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Azure Marketplace listing guidelines

This article explains the requirements and guidelines for listing new offers and services on Azure Marketplace. All offers must meet the listing requirements described in this article. Use the links on the right to navigate to requirements and checklists for specific offer types.

Listing requirements for most offers

No. Listing element Base requirement Optimal requirement
1 Offer title Briefly describes the solution offering. Matches the online promotion of the solution on the partner's website. Contains key search words.
2 Logo The logo displays correctly. The logo displays correctly.
3 Offer description
  • Contains 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Solution offering is easily understood at a glance.
  • Is free of spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Is comprehensive and captures target audience, type of user, and why it's valuable (value proposition).
  • Is in paragraph narrative form with short sentences that are easy to understand.
  • The target industry is outlined (if relevant).
  • Good style formatting, with each paragraph heading having a single sentence or phrase summarizing the content that follows and using bullet points, when appropriate, to emphasize key benefits. The objective is for the reader to understand the offering at a glance in an easy-to-view format and not have to read long paragraphs.
  • There's spacing between each paragraph. It reads like a car brochure. That is, it's comprehensive and describes the offering simply, without technical jargon.
4 Categories and industries
  • Categories and subcategories must match offer capabilities
  • Don't select categories/subcategories that don't fit with your offer capabilities.
  • Select up to two categories, including a primary and a secondary category (optional).
  • Select up to two subcategories for each primary and/or secondary category. If no subcategory is selected, your offer will still be discoverable on the selected category.
5 Images
  • Image requirements are listed in Partner Center.
  • Text included in the screenshot is legible, and the image is clear.
The solution offering is easily understood at a glance.
6 Videos
  • No video is required but, if provided, it must play back without any errors.
  • If provided, it might not refer to competitor companies unless it's demonstrating a migration solution.
  • Ideally, the length is 3 min. or more.
  • The solution offer is easily understood through video content.
  • Provides demo of solution capabilities.
7 List status (listing options)
  • Must be labeled as one of the following types:
    • Contact Me
    • Trial/Get Trial Now/Start Trial/Test Drive
    • Buy Now/Get It Now
Customer can readily understand what the next steps are:
  1. Try the Trial.
  2. Buy Now.
  3. Contact via email or phone number to arrange for Proof of Concept (POC), Assessment, or Briefing.
8 Solution pricing Must have solution pricing tab/details, and pricing must be in the local currency of the partner solution offering. Multiple billing options should be available with tier pricing to give customer options.
9 Learn more Links at the bottom (under the description, not Azure Marketplace links on the left) lead to more information about the solution and are publicly available and displaying correctly. Links to specific items (for example, spec pages on the partner site) and not just the partner home page.
10 Solution support and help Provide at least one of the following:
- Telephone numbers [1]
- Email support [2]
- All support methods are listed.
- Paid support is offered free during the Trial or Test Drive period.
11 Legal Policies or terms are available via a public URL.

[1] Doesn't apply to Consulting service and Power BI app offers

[2] Doesn't apply to Consulting service offers

Listing requirements for trial offers

No. Listing element Base requirement Optimal requirement
List status (Listing option) The link must lead to a customer-led Trial experience. Other listing options (for example, Buy Now) are also available.

