Azure Files error codes
The following table lists error codes that an operation might return against the Azure Files service:
Error code | HTTP status code | User message |
CannotConvertToSddlDueToCustomAce | Bad Request (400) | Permissions can't be converted to SDDL due to the presence of custom ACE in the ACLs. |
CannotDeleteFileOrDirectory | Conflict (409) | An attempt has been made to remove a file or directory that can't be deleted. |
CannotVerifyFileSnapshotSource | InternalServerError (500) | Could not verify the file snapshot source within the specified time. |
ClientCacheFlushDelay | Internal Server Error (500) | The specified resource state could not be flushed from an SMB client in the specified time. |
ContainerQuotaDowngradeNotAllowed | Conflict (409) | Can't downgrade quota at this moment. Please check share properties for the next allowed quota downgrade time. |
DeletePending | Conflict (409) | The specified resource is marked for deletion by an SMB client. |
DeleteShareWhenSnapshotLeased | Conflict (409) | Unable to delete share because one or more share snapshots have active leases. |
DirectoryNotEmpty | Conflict (409) | The specified directory isn't empty. |
FeatureVersionMismatch | Bad Request (400) | Operation to access a resource on a file snapshot requires {0} or higher. |
FileGenerationMismatch | Conflict (409) | The file has been recreated since the previous snapshot was taken. |
FileInvalidPermission | Bad Request (400) | The specified file permission isn't valid. |
FileInvalidPermissionKey | Bad Request (400) | The specified file permission key doesn't exist in the share. |
FileLockConflict | Conflict (409) | A portion of the specified file is locked by an SMB client. |
FileOpenBySmbClient | Conflict (409) | The current file is open by an SMB client. |
FileShareAccessTierTransitionNotAllowed | Conflict (409) | Can't change access tier at this moment. Please wait for the current tier transition to complete. |
FileShareProvisionedIopsDowngradeNotAllowed | Conflict (409) | Cannot downgrade provisioned IOPS at this moment. Please check share properties for the next allowed provisioned IOPS downgrade time. |
FileShareProvisionedBandwidthDowngradeNotAllowed | Conflict (409) | Cannot downgrade provisioned bandwidth at this moment. Please check share properties for the next allowed provisioned bandwidth downgrade time. |
FileSnapshotCountExceeded | Conflict (409) | The total number of file snapshots with the same name is over the limit. |
FileSnapshotSourceSignedAccessNotSupported | Bad Request (400) | File snapshot source with signed access not supported without destination having signed access and vice-versa. |
HandleLimitExceeded | Bad Request (400) | The total number of handles open for the file is over the limit. |
InvalidContinuationToken | Bad Request (400) | The specified continuation token is invalid. |
InvalidFileOrDirectoryPathName | Bad Request (400) | File or directory path is too long. |
InvalidFileOrDirectoryPathName | Bad Request (400) | File or directory path has too many subdirectories. |
InvalidServerState | InternalServerError (500) | The server state is invalid. |
LeaseAcquireDuringShareDelete | Conflict (409) | Unable to acquire a lease on this snapshot because the share is being deleted. |
LeaseIdMismatchWithFileLeaseOperation | Conflict (409) | The lease ID specified didn't match the lease ID for the file. |
LeaseIdMismatchWithFileShareLeaseOperation | Conflict (409) | The lease ID specified didn't match the lease ID for the file share. |
LeaseIdMismatchWithFileOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | The lease ID specified didn't match the lease ID for the file. |
LeaseIdMismatchWithFileShareOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | The lease ID specified didn't match the lease ID for the file share. |
LeaseIdMissingWithFileOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | There's currently a lease on the file and no lease ID was specified in the request. |
LeaseIdMissingWithFileShareOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | There's currently a lease on the file share and no lease ID was specified in the request. |
LeaseLostWithFileOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | A lease ID was specified, but the lease for the file has expired or is released. |
LeaseLostWithFileShareOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | A lease ID was specified, but the lease for the file share has expired. |
LeaseNotPresentWithFileOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | There's currently no lease on the file. |
LeaseNotPresentWithFileShareOperation | Precondition Failed (412) | There's currently no lease on the file share. |
LeaseNotPresentWithFileLeaseOperation | Conflict (409) | There's currently no lease on the file. |
LeaseNotPresentWithFileShareLeaseOperation | Conflict (409) | There's currently no lease on the file share. |
ParentNotFound | Not Found (404) | The specified parent path doesn't exist. |
PreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer | Bad Request (400) | The previous snapshot can't be equal or newer than the target snapshot. |
PreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported | Conflict (409) | Differential List Ranges isn't supported on the previous snapshot. |
PreviousSnapshotNotFound | Conflict (409) | The previous snapshot wasn't found. |
ReadOnlyAttribute | Conflict (409) | The specified resource is read-only and can't be modified at this time. |
RenameAcrossAccountsAndSharesNotSupported | Bad Request (400) | REST Rename doesn't support renaming a file between different accounts or shares. |
RenameCannotOverwriteDestinationFile | Conflict (409) | REST Rename doesn't support overwriting this destination file. |
RenameDirectoryOperationNotSupported | Bad Request (400) | REST Rename doesn't support overwriting a directory. |
RenameCycle | Conflict (409) | Attempt to move directory to its subdirectory isn't supported. |
RenameDirectoryHasOpenFiles | Conflict (409) | Renaming a directory with open files isn't supported. |
S+19:52hareSnapshotCountExceeded | Conflict (409) | The total number of snapshots for the share is over the limit. |
ShareAlreadyExists | Conflict (409) | The specified share already exists. |
ShareBeingDeleted | Conflict (409) | The specified share is being deleted. Try operation later. |
ShareDisabled | Forbidden (403) | The specified share is disabled by the administrator. |
ShareHasSnapshots | Conflict (409) | The share has snapshots and the operation requires no snapshots. |
ShareNotFound | Not Found (404) | The specified share doesn't exist. |
ShareSizeLimitReached | Forbidden (403) | The specified share is full. |
SharingViolation | Conflict (409) | The specified resource may be in use by an SMB client. |
ShareSnapshotInProgress | Conflict (409) | Another Share Snapshot operation is in progress. |
ShareSnapshotCountExceeded | Conflict (409) | The total number of snapshots for the share is over the limit. |
ShareSnapshotNotFound | Not Found (404) | The specified share snapshot wasn't found. |
ShareSnapshotOperationNotSupported | Bad Request (400) | The operation isn't supported on a share snapshot. |
ShareHasSnapshots | Conflict (409) | The share has snapshots and the operation requires no snapshots. |
SmbShareFull | Forbidden (403) | The specified share is full. |
SnapshotAcrossSharesNotSupported | Bad Request (400) | The file snapshot source account and share must be the same as that of the destination. |
TotalSharesProvisionedCapacityExceedsAccountLimit | Conflict (409) | The total provisioned capacity of the shares can't exceed the account maximum size limit. |
XNfs4FileTypeUnsupportedException | Bad Request (400) | The operation isn't supported on the specified NFS file because of its file type. |
XNfs4ShareDeniedException | Forbidden (403) | REST request for this operation doesn't have appropriate permissions. |