the location of resource.
ConsumedService string Gets or sets the consumed service name.
ResourceGroup string Gets or sets the name of resource group.
ResourceUri string Gets or sets the uri of the resource instance that the usage is about.
Tags string Gets or sets the customer added tags.
AdditionalInfo string Gets or sets the service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
ServiceInfo1 string Gets or sets internal Azure Service Metadata.
ServiceInfo2 string Gets or sets service information, for example, an image type for a virtual machine and ISP name for ExpressRoute.
CustomerCountry string Gets or sets the country/region of the customer.
MpnId string Gets or sets the PartnerID associated to this line item.
ResellerMpnId string Gets or sets the Reseller PartnerID of the Tier 2 partner associated to this line item.
ChargeType string Gets or sets the type of charge.
UnitPrice decimal Gets or sets the price of unit.
Quantity decimal Gets or sets the quantity of usage.
UnitType string Gets or sets the unit type (such as 1 hour).
BillingPreTaxTotal decimal Gets or sets the extended cost or total cost before tax in local currency of the customer or billing currency.
BillingCurrency string Gets or sets ISO currency in which the meter is charged in local currency of the customer or billing currency.
PricingPreTaxTotal decimal Gets or sets the extended cost or total cost before tax in USD or catalog currency used for rating.
PricingCurrency string Gets or sets ISO currency in which the meter is charged in USD or catalog currency used for rating.
EntitlementId string Gets or sets the entitlement (Azure subscription) ID.
EntitlementDescription string Gets or sets the entitlement (Azure subscription) description.
PCToBCExchangeRate string Gets or sets the pricing currency to the billing currency exchange rate.
PCToBCExchangeRateDate DateTime Gets or sets the pricing currency to the billing currency exchange rate date.
EffectiveUnitPrice decimal Gets or sets the effective unit price.
RateOfPartnerEarnedCredit decimal Gets or sets the rate of partner earned credit.
HasPartnerEarnedCredit bool Gets or sets is partner earned credit applied.
RateOfCredit decimal Gets or sets the rate of credit for the given credit type.
CreditType string Gets or sets the type of credit.
InvoiceLineItemType InvoiceLineItemType Returns the type of invoice line item.
BillingProvider BillingProvider Returns the billing provider.