Listing requirements for SaaS applications

No. Listing element Base requirement Optimal requirement
1 Offer title
  • Must consist only of lowercase letters, alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. The title can't be modified after it's published.
  • Describes solution offering.
  • Matches online promotion of solution on partner's website.
Contains key search words.
2 Technical information: Configuration
  • For software as a service (SaaS) apps, choose whether you want only to list your app or to enable customers to purchase your app through Azure.
  • Select the text that you want on your offer's acquisition button: Free, Free Trial, or Contact Me.
  • In the pop-up window, select only one applicable product if your app utilizes the technology: Cortana Intelligence, Power BI Solution Templates, or Power Apps.
3 Test drive Select Yes or No Customer can readily understand what the next steps are:
  1. Try the Trial.
  2. Buy Now.
  3. Contact via email or phone number to arrange for POC, Assessment, or Briefing.
4 Online store details: Offer summary Appears on your app's search page, and has a maximum of 100 characters.
5 Online store details: Industries Industries (max. 2): Select the industries that your app is best aligned and applicable to.
6 Offer description
  • Simple HTML is allowed, including <p>, <em>, <ul>, <li>, <ol>, and header tags. Max. 3,000 characters.
  • Contains 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Solution offering is easily understood at a glance.
  • Description is comprehensive and captures target audience, type of user, and why it's valuable (value proposition).
  • Is in paragraph narrative form, with short sentences that are easy to understand.
  • Target industry is outlined (if relevant).
  • Good style formatting, with each paragraph heading having a single sentence or phrase summarizing the content that follows and using bullet points, when appropriate, to emphasize key benefits. The objective is for the reader to understand the offering at a glance in an easy-to-view format and not have to read paragraphs.
  • There's spacing between each paragraph. It reads like a car brochure. That is, it's comprehensive and describes the offering simply, without technical jargon.
7 Marketing artifacts Logos are displayed correctly.
  • Logos: Small (48 x 48 px, optional), Medium (90 x 90 px, optional), and Large (from 216 x 216 to 350 x 350 px, required).
  • Screenshot (max. 5): Requires a .PNG image with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels.
8 Categories and industries
  • Categories match solution offering capabilities.
  • Select at least one item in the pop-up window.
  • Don't select categories that the solution doesn't fit.
  • Optimal industry, or all industries selected (if not optimal industries).
Max. 3 categories selected, if applicable.
9 Lead management Select the system where your leads will be stored. See get customer leads to connect your CRM system.
10 Contacts: Solution support and help
  • Engineering contact name: The name of the engineering contact for your app. This contact will receive technical communications from Microsoft.
  • Engineering contact email: The email address of the engineering contact for your app.
  • Engineering contacts phone: The phone number of the engineering contact. ISO phone number notations are supported.
  • Support contact name: The name of the support contact for your app. This contact will receive support-related communications from Microsoft.
  • Support contact email: The email address of the support contact for your app.
  • Support contact phone: The phone number of the support contact. ISO phone number notations are supported.
  • Support URL: The URL of your support page.
  • All support methods are listed.
  • Paid support offered free during the Trial or Test Drive period.
11 Legal
  • Privacy policy URL: The URL for your app's privacy policy in the Privacy policy URL field in the CPP.
  • Terms of use: The terms of use of your app. Customers are required to accept these terms before they can try your app.
Policies or terms are available via a public URL site.

Listing requirements for Container offers

No. Listing element Base requirement Optimal requirement
1 Offer settings
  • Offer ID: Max. 50 characters.
  • Publisher ID: Select it from the drop-down list.
  • Name: Max. 50 characters.
Mirrors the title style already available in the description. Avoid using long titles.
2 Plans The partner selects new plans. The title mirrors the title style already available in the description. Avoid using long titles.
3 Marketplace artifacts Logos are displayed correctly.
  • Logos: Small (48 x 48 px, optional), Medium (90 x 90 px, optional), and Large (from 216 x 216 to 350 x 350 px, required).
  • Screenshot (max. 5): Requires a .PNG image with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.
4 Lead management
  • Lead management: Select the system where your leads will be stored.
  • See get customer leads to connect your CRM system.

Listing requirements for Consulting service offers

No. Listing element Base requirement Optimal requirement
1 Offer title Must clearly list the service type and duration in the format Name: Duration Type (for example, "Offer Engagement: 1-Week Proof-of-Concept").
  • Doesn't repeat publisher name.
  • The title mirrors the title style already available in the description. Avoid using long titles.
2 Offer description
  • Ensure proper usage of Microsoft product names.
  • Offers marked as Price: Estimated must have a note at either the top or bottom to explain the variability (travel to client, number of servers being migrated, and so on).
  • Each offer type has description requirements, as follows:
    • Briefings need at least four or five bullets, with information about topics to be covered.
    • All workshops need an agenda.
    • All agendas must be broken down by day or by week, depending on the duration of the workshop.
    • Assessment, POC, non-training workshops, and implementation offers need deliverables.
    • Training workshops don't need deliverables, but they need a more detailed agenda with topics that will be covered.
  • Any offer has agenda and deliverables.
  • Offer includes a paragraph with context about the company providing the service in the top section.
  • Offer includes a paragraph about the value of the service itself as a top section.
3 Markdown formatting All offers must use Markdown formatting so that the offer renders properly when converted to HTML.
4 Categories and industries Categories aren't relevant.
5 List status (Listing option) Automatically listed as Contact Me.
6 Solution support and help Support and help aren't required.
7 Privacy policy and terms of use available Policies or terms aren't required.
8 Service types Ensure that the service type matches the title.
9 Competencies Must have competency in at least one of the following:
  • Application Development
  • Application Integration
  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Cloud Platform
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Center
  • Data Platform
  • DevOps
10 Products Must be Azure products.
11 Country/region Ensure that the country/region matches the selected currency.
12 Learn more
  • Links at the bottom (under the description, not Azure Marketplace links on the left) lead to more information about the solution and are publicly available and being displayed correctly.
  • Links must have a "friendly name" and aren't displayed as the file name of any downloads.